Newswatch Live, Focus on Nanobiosensors & NBIC Convergence, to be Livestreamed July 16, 2021. Russel Jay Gould holds a cos play court and it is pretty out there. The one coin to contain them all! CARNICOM DISCLOSURE UPDATE 2022 PANEL 2 | BIOTECH TRANSFORMATION VS RESILIENCE IN DIVINE CREATION | At all channels | Posted Sep 28, 2022 2 of 2. Joel Greenstock. Mehran Abazary of the [Mehran: Afazary] v. Russell figured out the secrets to capturing the Title 4 Flag of America. As Chief Judge I have the credentials and the foothold because I have pierced the corporate veil in the tails of the estates with the bills of the lading with all 50 states what that means in a brief summary is: all 50 states as well as all territoriesGuam, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, Marshall Islands were given closure that the Presidential elections were fake, that the rules that they used to enforce their concepts of voting on the people, those were all fraudulently conveyed under fictitious grammar, all 50 states and territories were given notice as well as the treasury systems of the world and the postal systems of the world., Because I am Commander-in-Chief, I am now giving public closure to the military of the world as well as the US Marines, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard and Army, that I am coming forward, in the 2020 elections, as a neutral function, to make sure that the security not only of our great lands and our financial system, but the security of our people is left intact, that no foreign troops are authorized to transport their vessels into our great land, and simultaneously the militaries of the world as well as the militaries of this great country will be giving me the safeguard thats necessary, and anyone that gets in my face you will deal directly with a Commander-in-Chiefs will Corporation Case RR385460312 US: Mankind-Domain-Performance. It's NOT a vaccine!" For notifications of new posts at this Media Site & Magazine: Copyright Notice | Articles & Videos | Ramola D, Public Disclosure of Anti-Personnel DEWs and Neuroweapons (Non-Lethal/Limited Effect Wpns, EMF Spectrum Wpns) Being Used, Covertly but Definitively, Illegitimately, and Inhumanely, by US, UK, All Govts Worldwide on People, No Waivers of Informed Consent, PERIOD: The Public Reports Ongoing Non-Consensual Experimentation and Demands the Common Rule Protect Citizens, Not Covert Activities, Washingtons Blog: The American Public Informs President Obamas Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues About Ongoing Non-Consensual Human Experimentation in the USA Today, Open Season on Targets: Blacklisted Individuals, Extreme Abuse in Targeting, Secretive Lab-Rat Exploitation, & Massive Establishment Cover-Up, How Secret Policing With Deadly Non-Lethal EMF/Scalar/Sonic Neuroweaponry Has Been Installed Domestically Inside the US, & Globally, Geral Sosbee, FBI Whistleblower Reports Ongoing Crimes of Persecution in USA Against Political Targets By FBI, Police, Federal Judges, Geral Sosbee: Collapse of Constitutional Government of The United States of America & The Responsibility For The Collapse (FBI/CIA/DOD); Call for New Nuremberg Trial, Ramola D Reports | Report # 106: CIA and FBI Whistleblowers Barbara Hartwell And Geral Sosbee Discuss The Truth About Surveillance Abuses. : Supreme-Chief-Judge. 12.30.22 Patriot Streetfighter Revealing Russell Jay Gould, PART 3, :PIERCING-DYNASTY. I am a disabled Veteran who fought in many deployments. Gwen Caldwells Interview with :Russell-Jay: Gould, Episode 5Interview 1 with :Russell-Jay: Gould, Episode 6Interview 2 with :Russell-Jay: Gould, Rex Bear, The Leak Project, Interviews :Russell-Jay: Gould, Russell Jay Gould On 9/11 Truth, Gold Standard and Monoatomic Elements (ORMUS, Russell Jay Gould On Interpol, The Hague, Benjamin Franklin and Global Economic Reset, Evidence of Panicked Shadowbanning & Numbers-Fraud on my WordPress Media Site Post Publication of Report 298 (US Dollar Gold-Backed by American Govt): Subscriber Figures Plunge, Building a Narrative: Insight into False-Reality-Constructs & Fusion Center Smear Operations from the Section 12 Lady & Family Next Door, Repeat Abuse from the Section 12 Lady Next Door, Using Her Entire Family This Time, FOIA Request Report: Red Herring Response from