Later when i felt like ok i was ready, secure and had confirmed my feelings i went to him and he also had feelings to, but his recent breakup after me caused him commitment issues(as he says) and said that he wanted a relation with benefits as for now and if he felt comfortable we could take it to a relationship. So from there we reconnected. I guess I just want her to miss me and for her to realize that she should to be pushing me away. But the last 4months since I was honest when she asked shes beat me down to the point. I did not have a choice in the matter. That is the Assertive part of my work with people. I have been more the patient I have given him help offered support and tried to get him to quit. Being sorry isnt enough. I was asking and asking him to give our marriage a chance and Ill show him, but each time he said no he cant or no he doesnt want to try to save the marriage. It was difficult him being there. my concern is, if Sarah happens to be my ex, how should i go about this this time?. I dont want this anymore. we have been broken up over a month now. But we seemed to make up everytime. You must remind these things to yourself every day because you have no reason to be desperate. When we first started dating there was an incident where the woman from the previous relationship he was in, was impregnated by him, and she coincidently found out in the beginning of our relationship. It destroyed his trust. She is very ungrateful. And i really did alot of damage to him. So he cheated. Marty. I live with my girlfriend of 8 years and she says she loves me and wants to be with me but she never shows it, living with her is a nightmare, we Dont communicate, we are never intimate, she never listens to me when i tell her how much its effecting my state of mind, i feel so low ATM that i feel like ending my life. I didnt know how to handle all the tough times with him losing his job and being lazy and depressed so I nagged at him which created more arguing. My husband handed her the keys & walked away. It might also be worth it to talk to him. for 3 years everything was going awesome we were so in love seeing eachother all the time and always doing everything together and hanging out at the same friends house and then we started arguing about non sense and getting really jelous of eachother when nothing was even happening i sorta decided i got bored/tired of it and i broke up with her. But she wants to love me again and says im the best person ever, and she loves spending time with me. Do you think there is hope for a reinvented lonesome cowboy of New Orleans? Why not reach out to women that you meet and make new friends? Oh well. 4. I love this man really do I know I need to open up more.he needs to be at home with me be sweet my man is really hard on me he gets upset cause I dont talk to him about my goals or plans BUT I dont have any that he doesnt know. He is deep down a nice guy and I know he still loves me, but I cant return his feelings anymore. One thing I do know, I will never allow myself to love again. It actually happened three times, but after the initial make out, the next times it happened I backed away and told him that it was a bad idea. My gf and I were together almost 5 years and had a son together. I forgave him mainly because we werent together during that time, even tho it wasnt long. These are question he needs to hear. So I moved on and started dating and net someone really amazing, very ambitious, sweet, smart And about a month in a half later. Here is a list of crisis resources that may be helpful: Dear Dr. Deb, I loved him, just couldnt deal with the ex and the mom, tried telling him over and over that this was causing problems, he couldnt understand, kept saying he isnt interested in her. Any suggestions or ideas or advice is greatly appreciated. So I just found out that my boyfriend has been a sexting another girl for about a week. He litterly does nothing. Im just so lost, I need steps on to healing myself because Ive stopped eating(lost of appetite) and I barely get any sleep because I have dreams of them and I toss and turn like crazy, Im not as happy and joyful anymore, I just want to feel better and get back to my normal self. As such, he will see the difference. He just treated me like crap with little remorse, but I dismissed it because I was still head over heals in love with him. He hasnt. You know this blog is getting busysorry I couldnt answer everyone. but i messed up at the beginning of the relationship. Note that i do not call her. They married and had another baby within a year. A person experiencing dementia might display love and hate to their caregiver within the same few moments. 5 months into the relationship I found out he was messaging other girls when we were only dating for 3 months, when I confronted him about it he begged and pleaded and after a couple of days apart we spoke about it. i love him should i just keep proving myself to him or just accept its over? My Significant Other and I have been in a 3 1/2 year relationship. If you have some self-worth, you may temporarily be fooled into thinking that the lack of reciprocation of your love reveals a fundamental flaw in the other person. I do love him. shes a beautiful person inside and out and I love her so much. What about the one who falls in love with someone who was dishonest in the beginning? If you go on the first visit with him (which is common practice for marriage & family therapists) and insist on no confidentiality restrictions, then you will be able to know if he shows up at his sessions and is making progress. Dear Dr. Deb, I am now in therapy and dealing with my issues, should I let my wife go? Somewhere in your life, anger was acceptable. He also told me I didnt respect him,appreciate him, and I treated him like a child. Permission to publish granted to Meaning, is your bf more assured? Besides all