So it pays off long-term and he will be able to help other people. This is followed by Saturn in Aries in the Seventh House from May 26th 2025 and shortly before this, Neptune goes into Aries from 31st March 2025, so that year in particular is a crossroads for him. Jimi Hendrix, November 27th I am a Capricorn with a mortgage to pay and dont want to be caught short again so am thinking of ways to minimise any effects this time around. Andy Serkis, April 20th Happy New Year. When the news broke I thought of your prediction. You have a highly unusual Minerva pattern in your chart. Ive given life in Canada a fair shot but it still doesnt feel like home. Every 28 days or so, as has been the case since 2008, you have a clash in your horoscope. Better conditions. Its in your astrological D.N.A. You all have to see it in your minds. The American brethren will fall after being attacked by the steel birds. I will go back and expand that brief prediction to clarify; of course Telehealth and Pharmacist/Chemist service wont work for many conditions. Your child being schooled at home is a good example. Thank you so much for this and the Aquarius Factors post (which was spot on). They have given Covid perfect conditions for doing that and unfortunately the astrology will be right. See what Betsey foresees for world leaders and the upcoming U.S. elections in 2022 and what the future holds in 2023. Yet, things change overnight in our brave new world, dont they? Janie Bee. She lives in Tasmania, Australia and edits The Holiday Goddess Guide to Paris, London, New York and Rome (HarperCollins). This is a Robin Hood year, Leo. Dangerous shared air. So this is long-term for you. You get an A for patience. As a Sun Aries with stelliums in Aries and Taurus you are in an odd phase at the moment when karma rules. ARIES So are we stuck with coal, petrol and gas in the future and the bushfires, wildfires, floods and animal extinctions? There is a second stuck cycle to end; the South Node in Scorpio in your Ninth House of foreigners and foreign countries, which always takes you back to karma from life as it was 18 or 19 years before. The Chinese New Year 2022 of the Water Tiger will start on February 1, 2022 - the second New Moon after the Solstice. Jessica Adams. Make a property dream real and get rid of imaginary threats. Michelle Whitedove sees upcoming world events, impending disasters, trends and insightful celebrity predictions too. You are concerned about your twins, who are Capricorn Millennials. Being heard and read. Its more likely that youll take the former option, though. Thank you Jessica. So Im reading solar and natal charts together. My new position is not in the same industry but is still somewhat tourism related, just not totally dependent on it. Scorpio, with your powerful ruling planet Pluto on your side in 2022, there is no doubt that you will be taking on the map and seriously considering shipping your most promising concepts (and even yourself) into new areas. Hi Jessica! Ukraine will win. I didnt know they had this product that alerted us to air quality. Support does not reply to questions about comments as we assume by posting you have read and understand this comment policy. Are you able to tell from my chart if this is possible? First things first; Mercury Retrograde is still with you in Capricorn, the sign ruling career, and it wont resume normal transmission until 7th February, so you are allowed to spin your wheels now. Sometimes there are two people involved, so typically, an ex-wife and a new girlfriend. Others will be Leo, who have Jupiter in Aries in their solar Ninth House. You and/or your partner or potential lover choose freedom. The Prime Minister of Australia came a cropper in 2022. Happy 2023. This cycle runs until May 2023. Carey Mulligan, 28th May Asc with a stellium of Leo. Its about protecting yourself and being sensible. Thank you. THE FUTURE OF WORK John Cleese, October 27th Please keep reading for diary dates and your Tarot forecast. I have also been experiencing the opposition of Neptune to my Virgo stellium and its still thereclose to reaching my natal Saturn, which worries me. Jupiter was also regarded as Jupiter Optimus Maximus by the Romans the greatest and best of gods. Take your time deciding as you will have to live with the work part of the equation for some time. March 2023 brings a major choice about how you are to work; how you are to look after your health and fitness; how you are to begin a different lifestyle, with a daily workload. We will see some new female superstars in politics then. Im wondering if Im picking up collective detours about my 2023 concerning covid or if there is a personal obstacle that I need to be aware of. Trump collapsing is of course, when, not if. The forests grew back. As we go into Pluto in Aquarius, we enter the same cycle that saw King George III step down in favour of the Prince Regent, which is something Carter could not possibly have known back in the 1940s; Her Majesty the Queen living to advanced old age was not thought of. The concentrated focus on the word or the bible will help. As for job interviews, Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn in your Tenth House of career is here until early February. Pooling resources with the community is a huge part of a very successful and enjoyable year, Pisces. Happy New Year. Any new COVID-19 variant or new epidemic making news on the Full Moon at 17 Pisces opposite the Sun at 17 Virgo on Saturday 10th September, escalating on Friday 23rd, Saturday 24th September, is a worry. The timing for this marvellous proposal or plan takes off after Jupiter changes signs to Aries, on May 11th 2022. And you seem to be very right about COVID-19 reaching its peak in March due to whats happening now in China. Hi Jessica, Thank you. Psychic Jayne Wallace has been described by Kim Kardashian as 'the most exceptionally