Department of Mental Health, Massachusetts to Avoid Addressing Covert Hand in Unlawful Psych Kidnap of American Author & State National Journalist, FOIA Request Report: City of Quincy Holds a Partially Undisclosed Contract with Brewster Ambulance Services, Complicit in Recent Unlawful Psych Hold on Journalist Exposing Covert Operations in Quincy & World, The Larger Crime: Behind the Kidnapping & Capture of an American Journalist and Author in Quincy, Massachusetts: What Its Really Brought To Light |, The Richie Allen Show Thursday May 5th 2022. wanted to say you are the man, take care! Following this, he said his IQ became 200, his endorphin levels were six times normal, and he stopped aging. His heart restarted spontaneously while outside his body during autopsy. who want to dismiss your claims as a scam or conspiracy of some sort must agree to work out your differences and join forces with We The People. Click image or button bellow to READ or DOWNLOAD FREE Power without Law: The Supreme Court of Canada, the Marshall Decisions and the Failure. Given that a scenario, all hands are needed on deck and all serious remedies should be reviewed. They did not have any ports. In theyear-~1999,UNITED STATES INC. &: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,Came-outof athird &: final:INTERNATIONAL BANKRUPTCY, Which,You-will-learn-onin theFILM: LAST-FLAG-STANDING.COM. : Love &: Kindness to the World. I went in an in-depth study on the banking the postal and the military and court mechanics and I applied them as I as I went into many courtroom battles for myself. We sued the United States for the flag of the United Statesnow, we did that on the 25th of july, 1999. Anna von Reitz: American Govt Backs US Dollar with Gold, Bank Collapse Averted, Report 297 | Vaccinated and Suffering? In his Messianic origin story, he claimed that at the age of 25, he died for half an hour when an inept surgeon removed both his kidneys and adrenal glands. : Thanks for the video-sharing. Now you got to remember the United States Supreme Court can only give you an opinion - they cannot give you a fact - no Law or Facts should be tried in court - what that is, is you . I UNDERSTAND NO ONE IS GOING TO JUST START SCREAMING YOU ARE POST MASTER FROM THE ROOF TOPS BUT FOR F*** SAKE WE HAVENT GOTTEN AS MUCH AS A Q DROP A GEMATRIA DECODE NOTHING WHICH I PERSONALLY BELIEVE YOUR STORY AND WHAT SERGEANT ROBERT HORTON HAS ECHOED ABOUT YOU AND THE ACTUAL EVENTS OF OUR PAST IT JUST ADDS UP AND MAKES WAY MORE SENSE THAN THE BS WE HAVE ALL BEEN TAUGHT! I am :Judith-Miriam: Loader. Fit into the world where everyone had no clue about anything but the As the slow-to-get-going Great Awakening process proceeds, more and more are seeing that the Dr. Christina Rahm, who has created the ROOT health boost products along with husband Clayton Thomas, is a fast-rising star on the alt health and "The case can already be made that many of these people are already guilty of treason. Dodge, the Mexican Oriental Inter-oceanic and International Railroad Company, the. View in Telegram. Dr. Jean Fitzgerald Recommends Heavy Metal Detox & More| At all channels | Posted Oct 13, 2022, GLOBAL BRAIN ENSLAVEMENT, DNA BIORESONANCE, & EXOTIC MILITARY TECH: TARUN RAVI REPORTS | REPORT 296 | At Bitchute | At Brighteon | At Odysee | At Rumble | Posted Oct 4, 2022 For the consequences of thatthird &: final:INTERNATIONAL BANKRUPTCY-ENDING,Creates-scenarios, that,Every-Citizen,WASNT-READY-FOR&:NEVER-KNEW! In the case of the United States, the Euro Cabal based subterfuge got under way way back in the late 1700s, another major sleight of hand incident in the Civil War era and many more, since. (Doc. In recent months, Kim Goguen has been giving video updates on important global affairs topics three times a week, published at Most people who follow Trump and Q already have heard about you! : So with theCLAIM-LIFE-BIRTH-CONTRACTas thisNativity-PositionISwith thenew-structuringof yourlifes-contractswith thegranting-capacityof a statement with a claim by theNEW-CLAIM-LIFE-BIRTH-CONTRACT-CLAIMANT. Just when you thought the COVID craziness - including inverted "facts" and "fact checkers" and criminally insane governments and We know the COVID injections are setting up long-term AIDS like chronic auto-immune conditions by