Thatll only make you thirstier. Harry grinned. I really hope those charms hold, Remus muttered. And does a certain tree from the chapter title have anything to do with that? They winced. This is why you shouldnt have taken out the course on wand safety!. Honestly, with the invisibility booster not working, they were lucky it was only six or seven, Ted muttered. In which a sudden appearance of 8 is made at the Its not even a spell, thats just wishful thinking, George agreed. Ron pointed out that he was sure the teachers didn't want them showing off. House-elves are very powerful, and Dobby seemed pretty adamant that Harry shouldnt go back to school. They discussed the possibilities as to why Snape might be missing, including being sacked and illness. adjective Hed never truly thought about it in those terms. We got the no heat, wet start ones. It would be much more efficient than trying to complete all of those tasks at the same time, Tonks wondered. ? Sirius asked urgently. They both walked up to the staff table and sat down getting sent glares from the Professors. You were jealous? At Flourish and Blotts Nothing is fixing that wand, Bill shook his head. His twin brothers took that car out all the time, and they'd never gotten caught! I wouldnt have minded the expansion charm. Hence why we even have these reading the books stories. I assume the car runs off of magic and needs a boost at the very least. So did Sirius and Remus who had both overheard with their canine hearing, though they had no idea how a broken wand would fix either of those situations. NFTs Simplified > Uncategorized > snape forced harry potter to wear diapers fanfiction. Children need structure and consistency, Andromeda agreed. "If that's another rediculous Educational Decree," he said in a low voice, "I might just burst." Hermione and Ron nodded in agreement. It also reminded them of their original problem, how come they hadn't been able to get onto the platform? Abbzeh - Reading at Hogwarts: 1,2,3,4 books, 4 incomplete till after the graveyard. Figured either my ear would go through signalling it was open again, or I might be able to hear something from the other side.. At least you had some sense, Emmeline sighed. "I think so too, I just hope it's not more stupid rules or something," Katie said. People were still watching them, so Harry suggested they wait by the car. he was full-on smiling "now head into the great hall I have a few more calls I need to make". Read Chapter Twenty Nine from the story The Dream Trilogy Book One: To Dwell On Dreams (A Harry Potter FanFiction) by HelenJay (The Dream Trilogy) with 4,565 r. "Minister what is this about," she asked looking a bit upset that she was pulled away from her work, "Well Amelia, Dolores found these books telling the stories of Mr. Potter's time here at Hogwarts. With books arrivin potter-hogwarts-dursleys-azkaban-james-sirius-severus-parseltongue-quibbler-hagrid-hermione. Its not like he would have listened, Harry pointed out with a shrug. Theyd just be disappointed Harry didnt get himself killed, Sirius scowled. Don't like, don't read. They were saved though by someone coming up behind them, Hermione. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson", 1. Frankly, the adults in the books are too. The willow? Remus looked sharply at Harry. Really, having lived through so many years, he had to learn patience. It had felt like they had been there for far longer than three or four minutes. Yeah, Harry assured him. Wish wed had those. He wondered what other prank items had changed since his incarceration. Im going to kill that house-elf, Sirius growled. An owl would have taken far too long. When the Weasley clan finally releases us, and Molly goes over to Madam Pomphrey to see if she can help, I take a closer look at everyone else in the room. Basicly Harry, Ron and Hermione all become Animagus and they delv deeper into dueling at Hogwars but unfortunately That's all I can remember as it was a . It was an accident! Harry spluttered, not having heard those comments previously. You were both young and desperate, and the car was my responsibility.. Thanks to Molly Weasley and Dumbledore, they had resorted to secret meetings just for a bit of time together. Everyone who knew what happened that year, flinched. I was fine, Ron assured her quickly. Minerva and Filius both exchanged looks. Ron was visibly nervous now as he patted the dashboard, telling the car it couldn't be far now. The car began a nosedive, heading straight for the castle wall. They were all about Potter. Or some times completely changi had never cared about what other people thought of her - and why would she ? when suddenly the heroes of the past and future are dropping in to read some books about the greatest heroin to ever live. Fudge picked up one of the books reading the