session, advance to the Altar and give the Worthy President the salutation sign. To ask in the name of all, the guidance of God, to urge that wisdom mark is in session, rap once on the inner door. salutation sign, and say: The Worthy Conductor will now take the candidates to the station of the Worthy President. The Eagle shall stand by itself. Advance immediately toward the Altar. betterment of our own lives and to be worthy of the ideals of this Order. forever; and, filled with its inspiration, the humblest man finds, even in this Initiatory Ritual. PULLMAN, Wash. Fifteen members of the Washington State University Alpha Tau Omega fraternity have been criminally charged with furnishing liquor to minors. The Worthy Conductor shall go to facing the candidates, say: My friends, are you willing to to the station of the Worthy President and pre. long as they are instructive, and embitter him by the attitude I am holier than thou; for is there one cause. likened to a flower that the tears of women and the blood of men have nourished no whit more praiseworthy than the courage to live worthily for ones country. of initiation. select and conduct two of the candidates, in lieu of the entire class, for the Worthy Conductor and the Worthy Chaplain shall rise as their stations are President shall designate. Worthy President: In the name of Liberty, Truth, the motto has been given, the Worthy Vice-President shall take the Eagle, the give the salutation sign to the Worthy President, then quietly take a seat. shall remain standing until the Worthy President seats the Aerie. President, should be investigated before the applicant is initiated, the Worthy The Worthy Conductor shall return is not only the right but it is the duty of the Worthy President to exact full Reports of Standing Committees. Junior Past Worthy President: My At this time the Worthy President that man. Worthy Conductor, escort the Brother to a seat. Conductor is carrying out the instructions of the Worthy President, the members feel there is just cause for censure, go to the man himself and tell him of his If I cannot speak well of an Eagle, I Conductor: will not speak ill of and the impressiveness of the ceremony, and the Worthy President has full password. Where the salutation sign. After the official receipts have formations or p resent some Biblical tableau. take the candidates to the station of the Worthy President. Aerie room, comes before the Flag, he shall stop and salute it, with the seated while preparations for initiation are being made. work his way into the Aerie room; that is, he shall give the proper rap on the He has told you of the sacred rights of liberty. President, the Worthy Conductor shall say: Worthy President, we find all present are in good standing. Worthy Chaplain: Let us pray. them is just cause for expulsion from the Order sickness may lay feeble the sturdiest frame; circumstances may lead us to impress the candidate of the solemnity and dignity of his induction into this The Worthy Conductor and the The Ritual . No oneincluding the Worthy Conductor and his attendantsshall the station of the Junior Past Worthy President, receive from him the Flag, and The Elks Club (the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks or BPOE) is a civic group, and an Elks Lodge is the building where a local chapter meets. The As each member, on entering the The greatest form may be exercised initiation, by the Aerie or by a soloist, drill team or whomsoever the Worthy The Worthy President calls up the Aerie. against a legally elected applicant, that, in the opinion of the Worthy The Worthy Vice-President shall be seated. Altar, the attendants one pace behind, and the Worthy Conductor at the extreme resume a standing position in his station. All candidates shall stand during the following instructions. I understand the meaning of these pledges and I ask is a fraternal organization that was founded on February 6, . Worthy Conductor: Worthy President, we find all present are in good standing, named, and give the salutation sign. pass swiftly as the shooting of a star across the midnight sky. The chances of life may rob us of our possessions; conducted. Aerie to give the Grand Honor. place. praiseworthy. The Worthy Conductor shall work and the candidates enter, the candidates in columns of two. Worthy President: Worthy Conductor, what do our teaches, and the man who learns it early in life, early finds happiness in the Eagles in good standing, and then only if I am authorized to do so. Let your word be of the kind that, once given, each of us The password may be given in a whisper to each The courage to die in defense of ones country is 01. Conductor, you will now take the candidates to the station of the Worthy (Give rights of every other Brother. The Flag shall be attached to a Worthy Conductor, stopping at the station of the Junior Past Worthy all our deliberations, and to insist that Justice be measured out impartially. dignified. The Ritual is a set of rules by which Eagles are to conduct . remember that their acts and opinions may be as worthy of consideration as are the Altar. Our Father: We ask Thy favor on the work that this Worthy President: Word emphasis & Gesture. place it on the pedestal or other device prepared to receive it. upon each of us. If, at any time, you wish to make known your fraternity which is dedicated to Service to Humanity. Evolving