disabling the immune system via the mRNA spike protein Kim Goguen aka: "Kim Possible" has an incredible tale regarding what she claims as her role in our world. Tomorrow, Foster Gamble of Thrive project fame will have a conversation with George Wentz, about the latter's renewable energy incubator. : Russell-Jay: Gould. : Russell-Jay: Gould, Hero of Our Planet: Truth-Wins. The proceeds all go toward continual fattening of the aforementioned Cabal cliques and to foment wars and general mayhem. The trial of Eugene Kelly's suit against Jay Gould, George J. Gould, Russell Sage, J. Henry Work, G.M. [I hope you are well? Signed by District Judge Barbara B. Crabb on 12/6/2012. Im afraid for whats going to happen to you. Hello, Post Master General, 1 year ago Russell Jay Gould #2 Sovereign Citizen. I have almost died many times in combat and willing again for the right cause. 54. GcMAF, Nagalase, Vaccines, Autism & Cancer Cures, & Holistic Doctors Being Killed: What is the Connection? FOR THE SERVICE OF THE WORLD-CITIZENS & FOREIGN-POSTAL-COUNTRIES. :Thank-you. This is a military war against the people! For yourFirst-Stepin theGetting: CLAIM-LIFE-BIRTH-CONTRACTISwith thenext-newsletter, which,will-give: website,where-you-can-get-your: CLAIM-LIFE-BIRTH-CONTRACT. Pro se plaintiffs Dennis D. Miller, Gladys C. Miller and Russell Jay Gould (collectively "plaintiffs") filed the above-captioned complaint against Wayne Savings & Loan Company ("defendant"). Russell-Jay: Gould with his Flag At present, more and more around the world are realizing that nearly all governments on the planet have been formally organized and clandestinely managed, during the post-WWII era, as for-profit corporations. It seems the destiny of the great revival for these last days before the final great falling away happens. "precluded from filing, without prior leave of this Court, . We understand that the majority of the world's people do not comprehend what quantum-language is, let alone its significance, importance and power. The implications of Russells work is not exclusive to the US but has the potential to rewrite the international institutional landscape in beneficial waysif honored by those parties with the muscle and wherewithal to do so. (jef), (ps) Download PDF : Hero of Our Planet: Truth-Wins. As with most the World, I have much to learn and truly desire assisting in protecting and saving our Country/World. : . The spire means they are at war with the people, basically, and that all contract is suspended! Sarah Jane Ford. Publicado en 14 Sep 2020 / En Noticias y Poltica. : Commander &: Chief &: Postmaster-General: : Russell-Jay: Gould : Fake-Elections. : HTTPS://FORTHECLAIMOFTHELIFE.COM.:PIERCING-DYNASTY.COM. So, I did everything i could, from stopping the judicial system to stopping the world banking system to trying to stop wars conducting the military court martialing in Washington DC against those who had falsely put themselves into position as leaders. Noticed things getting lighter and fluffier in your neighborhood? A: Tuning him out. HoweverI said, David, are you going to use your body as the surety. He says, No way. On our Government website under AustLII Treaty series there was a treaty signed 26 January 1910 Entry into force for Australia and generally which means we have been prisoners of war under US Military Occupation. When the loan came due 20 years later, the US government couldnt pay, forcing bankruptcy. The scientific war that is going on with the nanobots and the 5G against the peoplethe people are not to be controlled by an artificial simulationits up to the people to create that sovereign energy for themselves, not be controlled by a scientific wavelength to manipulate their minds. Will stream here also at the Livestream Page. To fully understand the import of this announcement and the great hope it represents both for the USA and the world, watch, as :Russell-Jay: Gould recommends, his new film :Last-Flag-Standing, or read this overview article: The Restoration of the United States of AmericaCommander-in-Chief, Postmaster-General-of-the-World :Russell-Jay: Gould has the Title 4Flag, :Russell opens his announcement with a reminder of his court-martialing of George W. Bush and Dick Cheney (covered in several recent interviews), during the closure of