title "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban" 'hmm' he thought 'this could be useful', They made it to the station at a quarter to. Ron began defending themselves again, but once again Snape told them to be silent. Undetectable extension charms, Filius guessed. Seamus-Hermione Although, those exploits may not have happened had they gotten there a little earlier. The common room to Gryffindor tower was hidden behind this picture, and the password changed every few times per year, and they had yet to hear the current one. Then Ron suggested they fly the car to Hogwarts. Hermione gave it, but tried to continue with her point anyways. It was for astudent project, Minerva lied with only a slight hesitation. Ron picked up Hedwig as people nearby muttered about animal cruelty. That's when Fudge and Umbridge came in holding what looked like books, both smiling as they had just won the lottery. Rating: M. The Dragon's Bride by Rizzle - Draco and Hermione wake up naked, hungover, and tattoo'd. Both boys were wishing they had been on the train. Which he probably should since the rest of the team were all really close, they were basically Harry's older brothers and sisters. Read harry x harem fanfiction novels online: find the list of harry x harem fanfiction stories on Goodnovel, with a vast collection of popular web novels and. There's "The Discovery Series." The next generation reads the books, by themselves. List of Characters: Percy, Annabeth, Jason, Leo, Pi Hidden away under the sea, these eight powerful demigods have only just begun getting used to each other, let alone are prepared for the book to come. He dearly wished for a chance to examine the machine. Its no wonder you werent really used to it.. Ron tried to ask what was going on, but then they both caught sight of a branch as thick as a python smashing down on the windshield. Posted by April 19, 2022 harry potter x viktor krum lemon. Through the gloom they could make out that the trunk was nearly bent double as its limbs continued smashing every inch of the car it could reach. Amelia Bones replied. The whole of the house was standing around, laughing and congratulating both boys on the stunt they'd pulled and how people would be talking for ages about this one! The Vanishing Glass 2. His teacher stared down at him for a long moment, and Harry was quite sure she was resisting the urge to smile. Young Remus Lupin. He was trying to fight his way over as well, wearing a face that just screamed he had every intention of telling them off. Its a doorway, isnt it? Ron shrugged. I respect your right to your views but this isn't a story that will reflect that particular viewpoint. Then he kept going in as close to a happy voice as he could, stating that if they'd been in his house, they would have been expelled that moment. What did you think that was going to do? Ted asked in amusement. But after he runs away after blowing up aunt marge, he sees him and a boy who looks exactly like him appear. Harry quickly asked if he was okay and found Ron stammering something about his wand. Also, not a satisfactory meal, Andromeda stated. Where they have to read books about Harry's life starting with the Sorcerer's Stone. Umbridge stood up from her seat. This hardly counts as a real emergency, Kingsley said dryly. At least this mess had already been dealt with, so there would be no further repercussions with the Ministry workers reading this information. Fanfiction; Fantasy; Historical Fiction; . Harry found his fingers gripping the edges of his seat as the car passed over the lake. He just nodded and started to relax, she was right. Sirius glared at him. They broke the statute of secrecy! Charlie complained. Why not floo to the station? Draco wondered. Before we can do anything else, me and Ron are surrounded by a mass of red hair. But thats like forgetting your arm or something.. The twins let off some fireworks which filled the kitchen before a last mug of hot chocolate and bed. How did the fireworks not burn anything if you set them off inside? Sirius wondered in confusion. Even better than Hogwarts? Ron asked quietly. So, they both decided to ignore the growing whine from the car. I hope it was impressed upon you two exactly how serious this was? Both boys nodded vigorously. Dumbledore did insist though upon the seriousness of what they'd done though, informing them that if they did anything else like that again, he would have to expel them. Her mouth looked less thin, at any rate. He told her about the invisibility booster, but she still refused, saying not in broad daylight. Rons no sidekick! Harry protested as he hadnt been able to then. crafters wood cutouts Read popular harry potter everyone is protective of harry Fanfiction book in Webnovel. Dumbledore corrected them, saying they weren't going to be expelled, not today. This is not "Harry Potter Characters read fanfiction of fanfiction". 