of this negativity this is the happiest Ive ever been and this relationship has brought so my joy and light into my life. The key is to not work with a psychodynamic therapist which will take 30 years. They took him to the police station to sober up and calmed down. She could barely bring herself to hug me and a kiss was not even possible. Hello Dr Deb, id like to tell you about my problem, ive bin in a long distance relationship for almost 3 years, it had a lot of ups and downs, at one point she started distancing her self from me, with out telling me why. The general reaction of abusive people is that this is all they know and think its normal. To get him to even realize that there are things he should want to work on is to hold out the carrot of happiness. I always believe in the carrot over the stick. So what do I do if I have told my significant other of almost 7 years (2 children together 5 and 2) that I think Im not in love with him anymore but I still love him? my son needs both his parents and i i love him too, Hi Sandy Even if there was not another man in the picture I still believe Money or lack there of is not a reason to stay with a man who doesnt love and respect you like he should. Well, there is a way. Thanks for your time. Im so lost. I have a bit of a quirky personality where my heart and intentions mean well but sometimes maybe I come off as hard to read. HELP, I REALLY AM TRYING. I wonder if he can ever fall in love with me again. but I cant let go of him cos i knew he is the one in my life. Could I have your opinion on the whole situation, thanks. But about a week after that, we sat down and talked and it was the best conversation weve had in a long time. I have been married for 21 years to a great man. Can the spark of my kiss be there again? From a happy and positive person that I have always been I turned into a miserable woman. He denied hooking up for sex with anyone in reality. I truly am sorry for the way I treated her and I never want to hurt get like that again. Wow. It appears that he says he wants to try, but he isnt really even trying. And maybe, just maybe, theyll come around and run right back home and into your arms. After that he said we can be friends maybe more as what we had was amazing. Recently i found and tried a program called the language of desire. and i look like a liar and a cheater. The one thing I wish I could change about him is his inability towards insight. WE literally had a wonderful six months before this one fight. My boyfriend is thirty, eight years older than me. I call her about an hour after the first argument, I apologize and tell her that I made a huge mistake in arguing about my clothing, she thanks me for the apology, but says shes not taking me, even though I said I could go, dress formally and had apologized. We have had a lot of talks about how he now understands what I was feeling in the past and he has gone above and beyond to show that he loves me, that he treasures me, that Im the most important thing in the world to him. I decided to give him space , no talking or texting for a DAT , just to see if he would miss me. I have since apologized, and asked for her forgiveness, not asking for an answer, just wanting her to think about it. What I advise is a really, really competent therapist who will work with the two of you together to help him turn on his feelings (which means helping him overcome his early learning to turn them off). This is so unlike him. How can I make him forgive me for what I did and how can I make him,fall for me again :( HELP ASAP ;(. Dr. Deb, I am 62 yrs old and have reconnected with someone that I spent 10 yrs with after my divorce 30 yrs ago. I ask her if she is seeing anyone and she says no but i dont believe she is honest. I have been in a fully committed relationship for 2 years. Three days later after much soul searching, and some advice from a good friend, I have realized that I am mostly at fault for where we are now. However I understood that she o ices with her man and his parent. Home Terms of Service Privacy Policy Sitemap Subscribe to The GoodTherapy Blog. how can i call his attention? He could sleep with all the women he wants as he probably is doing right now but Ill love him still. Hello, Out of blue she called me this Monday February 20 early in the morning on my way to work. I understand what he was trying to do. This makes it important that the location of your first date should be one where both of you can be at ease and someplace that does not intimidate either of you. Can I ever trust him again? Then I would take that information and have a heart to heart talk about your sex life with your husband and where you want to go. But he did not feel the same way in the begining of our relationship, which i can understand why. Hi Deeksha Someone told her I cheated on her and it is NOT true. He is still using and is openly having sex with multiple people. Then she said she had to go we will talk more tomorrow. Because by telling her this, you validate her feelings without putting any pressure on her to do anything at all. However, I still mourn the loss of my marriage, and what I SHOULD have had. Etc, etc. If I should tell him, how would I assuage that conversation? I want to let go of this resentment I have for him but when we argue it all comes back. On the other hand, he seems to be stuck in a pity party. Then texts 20mins later saying she is confused and doesnt know what she wants. Everything I told him er was from my heart. The last year i found myself crying each time after we had sex (which was rare) and i kept saying things these past few years to hint that babies or marriage is not for me-Just didnt want to rock the boat i guess, i was okay in a way just passing time without dealing. Stay away from this guy. sometimes we dont argue and we talk about the arguments and we both vow to do better and it goes right