When my grandmother died I was named in her Will. Also, I have proof against them. My father past away June 27, 20 and I am his first born daughter. So much for justice in this country. Now her father has passed the corp down to the daughter from his 2nd marriage and that daughter is doing all she can to take my friends home from her and stick her away into a convalescent home and take her share of the corp. to share with her sisters and keep for herself. In her weird mind that was enough. This happened in my birth family, where I was left to pick up the pieces, bury my parents, after my siblings robbed them in life and death of their assets, and didnt even contribute to their last dispositions, but I did. Our father was really ill and before he passed he explicitly told me what to expect from my grandparents will (his parents). Any advice. the assets , she is doing well financially & have place of her own . The doctor has stolen $100 of $1,000s of $ from my mom as her POA. it was just what my sister was waiting for. We find out after she passed she only has 80k and she had gifted someone. I feel like if I ask for an investigation I will be cut out of the will entirely, because my Dad thinks my sister is god and she is the doctor in the family so who would believe me? Then she took all food he was intensive care i told her he needed to feed, she removed him to hospice told me she was taking him to rehab. Her second husband died at 54 2 months after buying a home and 1 year after buying a business ..no will so she got everything. her work place sent is all I saw and both parents funeral! Misappropriating trust assets. Sister hid 980k under Moms nose. while caring for his step mom in the presence of witnesses she stated she would like her daughter to honor to her wishes and to split everything down the middle. If a person dies and has money in stock bond municipalities and family members are fighting guess who steals the estate.The probate lawyer and stockbroker! This friend is Executor and sole reciever of everything in his will. This is all Dads money from 1991 when he died. At the time, I was spending a lot of time with her trying to help her. Do I have any rights to protect my dads wishes in his final days. Police would even take a report as he and his girlfriend carried out my belongings. we have step- siblings that are trying to take a claim to our parents home and I dont think they have a right to. I am a widowed senior cancer patient. her mother died in Santa Clara county shes in ventura county where should she begin to find out if hes still her trustee her uncle said he wasnt anymore her trustee a couple of years shes not in contact with him and now her taxes have shown up and are due she doesnt even know whats on the deed to her condo that he had bought for her even though he totally just tricked her into moving into the place its been 9 yrs since moving in. My Dad also did street drugs, was never in sound mind, couldnt spell, understand reading etc. My sister had poa over my mom. I was second beneficiary on mothers and step brother was on my dads. I do not know about the status of the investments, or the status of my uncles or great grandfathers business ventures or investments. You need to be a little more specific you can go to the court house and possibly ask if there is a will after 2015 they may not tell you I dont know your jurisdiction but you wont be able to see the will till after probate. My mother passed away In June 2011. I was given the run-around, and I dont know what steps to take because I have no legible proof, the only witness I have are my mother, and the second witness passed a month before Diana passed. Such a plan includes a detailed will, a power of attorney, and trusts for your assets. If the case is won or resolved, the lawyer's fee comes out of the recovery. I would have investigated earlier but I didnt know what he was worth and I just thought he didnt leave me anything. These ladies got her to agree to pay $800.00 a month, living expenses, tried to get her to sell her mobile home, pull up her deck and fence to make the one womans house decked, fenced, and handicapped assessable so she could move in with her and keep her dogs. She requires a full guardian of both person and estate. According to law that duty of support is only for his surviving spouse and children. He never intended me pain. Does he have a right to anything??? My father will not see me and Im sure there is a new Trust without me. His dad only had him there in no other siblings or wife. How can we assist him because they dont want him to come close to because he can get the correct information, hello, Im in need of attorney n Louisiana to assist me n my daughter as her grandmother has changed properties lied n change things after the 21 year accrual. Her daughter (my aunt) is a trustee I believe. This was in 2016 but I was at least a 50/50 hier and mu grandparents had plots at cemetery and always told me he had a will and it didnt change when my grandma died which supposedly had Lans in it for me. He weakly tried to blame it on our dads girlfriend, claiming that she needed a new laptop and some other miscellaneous small stuff. No one will tell me who, but after all that over 15 years someone took that money. Patti. They know that I do not have the money to fight back like I should. His dads ashes are in plastic bag and my grandson needs to buy the urn since he is keeping the ashes. I need legal help. PLEASE HELP ME. Wow! It has been a terrible ordeal! I helped her with her bills and creditors and got her out of debt. Through out the 32 Yrs of me & my Son living with my Mom & Dad they eventually got divorced my Dad was a alcoholic on many prescribed Controlled meds. She called me and my sister to her bed.she helped my sister pay off her house., and I let her have the bank account, and she verbally agreed that the house was mine. I hate seeing so much grief being shared over such a thing. Also left a small insurance for myself and his son, I have paperwork, signed it over to her. Since then she tried to offer me little to waive my rights and to support she threatened me said she had manipulated me. please help me, Yeh when your family has land n property n money there will be big crime network out to destroy you n be able to steal every thing, My brother died before he made a will a property was left the other family members sign off on the property I did not and he is comment I fraud by signing off my name. what can i do once the damage is done and you find out 10 yrs later the will wasnt filed ? Well years later I find out my grandmother left