300 seconds. American neutrality in the first years of the war in Europe. C. B. the economy failed to improve. B) the establishment of the U.N. Security Council. D. A. Ships that arrived at 11 p.m. on August 31, for instance, could be fined for bringing passengers from countries where the quota had already been filled; one hour later, on September 1, the passengers could enter under newly opened quota slots. d.) A. Insisting that a penny saved is a penny earned, Benjamin Franklin was well known for his___ ways. b.) C. National Expansion and Reform, 1815 - 1880, Great Depression and World War II, 1929-1945. Draw two lines under each verb. Immigrants from the Western Hemisphere, needed for US labor, were non-quota arrivals, exempted from the quota system. December 8, 1941 - Congress Declares War on Japan. He believed a joint offensive with the Soviets through Eastern Europe would be far more effective. Adolf Hitler declares war against the United States. "My factory converted its production lines to produce bombers, and we hired more workers. In the twenty years following 1945, there was a broad political consensus concerning the Cold War and anti-Communism. It allowed Germany to attack Poland with having to fight on two fronts. Why is Frank hopeful that the Nazi reign will end? While overall immigration into the United States did not increase, between 35,00040,000 DPs, most of whom were Jewish, entered the United States between December 22, 1945, and July 1, 1948, under provisions of the Truman Directive. A combination of presidential directives and congressional legislation aided other specific groups of refugees. A. a.) Classroom Materials at the Library of Congress. Shortly after entering World War II, the United States began the Manhattan Project to. D. He issued an order to desegregate the military. After the United States entered World War II, the military's needs quickly brought on a nursing shortage. C) destroy the nation of Japan. In this way, refugees and immigrants were still tied together in US immigration law. The United States did not sign the 1951 Refugee Convention. In 1940, Japan signed the Tripartite Pact with Germany and Italy, creating World War IIs Axis powers. A. Choose the statement that best reflects the experiences of African Americans after the United States entered World War II. B) the creation of a five-member Security Council. A) the American defense industry declined after the war. Planning for the post-World War II world began before the United States even entered the conflict. a.) Mario likes diving\underline{\text{diving}}diving best of all sports. B) provide the "Final Solution to the Jewish Question." What was the most important factor in Truman's decision to drop the first atomic bomb at Hiroshima? On June 5, 1941, diplomats abroad were cautioned that visas would soon be denied to applicants with close relatives remaining in German-occupied countries. The United States Enters World War II. Allied forces strategy during World War II. What did the dictators of totalitarian systems have in common? "Dear Mr. President," Nashville, Tennessee, January or February "Dear Mr. President," New York, New York, January or February Letter from Alan Lomax to Wilhelmina Waters, April 3, 1942. C) The Nazis' anti-Semitic propaganda campaign was popular in America. . We would like to thank Crown Family Philanthropies and the Abe and Ida Cooper Foundation for supporting the ongoing work to create content and resources for the Holocaust Encyclopedia. D. the Selective Service Act, What was the world reaction to these aggressive actions? Public opinion was more in line with Congress than Truman: an April 1948 poll showed that 53% of Americans disapproved of the plan to allow 200,000 displaced persons to enter, compared with 40% who approved. The 1921 quotas were enforced on Ellis Island, not at US consulates abroad. The most pressing threat, the Allieds decided in the beginning, was Hitler's Germany. To seize islands vital to Japanese transportation and communication. C. A) the end of the Great Depression. By capturing nearby islands, the U.S. could install military bases to keep Japan in check. D. This was the first time refugees gained distinct legal status under international law. C. legal Hundreds of thousands of liberated Jews, suffering from starvation and disease, emerged from concentration camps, hiding places, and places of temporary refuge to discover a world which still seemed to have no place for them. The 1967 United Nations Refugee Protocol expanded the 1951 Refugee Convention, which had originally limited the definition of refugee to people who had been displaced in Europe prior to 1951. A. Japanese attacks on U.S. ships trading with China. The Johnson-Reed Act also mandated that potential immigrants present their paperwork and receive US immigration visas at consulates abroad, prior to leaving for the United States. D) Germany was forced to fight a war on two fronts. Since 1980, the United States has had a defined procedure for carrying out the countrys agreed-upon duties under the protocol. After World War II, thousands of Nazis became informants in the Cold War against the Soviet Union and then got entry into the U.S. Eric Lichtblau's new book, The Nazi Next Door, tells the story. African American workers were paid the same wages as whites. What is the World War II? Facing History and Ourselves, "The United States Enters World War II," last updated May 2, 2022. D. As a result, the quota for the British Isles rose from 34,007 to 65,721, while the quota for Germany fell significantly, from 51,227 to 25,957. 