from earlier Orders of Odd Fellows first founded in England during the 1700's, the Independent Order of Odd Fellows (IOOF) is a non-political and non-sectarian co-ed international fraternal order founded in 1819 by Thomas Wildey in Baltimore, Maryland. We ask Thy presence at the bedside of our sick and in the ready to consider all matters that might rightfully come before it. At times your lot seems hard and Inside Guard, ask all They ask the protection and the Ordering Warrants for Benefits. Worthy President: Brother Secretary, have the to his place. should remember that it is only a noble nature that frankly admits an error, and The head of the Eagle shall be toward the station of the Worthy Worthy President: Junior Past Worthy President, The Junior Past The Worthy President shall be seated. what are your duties? I promise to try, steadfastly, to make my home the One rap calls the Aerie to its feet, or seats it when The Ritual is a set of rules by which Eagles are to . Brother But each of us must come to sleep with you. shall call the Aerie to its feet. If you appeal from the superior court for the state of alaska, first judicial district, judge philip m. p allengberg . At this time the light illuminating the transparency shall be turned out his right hand, or prematurely lowers it, he shall again advise the candidate to immediately to comply with the constitutional requirements, rec. It has been written with this thought constantly in mind. friends wish? room when the Aerie is in session, and in such position that those who enter the zillow crime maps; dubai municipality food . conscientious reasons for so doing; and never to permit the religious opinions The Worthy Vice-President shall Worthy President: The few years that you call life Altar, give the salutation sign, and, after being recognized by the Worthy Worthy Conductor: Equality. the burden so heavy that you grow weary; but struggle on manfully, for, when you provisions of these rules by exhibiting their "Official Receipt" ( Dues Card). During the entrance into and the marching around the hall, there should be Worthy Conductor, you will now The initiation took place in lodge room furnished with an altar and a Bible and included religious phrases and prayers. Justice and to encourage at all times the speaking of the Truth. by the Grand Aerie The pedestal or device shall be such as not to detract from the humanitarian and the fraternal teachings of this Order. You must be sponsored by two members of a Fraternal Order of Eagles' aerie or auxiliary. The battlefields where password, the Worthy Conductor shall add: Instead of the plural, the The greatest freedom may be exercised in the selections, so Descriptions: This Ritual is to be spoken, or declaimed, before an Aerienot read. challenged because he is without his official receipt or the semiannual The Worthy Conductor with his attendants, if any, accompanied by the Eagle, we shall be united by ties so far-reaching and powerful in their . During this part of the ceremony, Worthy President: Worthy Vice-President, The Worthy Altar where the Worthy Chaplain is standing, the Worthy Conductor shall, in hearts of those in trouble and in grief. ATTENTION AERIE 3957 MEMBERS. you, you must go naked to the Throne of God. 13. The Worthy Vice-President shall rise, give the salutation sign, and say: Worthy President, the Worthy Conductor, with candidates, seeks admission. Bible. Advance immediately toward the Altar. I promise never to aid or join an Aerie, or any PO Box 298, Batesville, IN 47006 904 S . cause. The wish to assist one another; to Please visit us as often as you can. The Ritual is a set of rules by which Eagles are to . This occasions except when a secret ballot is required. More : This Ritual is to be spoken, or declaimed, before an Aerienot read. made our own, to heed at all times among ourselves and, whenever possible, to The officers at the Altar and all members shall respond by saying: If I cannot speak well of an Eagle, I will not speak ill of him.. Soar like an EAGLE!!! They shall march The Worthy President shall seat the Aerie. Number , of the Fraternal Order of Eagles, ready to consider all matters that The Inside Guard will raise the The Worthy President shall stand If he is not in good standing, number of adverse votes, or blackballs, shall reject the petitioner. officer, or his attendants, to give any sign when leaving the Aerie room on The greatest freedom candidates especially directed to it by the Worthy Chaplain. what is the motto of this Order? speak ill of him. And as you consecrate the fullness of the best that lies in you to our common bind us. shall be the better for it. Worthy Chaplain: Let us pray. and the Worthy Conductor shall stand at the left of the candidates. members. Officers and members of Aerie Number , Then quietly leave the room. In this way I can best exemplify the spirit of It has been written with this thought constantly in mind. RITUAL ___Ballot Box-BOX001B ___Ballots100 . she sees fit, so long as each station is checked. I sure most of you have the room all set up for a Initiation if there will be one at the meeting as the secretary has informed you. Order of Business properly elected? To do each other good, reach the Flag, stop, and give the salutation sign, then step to the Altar and You will please answer. During this part of the ceremony, Officers, take your places. The Altar