They convey information to drivers about, Their location on the interstate for navigation and emergency situations, When passing another vehicle, get through the other drivers blind spot as quickly as you can, A center lane between lanes of traffic traveling in opposite directions may be designated for, When you are turning from one-way street onto a two-way or divided street, always turn from, If you are on a single or two-lane road and come to an intersection with a divided highway or a roadway with three or more lanes, you must, Rain, snow and ice impair your ability to see ahead, so you must ___ to stop your vehicle safely, With any turning vehicle, the rear wheels follow a ___ than the from wheels, Shared center lanes that are marked on each side by a solid yellow and dashed yellow lines are reserved for ___ and can be used by vehicles traveling in either direction, On a four-lane divided roadway or a one-way road, a solid yellow line usually marks, If you are overtaking, you must pass on the left at a safe distance and do not ___ until the way is clear from the overtaken vehicle, Two sets of solid, double, yellow lines spaced two or more feet apart indicate, Before reaching the crest of a hill or entering a curve, you must ___ and watch for oncoming vehicles, Slow down, move to the right side of the road, On some roadways, some lanes reserved as "transit" are used for, If you double your speed on a highway, your braking distance increases by, ___ indicates the outside edge of the traffic lane, and may be crossed only by traffic moving to or from the shoulder, What are three types of intersections on the road, Before pulling out from a right-side parallel parking space you must, Check for approaching traffic and give a left turn signal, The distance a vehicle travels between the time the driver recognizes a problem and the time he/she applies the brakes is known as, How many feet does a car need to be parked away from an intersection. Never race through an intersection. When you pull away from the intersection, your vehicle starts to skid sideways. Unless otherwise posted, the speed limit for cars in a residential area is Look again for traffic. Always approach an intersection at a speed that allows you to slow down and stop if the light changes. You can use a three-point turn, Only where U-turns are permitted, and only if the road is too narrow for your vehicle to make a U-turn and you cannot go around the block, If your vehicle becomes submerged and you are not able to roll down the window to escape, you should stay calm, help your passengers stay calm, and. User: She worked really hard on the project. Violations of this law are punishable as a moving violation. Neither the driver nor the front seat passenger. You should = 15 * 3/20 Green Light: If you are turning left and you have a green light, the oncoming traffic has the right of way, and you must yield. Whenever an individual stops drinking, the BAL will ________________. What is a ideal situation for overtaking and passing another vehicle on the right? = 2 5/20 Know who has the right of way. As you approach an intersection, you see an oncoming car. Always signal before you turn or change lanes. (a) What is the ratio of the number of particles per unit area on the screen scattered at $10^{\circ}$ to those at $1^{\circ}$ ? The driver can legally exceed the speed limit, pass red lights and STOP or YIELD signs, go the wrong way on one-way streets and turn in directions not normally allowed. Only where U-turns are permitted, and only if the road is too narrow for your vehicle to make a U-turn and you cannot go around the block. Never make a left turn from the right side of the road, even if you are in a bicycle lane. You are required to leave an empty lane between your car and the emergency vehicle if it is safe, otherwise reduce speed to 20 mph, You can drive no faster than the posted limit and must drive below the limit if weather, traffic or road conditions are poor. At the intersection shown on the right, the signs and markings tell you if you are in the right lane, you may only turn right, and if you are in the left lane, you may either turn left or go straight through the intersection. 11:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m., unless you are driving to or from work. Sometimes, you will see a stop sign clearly in the distance as you approach it whilst other times there might be fog or other cloudy mist making it harder to see. You are stopped by a law enforcement officer for a traffic violation, and are found to have been reading text messages while your vehicle was in motion. Aim for the space behind the turning vehicle. If a law enforcement officer suspects your vehicle is not properly maintained or does not comply with Florida motor vehicle equipment standards, the officer Speed up or drop back so the other driver can see you. Unless otherwise posted, the speed limit for cars in a residential area is, You are driving on a multi-lane road or highway, and are approaching an emergency vehicle parked along the roadway with its emergency lights activated. Do not enter the roundabout when emergency vehicles are approaching. LEFT TURN FROM ONE-WAY ROAD INTO TWO-WAY ROAD: Approach the turn in the left lane. Controls should be incorporated during the following activities: ALL OF THE ABOVE. As you approach an intersection, an oncoming vehicle suddenly turns left in front of you. ALL TURNS FROM RIGHT LANE. Look for others who are not obeying traffic control devices or are not yielding the right of way. On a two-lane roadway, driving on the left side of the road in a No Passing Zone is: Allowed if an obstruction on the right side of the road makes it necessary, and only if the oncoming lane is clear. If in the roundabout, immediately exit the roundabout and pull to the side. Changing lanes in - or near - an intersection is potentially dangerous. increase the space between your car and the parked car. If you want to turn but end up in a lane marked for through traffic, you must continue straight through the intersection. increase the space between your car and the parked car. Brake hard and move to the left side of your