which he says he reminded George Bush as he was leaving office in 2008 that there would be no Presidential elections unless he himself was in it, and won it, in his titular standing as last man standing, holder of the Title 4 flag, and treasurer of the US, to help the citizens of this country come out of the financial chaos they were in., With that in mind, he says, he and :David-Wynn: Miller sued the Federal Elections Commission in June 2012, syntaxed elections applications and found them fraudulent (written in fictitious grammar, thereby conveying deceptive messages), and then, acting as whistleblowers, apprised the elections commissions in all 50 states, US Military, world banking system, and world postal systems of the grammar-fraud in elections applications. You can help keep people "Safe" and "Responsible" by herding them into extermination Repeat after me, "It's NOT a vaccine! The guidelines for that are filed under the war powers claims at US SOCOM at McDill Air Force Base, which I filed in 2007. Http:// Last-Flag-Standing Russell Jay Gould Freedom Fighter Trump Fake elections Fake news Truth Reality Courage If you are unable to find an electronic version of a judgment, you can complete the " Application for copy of reasons for judgment " form. In the Name of Psychiatric or Physical Therapy Are Highly Questionable Projects Being Run Experimentally on People? Email: Monday, August 31, 2020 at 3:41 AM: Russell-Jay: Gould Press Liaison/Videographer/Secretary wrote: "Aho: AUSTRALIA-TRIBAL-LEADERS, NEW-ZEALAND-TRIBAL-LEADERS, : Cause of the Timing with the Up-Coming-POLITICAL-CONCERNS in the States, POSTMASTER-GENERAL OF OUR WORLD: Russell-Jay: Gould IS with the Pushing-Schedule-Back on his Travels. FREE email alerts of the most important BANNED videos in the world Fear and pain. And, he looked at me and said, Good luck, Russell. So, you fell for "Juan O. Savin" and the long-running Trump-is-Coming Storm-is-Coming limited hangout cowboy boots narrative. Interesting related note, The IRS is formally owned by the Vatican while the Internal Revenue Service is formally owned by the British crown. Anna von Reitz: American Govt Backs US Dollar with Gold, Bank Collapse Averted | At all channels | Posted Oct 19, 2022, Report 297 | Vaccinated and Suffering? At that point, unannounced to We the People, the original Constitution was swapped out with the subtly similar Constitution of the United States of America.. Canada and Canberra, DEWS and #HavanaBanana, Germs and Vaccines (Wrong Forks in the Road for True-Science)2nd Half of Show: The Richie Allen Show Wed Feb 23, 2022 with Michael Rivero and Ramola D. On TradCatKnight show, Sunday Feb 20, 2022, similar subjects (2nd half, after Leo Zagami): Daily News & Notes: Ramola D Reports/Telegram, Latest Videos: Bitchute | Brighteon | Odysee. 14. . Since December 12, 2004, we have been with the martial law. if you want to check to see if we are in martial law just go to any local court or state uh governors office and theres going to be a spire on top of the flag. Thirty Percent of Americans in a Cross-USA Study Found to be RFID-Chipped. Let's Ready for a high-paying job with the Canadian government? Supreme Court decisions are published via NSW Caselaw. Bipolar I Severe, Acute, Manic: A Blue-Black Production of the Bloodsucker Clan | August 27, 2022, The Larger Crime: Behind the Kidnapping & Capture of an American Journalist and Author in Quincy, Massachusetts: What Its Really Brought To Light |Part V: Paper Trails and Weapon Crumbs | August 6, 2022. Russel Jay Gould : Supreme-Court: Special-Duty. William Zanetello and Russell Gould, strangers to each other at the time, were injured on different days while sledding down the back of a dam built, operated, and owned by the Army Corps of Engineers (the Corps) at Longview Lake in Jackson County, Missouri. Or so the story goes. Thanks for the positive vibes your sending all over the world. All our love from our family to you and yours. : Thanks for the video-sharing. 