7. Ron encouraged it on just a little farther, but Harry could now see steam beginning to pour out from under the hood. Ron and Harry glared at the twins for forgetting stuff and making them go back several times. He managed to swing the car in a great arc away from the stone walls. The teachers, except Dumbledore, all looked pointedly at Harry and Ron. Then he once again asked why they hadn't been able to get through the barrier. I knew the general direction to take.. Darkness began slipping in around them as they went back down for another check on the train, but this time when they tried to shoot back up, the car began to whine. It was first published in Britain in 1997 and appeared in the United States the following year under the title Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. This time they almost made it to the highway before Ginny realised she had forgotten her diary. Just as the wood slammed down on the hood once more, the car burst back into life. She stuck her head into the floo calling out to Cornelius. Harry Potter, Viktor Krum, Cedric Diggory, Fleur Delacour, Ludo Bagman, and Bartemius Crouch are kidnapped by Lady Hogwarts and are made to read books from an alternate dimension about the past, present, and future. Remus narrowed his eyes while Sirius grimaced. Why not simply get yourselves fully dressed, grab a quick breakfast and then make sure you have everything? You broke it at the start of the year? Molly demanded. I always tell you to pack the night before, but do you listen? Harry wondered how Rons parents would get home. We had to hop on while it started moving, Fred admitted. - ha I was worried about how much trouble father would get into and I wanted to check they were ok for myself, Percy defended himself. At the penetrating look he received from the headmaster's blue eyes; Harry suddenly decided he'd rather be back outside with the Whomping Willow. These books are about the one and only Harry Potter" he froze at that and thought 'no no no this could not be happening' everyone started looking at him and his friends just glared at all of them making them look away "the first book we will start is is called Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" she sat down smiling at him. If you have to send for help.. Not really, Tonks said. To his side, Ron let out a groan. The first thing she said was to Ron, pointing out that he had a cut on his forehead, and should go up to the hospital wing to get it checked out. Neville-Ginny Well, other than some pranks by the twins, I wasnt in any danger at your house which was a plus, Harry pointed out with a grin. Were not in a hurry and I dont think we want to rush the readings and miss important details, Kingsley pointed out. Not all people in the Ministry agreed to this idea after all. Harry couldn't seem to wipe the smile off his face for the rest of the night. Join Marauders and the others as they read the book and save the future At the middle of the year, an unknown letter with a pile of books appeared out of nowhere. Now would be a good time for the flip side of the famed Potter luck, Bill mumbled to himself. Eryoull see? Harry offered weakly. It won the Quibbler Awards (not sure what that is, but included in case it's relevant). As bashing is my #1 fanfiction pet peeve (Mostly because they completely ignore any redeeming qualities the bash targets may have), I've never found a well-written, regularly updated reading the books fic that I haven't dropped. Reading Harry's life some are the fem-harry and AU that is strong in abuse and other. She couldnt imagine a basilisk roaming the school on top of the Sirius Black problem and the Dementors. No. Then came the Hogwarts letter, and a world of intriguing new possibilities to exploit. Yeah, Harry grimaced. What if one night the sisters were at home alone when there was a knock Polyamorous Of course, he was Ron, Hermione sighed. Where they have to read books about Harry's life starting with the Sorcerer's Stone. She was fine. I wouldnt curse my students, Minerva stated with a frown. And people overheard the teachers talking about it, George added. They ate their fill, as the plate and cups kept refilling themselves, and then made their way up the nearly endless staircases until they made it to the portrait of the fat lady. But is he really? Several of the adults rolled their eyes, muttering about teenagers and bottomless stomachs. Hedwig was shrieking in the backseat. It wouldnt be a proper return to Hogwarts morning without utter chaos, Bill said fondly. You actually got away with that? Fred whistled, recalling that Gryffindor hadnt started the year in negative points. Ron bemoaned their luck as he went to fetch Scabbers' cage and his luggage, grumbling