3, Two days later, on December 11, 1941, Adolf Hitler declared war on the United States, and Benito Mussolini of Italy followed suit. "The government paid most of the costs for my company to convert to wartime production. To seize islands vital to Japanese transportation and communication The IRO ceased operations on January 31, 1952, as most of its work had been taken over by other organizations, most significantly the United Nations High Commission on Refugees, an office created in 1951. D. the Maginot Line. C. The safety of Japanese Americans was threatened because most of the Japanese American community lived in war zones. founded the United Service Organizations. More colleges and universities were built in the United States. The War Refugee Board B. C) The Nazis outlined their plan to systematically exterminate the Jewish population. C. Passive Prevention of Soviet expansion in Asia. expand world trade through the reduction of tariffs. D. Japanese Americans recruited from internment camps in the Southwest, Which promise made at the Yalta Conference did Stalin ultimately renege on? D. the establishment of internment camps for resident aliens. b.) A) the Nazi doctrine of Aryan racial superiority. What was the effect of Hitler's blitzkrieg tactics? b.) Audie Murphy famously received the Congressional Medal of Honor for B. Interventionists thought aid would bring us into war; isolationists thought aid would keep us out of the war. c.) To protect Australia from a Japanese invasion, a.) C. stable government During the course of these interviews, Library interviewers advised some interviewees that the interviews would not be broadcast. citizens." They feature a wide diversity of opinion concerning the war and other social and political issues of the day, such as racial prejudice and labor disputes. World War II, also called Second World War, conflict that involved virtually every part of the world during the years 1939-45. all of Japan's aircraft carriers were mistakenly directed to Guam. B) about 10 years Truman particularly criticized the fact that the bill restricted eligibility to people who had entered Germany, Austria, or Italy prior to December 22, 1945, effectively discriminating against Jewish displaced persons, many of whom had been in the Soviet zone of occupation and only traveled to western Europe later. Under this international treaty, a refugee was defined as, "a person who owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of his nationality and is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country; or who, not having a nationality and being outside the country of his former habitual residence as a result of such events, is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to return to it. (Later on, they would see them as a potential national security risk.) D) the division of Germany into communist and non-communist sectors. C. opposition to policies requiring racial segregation of factory workers. For this reason, the Library has edited the Washington, D.C., audiotapes and transcripts to remove interviewee names. a.) The war ended with the Axis powers' unconditional surrender in 1945. B) the course of the war turned in favor of the Axis Powers. Students consider how what they've learned about the rise of the Nazi Party influences their thinking about the essay prompt and practice making inferences. "We were forced by the government to move from California because they feared we might be capable of sabotage or espionage." C. A.It stated the United States would only accept an unconditional surrender of Germany. ", Choose the statement that describes an economic consequence of the United States as an "arsenal of democracy." They felt that Germany posed the greatest long-term threat to all parties involved. What was the primary goal of the U.S. strategy of "island hopping" in the Pacific? c.) The Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor because they wanted to Five million women entered the workforce between 1940-1945. C. . it effectively destroyed Japan's ability to launch airstrikes. Choose the statement that describes an effect of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. C) not have to listen to unfavorable views. B) the prosecution of Nazi war criminals in the Nuremberg Trials What events is the preamble referring to in this excerpt? D) The United States considered them enemy combatants. C. A. WACs worked in factories that produced weapons for the war effort. In his 1947 State of the Union, Truman stated, We are dealing with a human problem, a world tragedy. In his 1948 State of the Union, he argued for suitable legislation at once so that this nation may do its share in caring for homeless and suffering refugees of all faiths. D. a German airborne force who rescued Mussolini from a mountaintop fortress in Italy. C. recruit men for the military services. ensure cooperation between the major powers of the world. But now this isnt so bad anymore. d.) The 1953 Refugee Relief Act defined refugee (someone in a non-Communist country fleeing persecution), escapee (someone fleeing communism), and expellee" (an ethnic German forced out of Eastern Europe). Between 1933 and 1941, for example, roughly 118,000 German quota slots that could have been used went unfilled. The bill, Truman stated, reflects a singular lack of confidence by the Congress in the capacity and willingness of the people of the United States to extend a welcoming hand to the prospective immigrants.. On December 7, 1941 Japanese forces attacked Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, inflicting heavy casualties and severe damage to the United States naval forces anchored there. Then, tell whether the gerund is a subject, a predicate nominative, a direct object, an indirect object, or an object of a preposition. A. Roosevelt placed an embargo on Japan. Many of the scientists who developed the first atomic bomb as part of the Manhattan Project were What was the result of the Battle of the Bulge? How did WACs contribute to the American war effort? This request resulted in approximately four and one half hours of recordings that were used to create a fifteen-minute radio program for the Mutual Broadcasting System. A) They were still unaware of the death camps' existence at that point. The Nazi forces were crippled by having to use their reserve forces and supplies. "We arranged sit-ins and other protests around Washington, D.C., as a part of our Double V Campaign." American military officials knew that many Japanese soldiers would rather die than surrender. The Senate did not believe the emergency warranted this dramatic step but was willing to significantly restrict the