This one was smaller though and not so complex. There were new discoveries which he said would be hard for me (or others) to imagine. The historical truth is completely different, at least from this point of view. Do you remember the discovery they had made next to Baghdad? 14] Into The Deep 12K views 10 months ago 10 Facts About Human Origins That Will Blow Your Mind with Matt LaCroix A Little. In closing, I must state that I have faithfully kept this matter secret as directed all these years. 2,620 Sq. R: Mister, who are you? How do you know all this? In the background, the map of the sky could be seen and the positions of the main stars and constellations of that time were marked. 6.72k followers. The giant and almost scary entrances of the three enigmatic tunnels in the mountain wall were the only areas left to explore beyond the square I was still standing on. The haunted hut, or, The ghosts of Rocky Gulch 346. To really understand what the words mean you have to think using the words they had then and not the words we have now. Then, at a level of the ground in front of the tablet, a hologram was suddenly projected. Information provided by the Thule Society (Eckhart and Haushofer), shows there is a higher civilization, coming from the Gobi, from the Himalaya and divided into two branches, the Shambhala and Agartha. Back then, no one knew what was in the big hall that was protected by the energetic shield. TELEGRAM LINK Neither one of us had ever seen anything like that. ~Thanks Billy !! "Farewell, my son" he spoke, then he gestured with a lovely, slender hand a motion of peace and our meeting was truly ended. The Romanian state was to postpone the disclosure for now. Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, the famous psychic and occultist, who founded the secretive Theosophical Society during Hitlers rule, claimed to have had contact through psychic means with the Brotherhood of Mahatmas (a group of ethereal beings who purported to run the world from their Tibetan headquarters), and that, among other amazing things, they had revealed the true emergence of life on the earth. This can be the only hope for mankind. To a certain secret society this part of our history is extremely important to their rituals. Saddam had a lot of ancient artifacts from above ground but hadn't at that time found the tunnel below. The arch created by the energy shield was included in the hemispherical cavity, but I noticed the area behind was common to the rock wall. "We have let you enter here because you are of noble character and well-known on the Surface World, Admiral." The difference between them and the extraterrestrial civilizations with which the Americans have concluded a kind of agreement is about the same as the difference between homo sapiens and homo erectus. I noticed that Cezar was very serious and at the same time very determined. I'll tell you about some of the time projections I accomplished with the help of this device which is based on a very advanced technology.. 2. The doomsday bunker is located 45 feet underground and has two levels, as illustrated here. ", The Admiral then went on to say: The tunnel was not accessible at first from the underground chambers in the great pyramid but the energy was known about and accessed via the pyramid. In one room, a very large room, there were shelves stack with row upon row of some type of metal tablets. Busy Los Angeles, although little realizing it in the hustle and bustle of modern existence, stands above a lost city of catacombs filled with incalculable treasure and imperishable records of a race of humans further advanced intellectually and scientifically than even the highest type of present day peoples, in the belief of G. Warren Shufelt, geophysical engineer now engaged in an attempt to wrest from the lost city deep in the earth below Fort Moore Hill the secrets of the Lizard People of legendary fame in the medicine lodges of the American Indian. The leadership was assigned to Cezar who was thus advanced to the rank of colonel. Youve entered a dangerous game! As Radu wrote to me, Fate gave me the extraordinary chance to be integrated in a complexity of events and amazing discoveries, and this created an almost incredible resonance for the ordinary man.. R: Who are you? Everything happened very fast; just eight days passed since those events., If I am here and you, as far as I understand, managed to get inside the Projection Hall, this means that General Obadea was successful in Bucharest.. Strangely, they went south towards one point only and that I located somewhere in the Retezat Mountain, most probably in the Godeanu Mountains area. This place alone is worth a LOT of research! There were five steps to ease the access to its surface. Real name. All the transactions and deals between the Romanian state and international financial organizations were blocked in a couple of hours. But the real surprise was the distinct element that made the research team give the name Projection Room to that huge mountain room. I noticed that if I simultaneously touched two surfaces of two different squares, the holographic image would render a very complex scientific analysis, presenting the DNA molecules of those beings and the compatible possibilities between them. From time to time, the holographic projection held the image of the event when an important moment in time was reached. The energy shields role is to divide the room, like a wall, from the rest of the cavity in the mountain and also to protect from exterior bad influences, said Cezar, making me return from my thoughts. In literature there are plenty of temperature indications that the Shambhala is in Tibet, the Himalayas and the surrounding area. [img]. The bad news was that the U.S. Presidency was informed of these events and made diplomatic contact with Romania through the secret services. The button blinked alternatively while the signals on the side changed fast with varying colors. What Is A Manifestation Journal. Soon we arrive at a large building that is a type I have never seen before. Sphinx above the tunnels in the film and also above the tunnels in Bucegi? I then saw what I thought to be an atom as a vague energy mist with a very small bright center/heart. 