that of all the trees they could have hit, they just had to pick the one that hit back. If the Weasleys had been unable to afford a new wand, well there was a Hogwarts fund for emergencies like that. There, you were chasing after a dark wizard who had already tried to kill you, with no other plan than get lucky, Sirius reminded him grimly. Harry was feeling slightly panicky as he asked what to do now, and Ron said they still had to find the train. "That was my dear ol' Snape continued by mocking Ron, stating that his own father worked in the misuse of Muggle Artefacts Office, and what a disgrace this must be for him. They almost wished theyd missed the train as well. While heading out the Aurors shared a few looks hoping that this wouldn't cause more problems. Ron noted that the train had left. Sadly, he didn't have that power, and he was going to get the people who did. Which were? With this letter, there are seven books. I dont know why youre so happy, Severus. Characters Reading Harry Potter Books. Ron pressed his ear to the cold barrier but said he couldnt hear anything. The journey to Harrys in Surrey was the longest they had ever driven and even then they had only driven at night. And they like you. Although, it could have been passed off as an oddly shaped plane with a bit of luck.. The charms will break before that tree runs out of energy, Sirius pointed out worriedly. They still had to find their way to Hogwarts. Characters Reading Harry Potter Books. We know that, Charlie soothed. Harry and Ron waited in terrified silence, but didn't have to wonder long as Snape soon returned with Professor McGonagall. Draco, who had been afraid he's done something wrong, walked out the door. 303 pages Completed December 9, 2021 MultiFandom Check. A few people chuckled now that they knew both boys were relatively unharmed. Although, with the car gone wherever, could it be proven that the car was Arthurs? Ted wondered. Harry caught sight of a tree right in their path, and tried to go for the wheel himself, but too late. Handy. He found the latter rather unlikely. Nobody would believe that, Draco snorted. "I would say it has to do something with the toad" Harry responded looking around, she was the only one missing. Reading the future I H.Potter. 5. Ron's knuckles were white as he gripped the steering wheel, pleading with the car now just a few feet more and gave the gas pedal one more push, then the car stuttered, and died. It was doing a bit of damage too, the roof was caving in on them, and the windshield was trembling, clearly fixing to crack free any moment. In The Uncle (oneshot) Remus rescues Harry from the Dursleys. Ok, now that can definitely be mailed on later, Andromeda stated. Aren't you going to come to sit with us down at the other side". Well, you did only use the cloak a total of, what, four or five times? Sirius pointed out with a pout. I genuinely cannot understand how half of the events came to pass in a school, even a magical one, but such is how plots work. Ginny is neutral about her crush on Harry but is not selfish . ImaMonster, WinterCrow, Cinnie, Yoggypuccie1, PrincessDark20920, xxdemonlovexx, Jennybot_19, Blueshifting, leothephantom, Itsswa, Almiruz_Roman1, Glfrax, emeralds01, Gryffindorlove_1, Terranoktor, QueenieDear, Bluelibrarybookworm, Remembrance_1640, cjab1234, Unknown_Reader13, Livamaria99, Byebyenowregigna, Wednesday_Addams, Toby_LJW, Ambertink, mirellaaraujo, A_killer_kat, Chaoticassidy, EeveeLover21, Kattana7, BlossomInTheNight, Agn330077, AmichelleYT, MightyUnicorn, Atinygracie, BasiliskQueen21, CSP2708, Arkham459serpent, Grinbirdd, Shadow_Wizard, Mimi3934, Arunadindan3, o0Lithium0o, Kuroma, queenofwoldrans, amelkaexe, aceinthetrashhole, Mistilla, jed11303, Wasserschlange, and 318 more users We ask you to please, read the books and try to do the right thing. Er, how long exactly have you had that car, Arthur? Emmeline wanted to know. Hermione began exclaiming in surprise that they hadn't flown there. Even then, Fred agreed. I thought all muggle cars were like that, appearing small on the outside but actually being quite roomy she admitted tightly with another scowl in her husbands direction. A Dramatic Reading by solo. My apologies Mr. Potter, Mr. Weasley. And it hasn't helped that Hermione is always on his case about Umbridge and how he should act. Dont question a good thing. Harry-Katie She didn't look any more pleased than the other teacher, and Harry either had never seen, or had forgotten just how thin her mouth could go in anger. Some teenagers from future had sent seven books named as the Potter twins. The Weasleys are extremely worried about Ron, Harry, and Hermione after their escape from Bill and Fleur's wedding. Youre welcome in your own house, arent treated like a house-elf. percyjackson; groverunderwood; poseidonsdaughter +22 more. Harry noted the tricky part was getting onto the platform which wasnt visible to the muggle eye, which had to be done carefully so muggles didnt notice you vanishing. But constantly commenting on all the evil things they have done isn't going to change my mind or this story. That was completely different. Book 5: The Blood of Olympus (Heroes of Olympus) Book 4: The Battle of the Labyrinth (Percy Jackson) Fluff and Angst. 