number of immigrants allowed to enter the United States. Flushed with their success against Germany and Japan in 1945, most Americans initially viewed their place in the postwar world with optimism and confidence. a.) Example directobject\underline{\color{#c34632}{direct~ object}}directobject 1. In what periods was the Mississippi River a national boundary, and why was control of the river important for the United States? There were several well-publicized cases of Japanese American spies being caught operating in the United States. C. WACs sponsored fund raisers to purchase government war bonds. In 1948, President Truman demonstrated major support for the Jewish cause by The main idea behind the United Nations was to After a day the incident, on 8th September 1941, United States President Franklin Delano Roosevelt declared war on Japan and made its first entry into WW2. "The U.S. manufacturing sector produced less than the Axis powers did." The Refugee Act of 1980 remains in effect. A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4 2 d.) A. the federal government seized control of factories in order to increase war production. B) the Great Depression destroyed U.S. foreign trade. Before the Holocaust, approximately how much of Europe's Jewish population lived in Poland? B. the Tripartite Pact World War II started on September 1, 1939, with the German invasion of Poland. "The federal government encouraged us to continue producing consumer goods to keep American citizens happy. Both collections are included in this presentation. US consulates in Nazi-occupied territory shut down in July 1941. The principal belligerents were the Axis powersGermany, Italy, and Japanand the AlliesFrance, Great Britain, the United States, the Soviet Union, and, to a lesser extent, China. Did not destroy all ships/ On May 19, 1921, President Warren Harding signed the Quota Act of 1921 (also known as the Emergency Quota Act). President Roosevelt helped increase employment opportunities for African Americans when he Congress finally passed a Displaced Persons Act only reluctantly, and without public hearings. On May 24, 1924, Congress passed the Immigration Act of 1924, also known as the Johnson-Reed Act or the National Origins Act. They created a decoy army using cardboard tanks across the Channel from Calais. D. . C. it bought U.S. forces more time to focus on the war in Europe. As a result, the quota for the British Isles rose from 34,007 to 65,721, while the quota for Germany fell significantly, from 51,227 to 25,957. D) publish material opposing the government. One important effect of the D-Day invasion was that Between 1980 and 2018, more than 3,000,000 refugees have been resettled in the United States. A. Students reflect on the unit as a whole and begin to write a strong thesis statement for their essay. In 1951, the United Nations adopted the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, which has been signed by 145 nations. (spendthrift; thrifty). B. leading the charge at Omaha Beach during the Allied invasion at Normandy. One appeal of totalitarianism was the promise of: A) process the forced deportation of German Jews to other countries. He said, in part: The course that Japan has followed for the past ten years in Asia has paralleled the course of Hitler and Mussolini in Europe and in Africa. The United States did not sign the 1951 Refugee Convention, but did sign the 1967 United Nations Refugee Protocol, which removed those geographical and time limitations. They were chosen randomly. Building on the economic base left after the war, American society became more affluent in the postwar years than most Americans could have imagined in their wildest dreams before or during the war. The United Nations High Commission on Refugees assists member nations in establishing and carrying out procedures to process claims and review decisions. "Over 90% of us were relocated against our will to assembly centers during the war." How does Donne's tone in this meditation support the point he is trying to make? With war already raging in Asia, the invasion sparked a global conflict that lasted until 1945. C. It gave Germany new territory as the Soviets tried to appease Hitler. The United States signed the United Nations Refugee Protocol on November 6, 1968. Following the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the United States entered World War II and financed the Allied war effort, and helped defeat Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy in the European theater. "As a business owner, I had to begin to deduct a federal income tax from my employees' paychecks. What ultimately prevented the Nazis from conquering Great Britain in 1940? C. To secure an unconditional surrender from Japan, the United States dropped atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of _____ and ", Choose the statement that describes an economic consequence of the United States as an "arsenal of democracy." Why did Roosevelt and the other Allied leaders decide to pursue a "Europe First" strategy in the war? published this 12-page pamphlet after the U.S. had entered World War II. c.) ", c.) A) She refuses to imagine the alternative. This presentation was made possible with the generous support of the Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Institute and the New Deal Network. B. a.) C) transform "undesirables" into productive members of society. Throughout the 1930s, most Americans opposed changing or adjusting the Johnson-Reed Act, fearing that immigrants, including those fleeing persecution, would compete for scarce jobs and burden public services in the midst of the Great Depression. 6, 1968 turned in favor of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor because they wanted to Five women. From the Western Hemisphere, needed for US labor, were non-quota arrivals, exempted the... Protect Australia from a mountaintop fortress in Italy contribute to the American defense industry declined after the manufacturing. Other Allied leaders decide to pursue a `` Europe first '' strategy in the Southwest Which. 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