3.5 Baths. The image then zoomed in and I saw how, in a brief period of time, the whole of Romania became practically a new sea from which you could only see some mountain tops or small pieces of land as islands. I went down the stairs shaking. Exploring Secret Space Programs, ETs, ancient anomalies, and potential human origins, Carson contributes to Deep Space, Ancient Civilizations and Cosmic Disclosure on Gaia. The problem was that the time period covered by the holograms was huge: several hundreds of thousands of years. Serrano immersed himself in its spiritual heritage. In these tunnels you will find rooms, huge rooms, with huge tables and stone chairs for people much, much taller than us. I did what he asked me right away and a huge holographic image appeared in front of me. - Dawn Dickson (Light Worker, Serial Entrepreneur & Inventor. The Master's eyes seemed to penetrate deeply into my mind, and after studying me for a few moments he replied, "Your race has now reached the point of no return, for there are those among you who would destroy your very world rather than relinquish their power as they know it" I nodded, and the Master continued "In 1945 and afterward, we tried to contact your race, but our efforts were met with hostility, our Flugelrads were fired upon. But, in the evening, I often saw them withdraw alone, just the two of them. I honestly confess that, according to my judgment, ninety percent of what is officially known today on the history of humankind is fake and fabricated. 1030 Hours- Encountering more rolling green hills now. - Waka Flocka Flame(BET Music Awards Winner and International recording artist. The WWII German expedition to Tibet uncovered something so huge that Hitler took it VERY seriously! They said that, theoretically, one could live in the same physical body for thousands of years if one consumed a well determined quantity of that dust periodically. It defies the imagination and would seem all but madness if it had not happened. Even so, I still consider that the elements presented here can lead us to think deep and to prepare for the times to come. Underneath he sometimes wore another shirt which was thinner and white. Dorjievs fascination with the location of Shambhala would inspire Roerichs epic quest. Because the tables were tall, I could not see where the source of the hologram projections was. I HAVE PICTURES SHOWING MY LIGHT BODY, WHICH WE ARE. Cezar suddenly fell silent. The diplomatic tension was rising because Washington pressured to have contact with the Pentagons generals and with the Presidential Counsellor. A trumpet and flying chariot, as examples, are not literal but an interpretation of objects using the only words they had for it back then. All of the events I described to you have occurred since last week. By that time, he also becomes the president of Zenforce media. He is also two times Best Selling author and host of Deep Space, a series that explores the Secret Space Program, and reveals extraordinary technologies and their potential origins. During his time at the firm, Carson raised $20 million in an effort to develop an underground city in Northwest Georgia. The satellite scan of the mountain revealed two major energetic blocks. The city underground was dug as a means of escaping future fires. The property was built in 1969 by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and renovated in 2012. It is one of only a handful of mountains in the World you cannot legally climb it and it is very difficult to get too. The tunnel was sealed and its entrance hidden in a very complicated way in the structure of the pyramid. Billy Carson AKA 4biddenknowledge shares the untold truth about the worlds ancient past and how it relates to today's technology and societies ways. The intellectual accomplishments of their 9-year-old children were the equal of those of present day college graduates, he said. In front of each of them, at about six or eight meters away, other control desks could be seen. The research team has identified a series of three complicated steps that need to be completed on the control desk so that the pressing of the red button produces the flood and the disaster you briefly watched. is known for showcasing curated documentaries and shows that help people in looking at the world in a different light. This key room is the directory to all parts of the city and to all record tablets, the legend states. You see, we have never interfered before in your race's wars, and barbarity, but now we must, for you have learned to tamper with a certain power that is not for man, namely, that of atomic energy. None of this is a coincidence. There are 4 primary tunnels and further sub tunnels that lead to deep underground places which you would have heard of. Coach Billy Carson is a founding member of the YMCA in Weston, Florida. The 4-apartment property is built to withstand a 20-ton nuclear blast, according to Harry Norman Realtors. The whole atmosphere seemed charged now with a certain air of urgency. FINAL ENTRY: At first, I thought that the holographic projection would show only the past of humankind, starting from its origins until the moment that the construction in Bucegi was made. They were so violent that they were many moments of crisis when the diplomats yelled at each other as loudly as they could, uttering multiple threats with measures of retaliation. Examining frequencies produced in nature from animals to the planets in our solar system, experts explore what missing links we are finding from vibrations. He was also involved in Moscows flourishing occult movement, which orbited around HPBs Theosophical teachings. What did they want to declare? I asked curiously. The problem for me is the later attack on his fleet. Scroll down to see the article with maps. Quickly, we walked back through the great door of the Master's chamber and once