her grand kids money over $200,000.00 well the money has been in the bank. Thanks, My uncle claim an man as his son. Anyway, I was an only living relative of an Aunt & Uncles living trust agreement, them living in Oklahoma and me in California. I have a question. Who do I call? His dad, my grandpa passed away a couple of years before my dad did so it is just my elderly grandma. I moved home to MS. But I know that my dad had a lot of money and was very frugal. If you are an heir fighting inheritance theft, you will likely have to pay your attorney on an hourly basis, since you will be engaged in an ongoing legal dispute. Maybe your gma would consider gifting the heirloom to you now rather than waiting. i think my great grand parents left me inheritance and life insurance i need help finding this out please ,,,thank u sincerely ..leticia villalobos. The fathers mother ( my grandsons grandma) was shocked when she found out that life insurance was left to him instead of her. Father had brother and myself and because he was a war child wanted his blood line ensured. I was never informed by his girlfriend. As with choosing an executor, you need to trust that this individual will follow your wishes, since a power of attorney has control over your assets. Can I sue that executor for the amount of estate. I consider that the other brother committed fraud in knowingly having my mother rewrite the will to his standards after she was declared incompetent and lost her place in the independent retirement facility she inhabited. They didnt want nthing but. A good place to start may be contacting a legal professional. I grew up in government run group home because my school removed me from what they thought was an abusive situation instead of seeing my neurological issues along with adhd. i believe my inheritance has been stolen and i was not even ben notified that my family was deceased. Dad knew that my mother had contracted rubella and used both Dexadrine and diethylstilbestrol which predisposed me to both cancers and neurological disorders. My grandson was really distraught about his dads passing in mid August 2020. With my health issues we couldnt stop our lives to drive 12 hrs and go find out why. So very sadly to say as mine did! I cannot even call the doctor to find out how my family member is doing or get rid of caregivers that I think are inappropriate and uncaring. The case eventually made it to mediation. How does he have more rights than i do? a month for 30 years and to give monetary gifts ( value set by me ) to 3 of their friends. My dad past 9 years ago and new mexico has a law were the kids split everything in half.so there was no will and my brother and i agree d to let him be in charge..now he wont give me my inheritance my dad had everything paid off with no bills.so my brother wont talk to me and hes collecting rent from the tenants .he already took the mustang and all the tools .I cant afford Attorney cause my son has disability. My question can her husband be able revise the trust? ( no other ) It mentions that I should pay someone $2000. I was told I have dyslexia witch is now called ADHD. Then police took detective lied, then gave to another juridiction to Lapd, and presently im still waiting never heared anything back. This was done to hert me. I wish there was real help out there for all of us . Mom dies, sister lies over and over about every detail. Our dedicated lawyers, our decades of combined experience and our. Year later my Aunt died leaving all to her cousin in Ca. My fathers attorney has tried his best to make me look bad and is succeeding. Im afraid something has already been done with my dads will. She pulled the plug on his life support, without proper authority, then wouldnt tell us he passed. My ex husband,s brother , had told my son that his sister also is entitled to She is taking extreme advantage of my granny and me. The business partners are very savvy. there is a family friend handling it as exequatur but we are not in touch with her and are relying on my uncle for information. I really need help. I am so angry how my Dad was betrayed by his own sibling. The remaining siblings all agreed some manipulation took place in the last year my mother was alive. Thank You! My gma is still alive she has a will. My partner is 62 in good health but we are going to travel. Nieces police officers husband its none of my business and get on with your life. she has had full control of the bank accounts of over 200,000 and stocks over 1,000,000,00 dollars. My friend took out a Ad&d policy and 2 years later she fell. The man is in his 80s and was a lawyer for my father and grandfather. My cousin is the trustee over my grandfathers inheritance fund I believe he has been harassing me for more than 3 years now in hopes that I kill myself so that the funds will be deemed back to him and his family what do I do and who do I contact. What can I do? Never notified of probate or anything. She told me often enough that she had made a will the house was ours and he could not sell it, she even gave me her house keys on her death bed. The standard contingency fee for an attorney is a percentage amount rather than a fixed amount. we maybe meet for 15 minutes and thats because she was passing threw from vacation. Before this, I would go by and check on her but did not know her family situation. They lie easily, especially to me. No autopsy on my great-grandmother.who I am more than 90% sure was murdered by uncles wifeuncle was executor, they lived with my grandmother. The Hartford is not responsible for and makes no representation or warranty regarding the contents, completeness, accuracy or security of any material within this article or on such sites. . I was done the same way with my father telling me for decades what he wanted for me to get everything and make sure she got what they acquired together like furniture appliances bedding , but he got cancer and she undue influence manipulated him into changing the will to add her an what he didnt realize and the crooked attorney never told him that now, the will reads that she gets all furniture etc and then we split the house and truck, I was the executor. I know by law in Texas when my mother passed all assets became 2//3rds me and my sisters. I wont be able to pay until our house get sold. I think in general, we do not have enough knowledge about the law to be able to go by without having to hire a lawyer to figure out our estate and will. Appoint two executors to your estate. Im inquiring about stepmother rights to grandparents estate? Should we hire an estate planner who can suggest us to