back to square one. Then, after he promises everything and you move, and he does not love you any more, now you love him so much. I am trying my absolute best to save my relationship. Im not a quiter but maybe im going too far? His love saved me. I realize now I pushed him to do some things he did not want to do and did not respect or consider him like I should have. I love himI just dont want to hurt from the past or not trust a word he says but I do and it kills me everyday. He should have THANKED you for teaching him a valuable life lesson: dont be abusive. Any advice on what I should do? He came into my life unexpectedly. Im struggling with communication issues with my partner. He doesnt want me to talk to him. Im so lost. I used to live with him, in his arms every night. If it is someone fresh out of school, she or he will not have the expertise you need. A side my husband hadnt seen and didnt like. You guys were fooling around and having fun. This other lady is not an issue as she and I are friends and she js currently with her husband in another country. You may have felt too low a sense of self-esteem to select properly the first time so you would benefit from work on your self esteem. I noticed he liked to talk about sex,a topic that doesnt interest me. He would be the LAST person you would think. During such heated moments, you may find each other highly repulsive. Help. I miss him he misses me he comes back and the argument s over bills and his kids happen all over again. Hi, the first 2 months of my relationship with my bf, i like him a lot because he know how to treat a woman, and he is very blunt and direct with what he want and how he feel. 15 First Date Ideas that Can Spark a Love Connection Finally, I realized that it wasnt the fact that I was a mean drunk, it was the fact that we had no time apart, that i was selfish when it came to him going out with his friends, that i was suffocating him, and he didnt realize it until i said itthat he wanted some alone time and that was the real reason we broke up. I say nice things and try and do nice things and I feel they arent appreciated. (He has never been fully emotionally present because of his PTSD). However, while shes on the phone with me, she quickly sent me email cursing me out thinking i have a lady by me. This ring is normally purchased prior to the proposal, and its really unique unity candle ideas purpose is to aligned with her wedding ring. Or should I even try? He was in a warzone. Me having to tend to our newborn. I am now forced to move on without him and even though it hurts more than anything Ive ever felt..There is a small sense of relief..I no longer have to wait for him to hurt me anymore, much less see him day in and day out with the knowledge he thinks Im alot of bad things. I brought us both down and it has destroyed everything we had. He accepted complete blame for his actions, begged for forgiveness, completely cut her off. I was stunned and heart broken. What I cant understand why things need to change now he knows?!!! but the other girl who means nothing to me is talking to the girl i love and telling her and telling her other stuff thats not true. At first I dismissed this saying No you have to go if you cant love me but then I got to thinking maybe this is an opportunity to show him I realize my weaknesses and that I realize I caused him to loose his since of self and rebuild things between us. Well I found out about a month later, that they were phone sexting. She said we needed space because we were arguing too much and we were. We are in relationship for 4 years. We met online as friends 5 years ago and fell in love. That hurt me deeply to hear that divorce was even a possibility in her mind. So, after 16 months, I have pushed him away for good. It was difficult at the time but we decided to stay together and try everything we could to fix our relationship. Words alone wont do it; its actions that matter. The first step to letting go is knowing how to do it. Its lots of girls across different SM accounts. He still doesnt see him doing anything wrong by spending all his time with his female friend. Me and my girlfriend are in a long distance relationship we been together for a year and a month and sometimes i ask myself am i losing feelings for her bc during the summer one day i got this weird feeling in my chest and it wasnt a good feeling at all it made me question myself and my relationship bc i told my gf i think im losing feelings bc the feeling didnt seem to go away and i felt really bad cause i think i hurt her .i left to go on vacation and we decided to go on a break so i could think the feeling kinda went away but then again it didnt wen i got bac from vacation we started talkin again and sum weeks or months later the feeling started coming bac its like a weight that on my chest or my chest is geting tight i still dont know what it is till this day bc sometimes it comes and sometimes it goes and somtimes it never goes away What im trynna say is am i losing feelings for her? He seems to be in selfish state of mind and thats okay, but dont call me friend or tell others that you still want to marry me and dont even act like it. Im trying to be nice every now and then but he gets so sensitive and blows up at the slightest thing i do. She is being really adamant about not forgiving herself. This may require therapy or through exercises in a course (such as the one I will be bringing out in about 2 months) or self-help books. That said, we learned in school that two wrongs dont make a right. Im feeling really anxious but this article has given me some hope. I had stayed faithful since that mistake and did all I could to build trust and be as opened as possible. However, after that I developed some major trust issues. he is 24 and i am 32, he know about it but i cant help but feel that the age gap is too big. But he is not willing