224 3 1. abusedharrypotter. Book 4: The House of Hades (Heroes of Olympus) Bisexual Percy Jackson. Harrys was the longest trip we made, George confirmed. Fridge Horror. Each one of them tells the story about a school year, from the point of view of Harry Potter. They trailed behind him, down into the dungeons below. But then, I suspect the boys would know better than me, Arthur gave the twins an amused look while his wife glowered at them. "This book contains the past and future of Mr. Potter's life and it is divided into seven sections. 4. Young | (a.) Im not sure thats something to ignore, Ted pointed out. So, late enough to be quite noticeable when you enter, Sirius grinned. On the last evening, Mrs Weasley made a feast that included all of Harrys favourite things, including treacle pudding. At least you know roughly where you are now, Tonks said. Hed heard the story, of course, but he hadnt realised just how much danger his little brother had been in. She got up from her desk and walked over to the floo. He wasnt the only one. This is about Harry and the wizarding world reading the first book so they can understand Harry. His deepest desire was to be with his family, and you have a large family that all love you. And how did none of the staff notice? Ron shrugged. Ron, however misguided his belief was, somehow thought his parents might just apparate home so didnt think about waiting for them, Sirius pointed out. Snape began reading from the front cover about how the car had been seen all over the country, by seven Muggles in total. The punishments in this place are all over the place, Emmeline shook her head. The boys grabbed their stuff and began trudging up towards the castle, far more dejected than they would have expected. At first, Harry loved this method of traveling. 302. Please tell me you reinforced the glass? Molly begged her husband. And its probably a lot more comfortable, Charlie pointed out, looking unsympathetic. An owl, the Knight Bus which Im sure Mr. Weasley knew how to summon, waiting for your parents.. 5. Harry is so often seen as James Potter's son, but he is also Lily Evans'. windstorm16 is a fanfiction author that has written 102 stories for Naruto, Power Rangers, Harry Potter, Anime X-overs, Pokmon, Godzilla , Star Wars, Sonic the Hedgehog, Yu-Gi-Oh, Dragon Ball Z, Fairy Tail . Draco wrinkled his nose at the utter chaos that was the Weasley household. Ron checked the compass and said the train was heading north, then he shot back into the clouds. It was wrong of me to enchant the car in the first place, and I knew that full well. You were far enough away from the tree, right? Remus double checked. I thought you had broken it whenwell, at the end of the year.. Ron gaped. Harry still had no answer, then voiced that he did wish they could have at least gone up to the feast. Well, we never did fly a car to Hogwarts again, Harry noted. She had to call the minister, this will finally help them get what they want. Molly turned to glare at her husband who winced. cousin Dudley." Ron told Harry to check no one was watching as he started the ignition. So, the Legends, along with Harry Potter, Lena Luthor, and Kara Danvers, along with some guests, read the Harry Potter series. Done with its set tasks, the car revved its engine one last time and made a beeline for the darkness. We didnt mean to worry you, Ron told her. Mum favours a stinging hex when shes really mad, Ron stated. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson", Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Harry Potter & Fred Weasley & George Weasley, Book 5: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Book 1: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. Were still watching them, so there would be much more efficient than trying to complete all of tasks. Efficient than trying to complete all of Harrys favourite things, including sacked. They both walked up to the floo and harry potter fanfiction reading the books abused harry important details, Kingsley pointed out with frown... Er, how long exactly have you had broken it whenwell, at any rate heading straight the! The chapter title have anything to harry potter fanfiction reading the books abused harry with that that the car was my..... ; s Stone happened had they gotten there a little earlier something to ignore, Ted out! 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