again entered into the elevator. I was then taken into a different chamber which revealed a two meter high crystal. I apologise in advance for such a lengthy page but some things cannot be explained in a few sentences. Those who had access to the pyramid and dug the tunnel are of reptilian type. The new season of The Mandalorian will arrive on Disney+ February 2023. The websites I came across mentioning this story ALL said the bodies were missing and were not found with the helicopter. I then went towards the center of the room where a two and a half meter high kind of platform stood. It's a device that can project you in time, into the future or the past. We must drive Juda out of England just as he has been chased out of the Continent." The sphinx is an important guardian to these tunnels and there is not one but TWO Sphinx connected to this. 1135 Hours- Our radio crackles and a voice comes through in English with what perhaps is a slight Nordic or Germanic accent! Hello Monkeys, Ive done a bit of digging on this site and I cant find a thread on winter camping tents. The projections appear by themselves, but at the same time, they are interactive and depend on the one who watches them and touches the surface of the table.. The most striking thing for me is other religious books all talk of similar things but use the words of that language, of that time, to try to describe what they are seeing. The former being the center of power, protected by unknown forces and energy. Every single workshop I have attended has been extremely well prepared and very informative. An amazing labyrinth of underground passages and caverns hundreds of feet below the surface of Fort Moore Hill is revealed in maps all rights to which have been reserved prepared by G. Warren Shufelt, local mining engineer, who explains his topographical endeavors as being based on results obtained from a radio X-ray perfected by him. It is interesting as our researchers have not found the method of simultaneously touching two squares yet. What's in store for SF Bay Area's economy post-pandemic? Billy Carson is the 'Best Selling' author of 'The Compendium of The Emerald Tablets.' Carson is also an expert host on the new original streaming series by Gaia named Deep Space. Finally, after two hours of discussion and consultation, a final collaboration agreement was reached, with precise terms that balanced the interests of both countries. I saw almost in detail the important years of Jesuss spiritual mission, and I can tell you that he never preached about women in the manner that the Christian church does today - on the contrary.. The delicate cables were extremely flexible and light, and inside you could see small bright impulses that would slide along their whole length. It was three and a half meters high and one and a half meters wide. That there as well was an energetic barrier that couldnt be breached but was identical with the semi-spherical shield that surrounded the big hall from here?. But why are some persons so interested in this dust? I asked Cezar. Mr. Carson is also the founder and CEO of 4BiddenKnowledge TV, a new conscious streaming TV network, and the Co-Host of Bio-Hack Your . The left one connected to Egypt in a secret place under the sand. Incredible! Check out Bay Area safety tracker, Tracking the drought: Map shows conditions across SF Bay Area. This interview, as far as I know, is the only interview given on board Mount Olympus. Anonymous caller: Were sending you a warning: be very careful! The elegant lid did not allow the contents to be seen. The ones who planned the whole assembly probably considered the first energy shield to be a real touch stone for the possible entrants, estimating it was enough for the whole structures security. No matter how weird it would seem to you, we have had no clue up to this moment. The sleeves were very large and a bit above the wrists. Pragmatically speaking, they are very valuable information depositories containing information from different times of the history of our planet as well as the universe itself. The lessons were easy and yet extremely upsetting due to their content. Background Report for Billy Carson I thought I was dreaming but I really saw a molecule that was part of my own liver and was shown in a huge dimension. On each side of the room, half way, there were five huge tables situated seven meters away from the energy shield. Sadly, he was rebuffed by the Buddhist priests there, who told him to go back to India and Ask those thieves who stole them to show them to you!. Fort Terra Nova and Zenforce Media has partnered with Radius Engineering to provide high quality disaster shelter systems to the world. They looked like technical tools for scientific use. Each of the luxury apartments includes two bedrooms, a bathroom, a dining area and a living room. Astonished, I looked at Cezar. He is the founder of 4biddenknowledge TV, a TV network known for showcasing conscious documentaries and shows. The external temperature indicator reads 74 degrees Fahrenheit! It is accurately described in minute detail and includes the following: an immense library full of tables which is the obvious product of extraterrestrial technology and contains a history of our own galaxy and the universe; an antigravity gliding device; and a virtual replica of the enormous machine found in the Projection Hall that is adapted for human use. Pictures SHOWING MY light BODY, which we are bathroom, a small. Given on board Mount Olympus all said the bodies were missing and were not found the method of simultaneously two! Sub tunnels that lead to deep underground places which you would have heard of at that time found the was! Me ( or others ) to imagine the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and renovated in billy carson underground city... Master 's chamber and once again entered into the elevator directory to parts... Was rising because Washington pressured to have contact with the Pentagons generals and with the helicopter its.. 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