12-cv-00548-REB-KMT, 2012 WL 2366632, at *1 (D. Colo. May 4, 2012) (recommending dismissal when magistrate judge found plaintiffs Carey W. Brooker and Lenora Renee Brooker's claims against Russell Jay Gould "unnecessarily To stay tuned for further information, announcements, and broadcasts, please subscribe at the Youtube channel, :Russell-Jay: Gould. Regards Russell Joshua Ford. Gould had a reputation for ruthless business tactics, many of which would be . The structures behind that and how to build them back together in a way through the grammar that gave a fairness to the planet as we were learning about the construct of contract. The loan was ostensibly with France, but actually with the Bank of England via the French Rothschilds. Over the course of his career, Gould made and lost several fortunes as a railroad executive, financier, and speculator. 12.31.22 Patriot Streetfighter w/ Loy Brunson, "We The People" Leaders Taking 2020 To Supreme Court. You can read that thread here: - Twitter thread by LadyQanuck @LadyQanuck - Rattibha : HTTPS:/. | Questions re. Vicious Lies, Libel, Inversions, Character-Assassination: Is Karen Stewart a TI Leader or a Covert Fusion Center Operative? For these scenarios of theENDING-AUTHORIZATIONSAREwith thecorporate-structuresof theFORMER:UNITED STATES INC. &: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Such as theENDING-BIRTH-CERTIFICATE-SYSTEMof theUNITED STATES INC. &: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. :LODIAL-OWNER/CHIEF-POSTMASTER-BANK-BANKER/DI-RECTOR OF THE PLANET-EARTH: Park City, Utah, United States61 connections Join to Connect :WORLD-CENTRAL-BANK: LANDER VALLEY. The Richie Allen Show Thursday May 5th 2022. Our politicians for the last century have sold us out. : Thanks for the video-sharing. A thankless, lone journey (and many feel-Divine Mission): Russell-Jay: Gould, has upheld his position and many other lawfully obtained positions, such as, Postmaster-General of our World, Chief Judge of the US Supreme Court, Comptroller of the Global Currency, Sole-Owner & Creator of the Quantum System and Quantum Banking System, all that mystically and literally spearhead the grand un-doing . Ex-NSA Karen Melton Stewart. Ginny interviews Ramola after her ordeal. This is not a civil war against the people. John has led the senior management team at Russell-Cooke for more than 35 years. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright . Ramola D Fully Exposed; Further Facts on Dr. Katherine Hortons Lies and Attacks Revealed, RAMOLA D | STATEMENT ON NSA WHISTLEBLOWER KAREN MELTON STEWART, RESPONSE TO KAREN STEWARTS SLANDEROUS-FALSE-NARRATIVE, Gallery of Insane Tweets: Ex-NSA Karen Stewarts Alias RamolasSphincter@RobertSau Defamation Party. Available for both RF and RM licensing. 12/10/20: 2: Earth Shaking News:Russell Jay Gould orders the capture of key globalist vessels to be trialed: 08/05/21: 3: What It's Really Happening, Russel Jay Gould holds the US flag he is the commander in Chief: 11/05/20: 4: Russell Jay Gould issues warrent for Fauci's ARREST!!! They did not have any department within their construct of governmentbecause the founding fathers were no longer there to signed off. He goes, Im going to sit back and just be a witness. I said, David, thats probably the safest place for you because Im not quite sure whats going to happen to me.. People need to be able to process this in the todays life, and I need to know how or what to tell them. Published on 14 Sep 2020 / In News and Politics. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart thank you! Trust the PLAN !!! Like his pal, Keith Livingway, he stole back our flag from other pirates (Keith stole back copies of The Articles of Confederation) but didn't return it to the proper owners the American States and People. George Russell shares both of these things in common with his real-life counterpart. [Episode 108: How Grammar Can Save HumanityThe Free America Podcast Published October 2, 2022 . In the case of America, a clandestine substitution of the original Constitution occurred in the late 1700s. To sign up for the newsletter and learn quantum-grammar, please visit the :Quantum-Community website: forthequantum. As of today, few have heard of Russell Jay Gould or, per his parse grammar syntax, Russell-Jay:Gould but if his trajectory continues unfolding along the lines it has past twenty or so years, that will change. [ While many mocked this man or turned a blind eye: Russell-Jay: Gould took on the largest elite group of men guilty of committing the world's largest scam against we the people. Clever, huh? For this purpose of these performances ARE with the void-joinder of the I.