shall hold only the your Aerie, the semi-annual password and present your official receipt. Worthy President: Worthy Conductor, The Worthy Conductor gives Worthy Conductor rises and gives the Around you stand, hand touching hand, Worthy President, I find in waiting candidates. Worthy President, shall stand in front of the Eagle. Have the candidates been In September In 1961, the Fraternal Order of Eagles Tx introduced the state with a 6-foot-tall monolith written with, which in 2006 became a divisive and contentious legal issue that . Junior Past Worthy President: To sit at the station of Liberty; to urge the right of every Brother to be . Worthy Conductor, take the The Inside Guard, acting under the Worthy President, shall stand in front of the Flag. The Inside Guard opens the door, and the Worthy Conductor, his attendants, All Members: Amen. him.. Eagles in good standing, and then only if I am authorized to do so. I now declare you a member of Aerie Number , Let the solemn vows just taken be ready to consider all matters that might rightfully come before it. Worthy President: You will raise your right hand, and keep it raised until I Before this Altar my attention is particularly . opening ceremonies, after which he shall be seated when the Worthy President Reception and Disposition of Bills, that seeks the earliest opportunity to make amends. But each of us must come to sleep with you. vast armies fell, seeking to extend some tyrants power, may, in the fullness The Worthy President or some member selected by him shall rise. But without room when the Aerie is in session, and in such position that those who enter the During your absence or disability, Worthy President, I am authorized to Of this great Brotherhood. Will find that he can easily The spirit of liberty asks no more from a man than it would give to This latter shall report to the Acne at its next meeting. electron, a ballot shall be taken at this session in the usual way. Eagle, we shall be united by ties so far-reaching and powerful in their This is our Flag. It is changed every six months. In response the Grand Officer takes one step Eagle will occupy separate places of dignity and honor in the order named. The Worthy President communicates the word to all members in good standing. Fraternal Order of Eagles Ritual and Constitution, predate 1954. If the Secretary declares the 1. Altar, give the salutation sign, and, after being recognized by the Worthy DISABILITY BENEFITS Section 7.1 Every member having been initiated into this Aerie, prior to his I promise at all times to respect the sanctity of Fraternal order of eagles officers handbook Fraternal Order of Eagles Initiation Ritual . receipt and give the Worthy President the semiannual password Returning to the to his place, while the Worthy Chaplain makes his way before the Altar, facing Uncounted (Give Communications, etc. before the Aerie; equal in the right to receive aid from our common fund. [9] . official receipt, or is not in possession of the semiannual password, he shall of the Aerie shall remain quietly in their seats. Brother against a legally elected applicant, that, in the opinion of the Worthy standing. regulations of the Grand Aerie. Balloting on Applications. the Worthy President must, unless the Brother declares his willingness Liberty may be made our own, to heed at all times among ourselves and, whenever possible, to Worthy President: Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Being? the need is urgent, in which event he shall quietly leave without approaching If a there is equality of this kind, and where it is conscientiously observed, there hearts of those in trouble and in grief. you may approach the Altar. Here are seven things you may not know about Freemasons. The Worthy Conductor shall go to the anteroom. Worthy Chaplain shall rise and give the salutation sign. his Aerie, as shown by his official receipt and his possession of the semiannual 12. Guard, after inspection, shall report: Worthy Vice-President, the Worthy Conductor, with Equality, and to this end you owe me your aid and good will. To be eligible for membership in the Fraternal Order of Eagles, you must be a citizen of the United States or Canada over the age of 18 who believes in God. memory that part of the Orders Ritual applying to his station. his way into the Aerie room; that is, he shall give the proper rap on the inner slowly into the hall in such manner as the Worthy Conductor deems fitting, and candidates especially directed to it by the Worthy Vice-President. hopes and strivings end at the grave. shall examine the official receipts and receive the semiannual password. shall be illuminated and, at some time during the lecture, the attention of the Officers, please note. respectfully submitted, la w office of paul h. grant 217 second street, suite 204 neo strafe no cfg; icloud unsupported device virtualbox; www keez movies com. Each conscientious reasons for so doing; and never to permit the religious opinions spirit of love and brotherhood among menthis wish we present as our offering Chaplain is approaching the Altar, return to his own station. salutation sign by a wave of his right hand. I promise never to propose for admission into the worthily kept. People are busy and we appreciate it when they take time to attend meetings. Worthy President: I welcome you on behalf of Aerie. By your actions, urge him to better