get the assets or the information? Ive been staying there caring for mom four years straight. Does he know. Just a costly legal battle to appeal or charge the man who wrote the trust with malpractice. He tells me I am power of attorney as well as my mom but when I ask what he wants he just says, your mom knows. An initial trust lawyer and a lawyer that litigates for beneficiaries that would see any undo loopholes. How can I get his personal and medical records papers as his legal wife? Dad was a veteran,retired epidemiologist,and always had life insurance?how could my dad leave me with nothing and no family.im on verge of breakdown and no $$ for atty.i asked for photos so do I need an atty to demand those.sister also has my $ blocked. She is survived by 8 children(my siblings). I truly hope something can be done or someone has legal advice or assistance. She threw out my practically new Christmas tree. What type of lawyer would we need to try and at least recoup some $10,000 that she told him was cost of his dads celebration of life? I just found out she had a brain tumor She died 2016. SHE past out a few months ago and laid on the floor for days. Inheritance hijacking can be simply defined as inheritance theft when a person steals what was intended to be left to another party. What can I do. Every one connected to the Will , the executor , the estate of his grandparents and the donations in the Will of his truck and the dollar horse trailer are to the American Legion. Good luck. The remaining 4 siblings agreed with the suit but did not sign on. Lifes savings meant for generations. She sold moms house and put all the money from the house sale into her sons bank account does she have the right to do that? I am heir to a house that my dad left for his children. This kind of denigration can persuade an elderly parent to change their will in favor of the lying heir. I cant do any thing to stop them. But a little money inevitably becomes a lot of money because they dont realize how deep they are until they have taken hundreds of thousands of dollars.. He never married the woman nor adopted him legally. Can he get any share of the money, You literally could not have said it better bro so I had a trustee of a state that he made my grandmother sign when she was in Florida without me at like 97 years old and listed and listed $34000 for the fees in the sale of the house that we only sold her 50 after he 1st of all falsified legal documents and the documents and his documents were just absolutely absolute absolute absolute absolute absolute absolute absolute absolute absolute absolute absolute absolute absolute absolute absolute absolute absolute absolute absolute absolutely absurd like he needs to learn how to make fake stuff vision and try it but I dont understand how no one will pick up a case even the bar association wont deal with it I dont know what to do . Then her husband and her told him he might need to sign an affidavite. They will claim the fiduciary association promises to keep them in line, but when you complain to the association they do nothing. Please let me know what we can do. Im scared my Sister & Husband are so blessed beautiful family, picture perfect home, can eat off their floors, well off no worries ever fir life her husband sued 3 times hospital or Drs he was 28 fireman had knee surgery they are manipulative people, care only fir themselves DONT know what its like living in a real world her main problems are cleaning or getting Botox, they havent spoke to my Dad in 2 Yrs after thry found out I was moving out of his 2 family home in Bronx N.y. My gma was leaving a family heirloom to my mom, but she passed. He did this without telling her. What would b my way in finding and receiving my money??? There should be a better law in place because children grown or not are better off if there parents have no will (interstate) that way if they did have a evil new found mate married or not at least the children would get half!! Inheritance theft and war has already erupted barely 2 months after burying my husband. It may be too late for own family, but if we can help others in the future. She was married for 53 years,her husband pass 4 years ago and his caretaker claims she doing what aunt maylee told her in her will. that have been in my family over 100 years. He was a millionaire probably 2-3 million at least but was at an assisted living family for 16 months and my uncle who quit speaking to my grandfather 25 years ago and always spoke Ill of him and said dont trust him send stay away from my grandfather. I got her records, filed her insurance papers, paid her debts, and arranged her funeral. When he got there he wanted to pay her less and she would not allow him to change it from $25,000 and took him straight to bank and had him write out the check. According to the law, this is a criminal matter if the situation is discovered while the principle is alive, but after his/her death, it becomes a civil matter. It is now some years later and I just talked to her but she helped me reset my password and all the information I saved is now gone. Ive had to pay around $5000.00 out of pocket for attorneys I cant keep one they get with her attorney and everything gets turned around and they work against me for god sake. Im terrified of confrontation is why I havent tried for help sooner. i have someone now ruining my credit, iv let it go on for years im looking for help in reasserting control in my personal assets. My father in law stopped talking to us about 3 years ago . I feel that after she took off with all the assists the will should have been void. AND GOD ANIT PLEASED. Identity Theft should give me the MILLION because I am due for it. Is it too late for us to stop this? My father was a 100% disabled vran , my father said he was saving up for us kids me myself. My parents, who had been divorced for 28 years, also agreed in their wills that there would be no changes and no new wills without the consent of the other. Only thing I could find was his IRA account. We just found out he was cremated at $895.00 and she asked for 5 death certificates so that same up around $1,000.00 the celebration of life was held at his Uncles home and all she paid for was food be catered from Olive Garden, some pictures, and a video. Is won or resolved, the lawyer & # x27 ; s fee comes of! Set by me ) to 3 of their friends he weakly tried to offer me little waive! Place of her we can help others in the bank my sisters for it insurance! Left a small insurance for myself and because he was a lawyer for father... 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