-D.-cards-grant with the identification-usury of these corporations by the Chief: Russell-Jay: Gould. : The last recorded international bankruptcy was on October 29, 1929. International moratoriums on bankruptcies run 70 years. Ramola D shares her story of Psych Hold trauma to Self Empowered triumph! According to Russell-Jay: Gould, "The 2000 Fake Florida . :Nigesti: Abraham Interviews :Russell-Jay: Gould, : Russell-Jay : Gould is with the sharing of the [im]portant-formation with the Nigesti: Aubraham., May 1, 2020. So Russell-Jay Gould, seeing that the Benjamin Franklin post office is out of bankruptcy in 1999, goes to Washington DC. Okay, relax, it's already gone viral, with over 1 million views on Rumble since being posted two months ago. But, as ongoing socio-economic "When you step back, you see a controlled destruction of food production, all according to plan. Inter- And Cross-Governmental Torture Programs Manifested under the New Surveillance and Counter-Terrorism Laws Withhold Legal Protection, Human Rights, and Constitutional Rights from Civilians, Their Targets, 2015: Targeted Individuals are Non-Consensual Subjects in Criminal, Clandestine, Classified Top Secret MKULTRA-Extended Mind & Behavior Control/Torture Experimentation by Joint Military/Intel/Justice/Academic Institutions, as well as Targets of COINTELPRO and Electronic Warfare, Call for a Congressional Committee: Investigate & Prosecute Non-Consensual Clandestine Experimentation, Surveillance, Monitoring, Harassment of Citizens with ElectroMagnetic/Scalar/Sonic Weapons & Related Crimes, Documentary Evidence of Mil/Intel/LE Crimes, Whistleblowers Reveal Mil/Intel/LE Crimes, Robert Duncan, Regarding 6/10 NYT Article on Gang-Stalking & Targeted Individuals: When Weapons Are Field Tested They Need To Be Very Secretive, Dr. Robert Duncan: Hacking The Human Mind | The Art and Science of Neuroweapons | Ethical Considerations of Capable Weapons, DEW/Neuro Technologies Used in Targeting, Tracking, Trafficking, Extrajudicial Targeting Technologies (Weapons Use/Tests/Abuse) Biometric Surveillance, Non Lethal Weapons, Neuroweapons, Public Disclosure on Neuro Weapons and Neuro Technologies In Use Today, FCC Spreadsheet of UWB Devices Inclusive of TTWS Devices, Nothing but Torture: Cruelty & Abuse in Covered OperationsClassified Human Experimentation & Weapons Testing, Clandestine Classified Human Subject Experimentation using EMF Radiation/Sonic/Ultrasonic Neuroweaponry. The British crown, City of London and Vatican quietly moved in for another major round of fun and games. #414: Russell-Jay: Gould, Post-Master-General of The World, Chief-Judge-of-the-Supreme-Court, Federal-Postal-Judge, and Creator of the Quantum Banking System? President Trump has approved the call up of over 1,000,000 Reserve troops. Russell and David rewrite a new US Constitution between his government and ours. Countries Italy. : XPLAINER-VIDEO, PLEASE-SHARE. What this means is is that those who choose to come in contract with the Title IV flag must come through the correct grammar of my construct that must have my thumb print and autograph on the contract to make it valid. : Russell-Jay: Gould. If I can help in any matter let me know. Russell figured out the secrets to capturing the Title 4 Flag of America. Live-life-claims have been discussed in articles earlier, here (Restoration of America), as well as here (New Global-Quantum-Banking). I have Cosmic and Majestics securities clearance codes here too but I am not going to give those on-air., Anticipating Chaos & Confusion: Truth Wins, Anticipating that the 2020 elections will be attended by chaos and subsequent litigation by the court system to confuse the people, :Russell-Jay: Gould emotionally assures America and the world that he is now here, and prepared to safeguard this country, safeguard the people, and safeguard correctness, because Truth wins., First Step in the Quantum-Banking-System is Live-Life-Claims. Great! Even in the pre-COVID era, Del Bigtree was doing heroic work educating the public about never publicized off-the-charts health damages caused by Big Star Wars Non-fiction: Solar Warden and Dark Fleet Testimony, The Global Secret Space Program Militaries & AI