lane. They will not be completely clear of the intersection before you arrive. Also, watch out for the driver next to you straying into your turning path. When pulling up to the intersection, keep a safe distance between your car and the car in front of you. Drive beside or just behind another vehicle, in their "draft", to improve your gas mileage. You are driving during rush hour, and your vehicle is in heavy stop and go traffic. We will focus on how to use roundabouts since these kinds of circular intersections are replacing the large, old-fashioned, and high-speed traffic circles or are being installed in many communities instead of intersections with traffic signals primarily due to their safety and operational benefits. . How much is a steak that is 3 pounds at $3.85 per pound. The most frequent cause of crashes at roundabouts is drivers who fail to yield before they enter. What questions about the product to be sold must an entrepreneur ask? Yield to oncoming traffic before turning. They will not be completely clear of the intersection before you arrive. Always drive a little slower than the speed limit, to make sure you never get a speeding ticket. You are driving in traffic on a road with two or more lanes in each direction. They come in many different designs, configurations, and sizes. Avoid driving in someone else's blind spot. You arrive at a crossroad with a green traffic signal. You must not drive with only your parking lights on, in place of headlights. Safely leave the lane closest to the emergency vehicle, or slow down to a speed 20 miles per hour below the posted speed limit. Here is a list of some of things you can do to keep yourself safe at intersections. If you are riding in a bicycle lane or on a multi-lane road, look and signal every time you change lanes. A vehicle entering a public highway from an alley, private road, or driveway must wait until the main road is clear. It is okay to rest your left arm on the open window and drive with only your right hand on the steering wheel. You should brake hard and move to the left side of your lane. The Weegy: A modal verb (also modal, modal auxiliary verb, modal auxiliary) is a type of auxiliary verb that is used to As you approach an intersection, an oncoming vehicle suddenly turns left in front of you. Pedestrians always have the right-of-way. Look ahead to make sure the traffic isnt stop. In Florida, you may be stopped by an officer for cell phone use if? Make the turn before you reach the center of the intersection and turn into the left lane of the road you enter. You can make a protected turn in the direction of the arrow . As you approach an intersection, an oncoming vehicle suddenly turns left in front of you. You are driving on a multi-lane road or highway, and are approaching an emergency vehicle parked along the roadway with its emergency lights activated. 20/3 The flashing yellow arrow may be used at any intersection at any time but the most typical use will be at intersections and times-of-day that have lower volumes, lower speeds and other favorable conditions. This eliminates the risk of head-on, left-turn, and right-angle crashes. A Do Not Enter sign. You should Weegy: You should brake hard and move to the left side of your lane. If another vehicle is passing you on the left-hand side of the road, allow the other vehicle to pass safely, and: Rectangular, black letters on white background signs are used as, Intersections not protected by stop signs, yield signs or traffic lights, If your engine dies as you pull around the corner, the best thing you should do is, Steer to the right side of the road and stop, A triangular orange sign on the back of a slow-moving vehicle indicates that, The vehicle cannot travel faster than 25 mph. Midnight and 7:00 a.m., unless you are driving to or from work. The Internet is a network, the World Wide Web is what it is 15. Anticipate the need to stop. To turn right, look left, straight ahead, right, and then left again to make sure there is no traffic coming. If you must pass, do so only when you won't interfere with oncoming traffic or the vehicle you're passing. Question 252: Passing a stopped school bus with flashing red lights and a stop signal arm can generate a fine of up to _____. = 2 1/4. You can use a three-point turn Yes, you can turn left, however you may still need to yield to pedestrians and oncoming traffic. = 2 5/20 Instead follow the pace of traffic so your actions are predictable. question 16~ As you approach an intersection, you see an oncoming car. Speed up or drop back so the other driver can see you, You are driving a vehicle that had an automatic transmission. User: Alcohol in excess of ___ proof Weegy: Buck is losing his civilized characteristics. Haydn's opus 33 string quartets were first performed for You are stopped by an officer for a traffic violation and are found to have been reading texts while your vehicle was in motion. Wait until there is room for your car on the other side of the intersection, do not ever wait in the center of the intersection. Amber lightson hazard vehicles such as snow plows and tow trucks,or the combination of amber lights and rear projected blue lights on hazard vehicles designed for towing or pushing disabled vehicles,warn other drivers of possible dangers. User: 3/4 16/9 Weegy: 3/4 ? Within 20 feet of a fire hydrant. The signs and markings here indicate you must turn right if you are in the right lane. Moving at less than 40 miles per hour. 6 2/3 Quick Tip: Do you know why youre supposed to stop for a full 2 seconds? Your email address will not be published. = 2 5/20 6 2/3 You are driving along an expressway with a speed limit of 70 mph. May stop your vehicle at any time for a vehicle inspection. Tailgating and rushing the light reduces the distance between you and the vehicle in front of you, increasing your risk of accident if they stop suddenly. You are preparing to drive a pick-up truck. Weegy: 15 ? |Score 1|Masamune|Points 91845| User: You are stopped at a multi-lane intersection, waiting for a green . As you approach an intersection with multiple turn lanes, if you need to change lanes, check your ________ in the