to forgive me and one more chance to our marriage. Before we became official we were casually dating for about 4 months. Hi Dr. Deb, You have opened up your soul; youve been vulnerable, and what did you get for it? Dont let yourself follow their bunny trails. My response I regret was hey you will probably break up with me for this, but is it too late for you to ask a friend to attend? We talked immediately on the phone and it was an argument that I can explain as follows: My point was, does it really matter if my shirt is tucked in, wearing formal clothing OR do you really need me to be formally dressed? Our family. We were so much more than that. To change the person you are, you would have to stop the abusive behavior but also stop the needy and victim feelings that underlie it. I have been married for 12 years next week. I know that I will never stop loving her and in my mind, love is absolute. Then in July I found out I didnt get into a grad program I had my heart set on. She seems more open to have a laugh, when I talk about the future it doesnt seem to have entered her mind that Im not in it. 1. Be found at the exact moment they are searching. I landed in jail. Dump the guy if he is more concerned for himself than you. She says she hated ma, and was afraid to hate her husband, she felt she was walking on egg shels and all that, then this summer she tells me she is DONE! I love this woman with every ounce of my soul. If the bad stuff was present and the good stuff was missing, then what I recommend you do is sit down with your husband and discuss it. It seems that an emotion with a high arousal effect can quickly turn from positive (love) to negative (hate). But you cannot be his therapist. Since June of 2016 we have been seeing a marriage counsellor and that has helped somewhat. . Therapy helps and , as I said earlier, I recommend it. I dont like that. He has never been married and had no kids. So the way to avoid that is to always keep a barrier of some kind between you. What makes it worse is that from talking to him, there are no signs, or anything. so over the course of 2 or 3 months Ive had this gut feeling that she wanted to move to Texas also. I love him with all my heart and getting married was all I have ever wanted from him but I had a strong gut feeling that I wasnt who he truly loved. Thank you. It was wrong lying to him in the first place and I regret it. I dont understand how to win him back nor how to live without him. I know he would want to move very slowly if theres even a chance for us but that was very upsetting to hear. Am I being a mug or can his feelings towards me change, he has said he despises me so why is he still wanting sex ? Could it be that someone has planted the idea that life just cant be good? Hes had a hard life growing up.he has gone through emotional physical and sexual abuse since hes very young. im loosing my best Friend, soulmate and the love of my life, my home, ive no Friends to speak of, no job? Show them why something is the way it is. I feel like im missing out on my 20s, and the thought of spending my life with him terrifies me as much as the thought of him leaving. I know I have a long long way to go but I truly believe that the longer I am my old positive consistent self there is no reason why she wont fall in love with me again. When she apoke all she said was that she feels like I dont even like her anymore. (Incidentally, if you dont see this, you do have to plumb the depths to find it. Ill tell myself that Im over it but he hasnt changed anything to make me feel like this time around, things will be different. Im giving up on trying!? I am very proud of him for getting a great job and more money for our bills and to save for the future. she has said that she felt this way for almost 2 years. okay Every. You need to BOTH make an effort to give to one another. What can i do to regain back his trust and love ? Since then I have turned all of that around but it was still very up and down for a long time. I tried to stop him and even sent CVs for him here in Portugal without telling him. 3 months later, he contacted me and wanted to explain himself. Enter your ZIP code here to find a list of professionals in your area: We went. She was a blogger who wrote about food and parenting. They'll never leave each other. my wife and I were married in May of 2013. I only saw him when skiing only ever once did we go out for a meal in evening as he would need to give reason for going out which wasnt a problem! Am I crazy for trying, Should I end it now, Should I continue trying to get it back, Does this happen to other couples? Were in a long distance relationship and for the past year, Ive been treating him like a dog. I dont think you really, really know who he is deep down and I dont think he does, either. This was on Monday. Do you have any suggestions or help you can provide? Thats good you are in therapy. I have developed a very intense course in all of this which will shorten the process, but the bottom line is that until you have gone through what I describe above, you havent really worked through these past issues. for me to wake up, for me to finally have a thing I could point to without being told I was crazy or making mountains out of molehills. Suppose we project into the future. He had a rough upbringing and there was no solid male figure in his life to teach him how to really love. Drug use is often a way to hide or escape from old emotional pain. i left him for a year, during that year he became more responsable got a better job that he was motivated about and he was giving the kids a real dad. Ever since I caught them, she confessed and has been feeling very guilty. I am far from perfect but I love him and really want him back. This just goes to my question does this mean its no chance of saving my marriage. 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