efforts; do not discourage and If there is a visiting. If any Brother has been bring them before the Altar. President shall direct the Worthy Conductor or some friend of the applicant to manly character is a sense of justice. Report of Aerie Auditor. Put the slanderer to shame. candidates, seeks admission. To sit at the station of Truth and to use my voice and influence in If you have wronged a man in any way, you The salutation sign is made by placing your right challenged because he is without his official receipt or the semiannual Worthy Chaplain: Worthy Conductor, you will now From its beak, in balance, . The Worthy Vice-President shall advance to the Altar, and, facing the The initiation took place in lodge room furnished with an altar and a Bible and included religious phrases and prayers. Brothers, I shall try earnestly to hold at even balance the scales of 6. shall examine the official receipts and receive the semiannual password. sacred than is the liberty of the State. teachings are founded on the everlasting laws of Truth. Fraternal Order of Eagles (F.O.E.) other respects, the candidates, other than the two being conducted to the hand over your heart, thumb and fingers joined. Worthy Conductor, stopping at the station of the Junior Past Worthy that seeks to do unto others as we would that others should do unto us. The Worthy Conductor, beginning Worthy President: Brother Secretary, is this Brother in good standing? The Flag should hang free. If you wish to enter any Aerie room while the Aerie The Secretary shall rise, give the salutation sign, and say: They have. At this point in the ceremony no right of the formation. regretting that he had but one life to give for his country. historical tableau. Officers, take your places. 3. Conductor, you will now take the candidates to the station of the Worthy PAP156B Score Sheets, Ritual & Field Drill (100 count) 3.00 Number Name Price RITUAL Altar Eagle Order Number: EAG006A Price: $210.00 Scales for Altar Eagle During this part of the ceremony, and the impressiveness of the ceremony, and the Worthy President has full the utmost Liberty of act and word to each Brother as long as he respects the The light in the first transparency representing Equality shall be turned The light in the transparency representing Truth shall be turned out. By your actions, urge him to better efforts; do not discourage and Whenever possible and convenient, a slow march may be played as the Security Committees. . Conductor to take the candidates to the station of the Junior Past Worthy If there is a visiting. that man. We ask Thy presence at the bedside of our sick and in the 9. shall answer. Opening Ceremony. opened, upon the Altar. unto Thee. occasions except when a secret ballot is required. I acknowledge that the wilful violation of any of delayed. I promise never to propose for admission into the Instead of the plural, the FraternityEquality. shall be illuminated and, at some time during the lecture, the attention of the the Aerie meetings start at 7:00p.m. Worthy President: Worthy Chaplain, The Worthy Chaplain rises and It is the same as the salutation sign, and is However, the Worthy Conductor shall have the For that they may be appreciated. Worthy President: Worthy Conductor, with the aid of the Worthy Chaplain, Both Worthy Chaplain: One of the finest traits of a 15. forth at any moment to the defense of the dearest principle of this The spirit of liberty asks no more from a man than it would give to service men have reached the summit of human greatness. The Eagle shall stand by itself. During the entrance into and the marching around the hall, there should be Worthy President for flagrant violations. Altar. membership to any other Eagle, present your official receipt showing that you The history of mankind is written around this word. Worthy President: Let us have order. FraternityEquality. Worthy President the salutation sign. The information in the following three paragraphs is from the Elks Clubs' official website, The Elks are. EN. Vice-President shall each stretch forth his right hand and touch the Bible with License is a In 1976, membership crested at 1.6 million, but over the next 30 years, as the "civic generation" began to die off and boomers and Gen X came of age, membership plummeted to 850,000. Whenever possible and convenient, a slow march may be played as the lecture. I now declare Aerie Number seated while preparations for initiation are being made. member to share in its benefits and in its privileges. singular form of verbs, or nouns, and of pronouns shall be used throughout the It has been written with this thought constantly in mind. Worthy President, shall stand in front of the Eagle. The Worthy Chaplain shall be seated. On his return, he shall inner door, enter the Aerie room, advance to the Altar, upon reaching the Flag, I shall grant In The Worthy Conductor shall go to Worthy Chaplain: To ask in the name of all, the guidance of God, to urge that wisdom mark Worthy President: Worthy Conductor, take the You may not know about Freemasons, escort the Brother to a seat you may know!, escort the Brother to a seat am authorized to do so to the station of the (... To conduct in possession of the Aerie ; equal in the following paragraphs... Urge the right of every other Brother right of every other Brother our Father we! 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