direction you are about to maneuver. When the vehicle you are passing is making or about to make a left turn, All regulatory devices on the road instruct you, To stop, proceed in a certain direction, or limit your speed, If there is a driver tailgating you, you should NOT, When waiting to make a left turn, a driver must, If a tire suddenly goes flat while driving, you must, Hold the steering wheel tightly and keep the vehicle straight, If you are a licensed driver under the age of 17, you must be accompanied by a driver who is 21 years of age or older and holds a valid class E or higher drivers license, if you want to operate a motor vehicle between, 11 p.m and 6 a.m, unless you are driving to or from work, If a law enforcement officer stops a vehicle for a traffic violation and finds a front seat passenger 17 years of age or younger not wearing a seat belt, a seat belt violation will be charged to, On one way roads, yellow lines are used as, When approached by an emergency vehicle on a roundabout, Continue on and exit as normal, then pull to the right, When turning left from a two-way street onto a one-way street, you must, Begin the turn with your left wheel as close as possible to the yellow dividing line, When there are three or more lanes going in one direction on a highway, faster-moving vehicles should use, Reference markers are mile markers placed along the outside shoulder to mark the edge of the roadway. Green Arrow. Pedestrians will use crosswalks and splitter islands to cross each leg of the roundabout. The vehicles that display blue, green or amber lights are not authorized emergency vehicles. You should, You are preparing to drive a pick-up truck. Never run a stop sign, even if it looks like there is no one else at the intersection. Then check the vehicles on the left and the right, and oncoming traffic, making sure that your path is clear. You are free to proceed, as long as you yield to any traffic already in the intersection. You should, When you're on a highway and are planning to get off at the next exit you should, Slow down as soon as you get onto the exit ramp, Separates the traffic moving in opposite directions, On a two-way roadway with a center lane, drivers from either direction can make ____ on the center lane. It is important when turning left to avoid conflicts with vehicles turning left from the opposite direction. If you are stopped and then the light turns green, you must allow crossing traffic to clear the intersection before you go ahead. Oncoming traffic has the right-of-way. YOU now have the right-of-way. You should. You are driving on a slippery road in a car with Anti-lock Brakes (ABS). Get the CORRECT Answer. Solution Verified Create an account to view solutions Recommended textbook solutions Fundamentals of Electric Circuits 30 miles per hour. If you are hit from behind you won't be pushed into oncoming traffic. While you are not required to yield the right-of-way, you should yield as a courtesy if you can safely do so. when the light turns green, the car next to you tries to accelerate quickly, as though they want to race. What can you do? They will not be completely clear of the intersection before you arrive. Traffic going straight has a red and traffic turning left gets a flashing arrow.. It does not have a turn signal light on, but its wheels are turned slightly to the left. Whenever an individual stops drinking, the BAL will ________________. You can think of a divided highway as two, one-way streets. At a four-way stop, all vehicles must stop. Red flags. Watch for cross traffic, other cars may be running a red light or a stop sign. Aim for the space behind the turning vehicle. You should. You will know traffic on a particular street moves in only one The Weegy: A modal verb (also modal, modal auxiliary verb, modal auxiliary) is a type of auxiliary verb that is used to As you approach an intersection, an oncoming vehicle suddenly turns left in front of you. Note: Practice quizzes are available only for those sections of the manual covering rules of the road (Chapters 4 through 11 and Road Signs). What is the hand signal for a stop? If you want to go to a social event where you might drink alcohol, you should. Stop before you reach the right curb or any obstacle to the right curb or edge of the road. Try to bring your vehicle to a stop on the right side of the highway, with all four wheels still on the paved surface. You should: steer in the direction of the skid. You must attend a Driver Financial Responsibility course. See the example below. It's is against the law. As you approach an intersection with multiple turn lanes, if you need to change lanes, check your ________ in the direction you are about to maneuver. It is important that other highway users know your intentions. 20/3 I'm the NYS DMV Virtual Agent, Click me for assistance. If you follow these tips, you will be able to cross any intersection safely. The driver. You are driving in traffic on a road with two or more lanes in each direction. When you are driving in bad weather or bad road conditions, you should, You have booked a taxi to transport yourself and a two year old child. The vehicles in the roundabout always have the right of way. User: She worked really hard on the project. |Score 1|Masamune|Points 83008| User: You are driving on a slippery highway, and your car starts to . What is one way tectonic plate movement affects climate. = 45/20 "When a vehicle is in an intersection and its driver intends to turn left, the driver must yield the right of way to traffic approaching from the opposite direction that is in the intersection or so close as to constitute an immediate hazard, but having yielded and given a signal as required by sections 171 and 172, the driver may turn the Roundabouts are sometimes installed at the end of the ramp of interchanges. Although it is designed to help ease traffic situations, all the crossing and maneuvers that happen here create situations that can often lead to different intersection-related crashes. Anti-Lock Brakes ( ABS ) the traffic isnt stop or just behind another vehicle on the open and... 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