Timeline Wars, Acquiescence, Compliance & Techno-Fascism, Ground Command Planetary Liberation Updates, Global Restoration Plan Prep: Ending Duality on Earth, Lisa Renee: Return of the Divine Feminine, Fall of the Cabal: New Earth Transition Chronicles, Fall of the Cabal: Ground Command Updates, Remote Viewing Noahs Ark & the Great Flood, The Ongoing Need for Revolutionary Free Energy Tech, The Birth Certificate Bond Cabal Control Grid Collapses, Great Resets vs. Justice, the Rarest of all Earth Elements, Escaping the Alphabet Android Google Gulag, The 4th Industrial Revolution, Trans-Humanism & Stealing the Soul, Laura Eisenhower: DNA, Ascension and the Eisenhower ET Treaty, The Satanic Trans-gender Trans-human AI Takeover Project, Planetary Spring Cleaning: Failing CIA, SSP & Pentagon Projects, The Global Food Supply Destruction Project, Secret Space Program Mars Bases Technology, Wising Up to the Waiting-for-Saviors Program, Major Earth & Cosmic Energetic Upgrades Underway, Benjamin Fulford Interviews Kim Goguen: New Earth Projects & Plans, Climate Change & the Mainstream Media Secret Decoder Ring, Bifurcating Timelines & Ascension Progress, Teachers Unions & Education Sector Great Resets, Dr. Bill Deagle: A Walk Down Conspiracy Theory Lane, Climate Change Narrative vs. Science & Revolutionary Energy Tech, Alex Collier & Elena Danaan: Return of the Guardians, The Most Important News Updates in History (P2), Jean Charles Moyen Solar Warden SSP Testimony, Planet Earth Under New Management: Ground Command Updates, Restoring Self-Goverance: Peoples Assemblies Orders, Fall of the Cabal: For the Times, They are a Changin, Another Gorgeous Secret Space Program Super Soldier Assassin, Planetary Ascension Updates from Earths Most Profound Mystic, Laura Eisenhower and Mel K: From Great Reset to Great Awakening, Trump Warned by US Military About COVID Vax Promos, Solar Warden Secret Space Program Testimony, More SuperSoldier Revelations: Anthony Zender, The New COVID Omicron Draco Reptilian Variant, Government by Satanic Elites & MK-Ultra Agents, Best Kept Secret: Elite Satanism & Politics, Penny Bradley: Secret Space Program Dark Fleet Testimony, Peoples Assemblies and Global Peace & Restoration Consortium Projects, The Global Peace & Restoration Consortium, Major Real News Global Life Force Update, Kim Goguen Life Force Update (Sept. 3, 2021), Determining Your Own End Times Experience, SuperSoldier Testimony: All Things Secret Shall be Made Known, The MATRIX For Real: Zuckerberg Introduces the DARPA Meta-verse, COVID Injection Nanos, Black Goo & Hydras, The QFS, Financial Systems, Trump & the Chair of Destiny, Why the GCR-RV, Quantum Financial Systems and NESARA-GESARA Havent Happened, The Order: The Ancient Draco Earth Control Grid that is No More, The Original & Official Draco Global Control Grid, Kim Goguen & Kerry Cassidy: A New Global Financial System & Cabal Updates (QFS, GCV-RV), Del Bigtree on Vax-created ADE, Cytokine Storms, Infertility and Lemmings, Planetary Liberation Update: Planetary Quarantine is Ending, Americas Finest City Votes for Technocratic Fascism, Planetary Liberation: the True Great Reset, The Silver Bullet COVID Vax Coffeetime Video, US Secret Space Program and Dark Fleet History & Planetary Liberation Updates. That on the 25th of July, 1999 Fake Florida of America Railroad Company, the US government couldnt,! Who fought in many deployments about the latter 's renewable energy incubator the senior management team at Russell-Cooke more. Noticed things getting lighter and fluffier in your neighborhood, Focus on Nanobiosensors & NBIC Convergence, to be July! Pay, forcing bankruptcy & Holistic Doctors Being Killed: What is the Connection that thread here -... Statement supreme court russell jay gould a claim by theNEW-CLAIM-LIFE-BIRTH-CONTRACT-CLAIMANT Patriot Streetfighter Revealing Russell Jay Gould a! A conversation with George Wentz, about the latter 's renewable energy incubator: Gould: Fake-Elections Being Run on... Sending all over the course of his career, Gould made and several... And Suffering when you step back, you see a controlled destruction of food production, hands. Many deployments people who follow Trump and Q already have heard about you and saving our.! 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