gifted clairvoyant I have ever met' ADELE: I can see her having a baby in 2022 and, musically, she will do better than ever. You quite rightly think you cant see any growth without casting your net widely. Its creative conflict with potentially spectacular outcomes, but youll have to work at it. You never really escape the past with the South Node in Scorpio, in your solar Eleventh House of groups. By Jackie Calmes Columnist. Before you go, ask around and read between the lines about the place. Chris Difford, November 4th Mercury Retrograde is with us. And yes you will be able to create internet versions of yourself, to walk and talk in new online spaces. There are so many moral and ethical questions about giving and receiving money in 2022, Leo and you would not be human if they did not cross your mind, because you are going to be giving or receiving. The year 2023 is full of highs and lows. Best Regards, Uranus in Taurus is also about a global economic revolution. There is only one word for 2022 and its total global economic revolution. This means the pressure is taken off doctors and hospitals so we all gain. And what does all this achieve? I have been a member for some time & I absolutely love your articles & predictions. You may already be in a professional duet, for example, but the word on that has to come from a superior. Do you have any thoughts about the 2023 election in New Zealand? What do these planets in 6th mean? The big stretch is over in July. Psychic predictions for 2023 have arrived with the help of Astrology, Tarot cards, and other forms of divination and research. Your love and affectionate relationships as well as professional projects might come under pressure. You saw this on my website way back on 20th December 2017, three . Along with that I start a new job in a few months in a health centre, so worry too about lack of mitigations regards Covid, although I do mask and own HEPA/UVC units. CANCER This comes from Leos solar Eighth House, ruled by Pisces, where Saturn enters in March 2023. Thank you. The psychic, who previously predicted the COVID pandemic and Meghan Markle's interview with Oprah, has made some pretty bold predictions for this upcoming year, so let's take a look at them. My husband is a Libra with Aries ascendant. And co-operation. 2023 is historic. How Astrology Predicted 2020. Thank you Jessica. You will have to negotiate with him. We made it. The science has backed the astrology and the variant I was concerned about in September (XBB) is now behind the dominant strain of Covid in America. At around the same time we have the South Node entering Scorpio and your Eleventh House of groups, friends and frenemies. Again, it will be March that is a turning point month when he really addresses the issue of his face, hair, body and clothes. Thanks for a wonderful blog. All the best. Once it starts it will not stop and it will show in different ways to the year 2044, actually. If life feels random, in 2022, as if you are swinging backwards and forwards, you can thank Jupiter and his unusual vanishing act. This sector is really about words, images and ideas and its been 12 years since Jupiter was here. Enjoy full premium member benefits by selecting a plan below. Some will be Virgo, who have Uranus in Taurus in their solar Ninth House. That stops in March. Position from birth chart Sun in Pisces, Moon in Leo, Mercury in Pisces, Venus in Aquarius, Jupiter in Scorpio, Saturn in Sagittarius, Uranus in Leo, Neptune in Scorpio Pluto in Virgo, North Node in Scorpio. Morrissey, 22nd May Maybe its time to find closure with your ex-husband and go back to the priest (or the church) where you were married. Diana Princess of Wales, 1st July I am glad youve seen the messages about UVC light and Covid. Job-sharing. For many different reasons, Leo, perhaps including property, you should be wealthy in 2022. From 2026 you will become far more involved with internet and/or media. In my book, the needles arent vaccines the way we wanted or expected them. This idea comes from the old association of your sign with royalty. Background: a review of our Psychic Predictions for 2022. . Thats really important. You want to emigrate. You can choose retirement if you want to but you will still be extremely successful May 2023 to May 2024 if you say yes to a stunning opportunity to go higher and further in life. Love and light (and sparkling wishes for 2023 ahead for you) The group may include you, very much, or be outside you, but you are central to it. Nobody wants to feel that their patron is patronising them, though! Women and girls in Scotland will win we wont wheesht! Australia avoided a hung parliament but Josh Frydenberg lost his seat. That is not the idea (or ideas, plural). The entry and exit points of Jupiter, for a start, give you deadlines. You have become so used to it, you may have forgotten what it was like to work, study or volunteer without it but a change is coming in March. With stuck, serious, sombre Saturn in Aquarius in 2022, in the area of your solar chart which rules home (as well as your home town, local area and country) you are no doubt longing for new pastures. Maybe youre happy to accept that in exchange for a new home. Will we be fingerprinted electronically? Border conflict will also escalate between India and China. I signed up for premium as I wanted to to know more and have found the info you give fascinating. March 2023 is historic. Its really simple. Its like The Beatles in 1969 and those around them. Ive been wishing and hoping to move for over a decade. hi Jessica. Im looking forward to next year and am looking forward to reading the 2023 horoscopes hopefully next year will be a good one like this year. You are in the rare position of potentially sleeping with the enemy or actually going over to the other side, or the opposite team, and so on this year. Retrograde is backward or stuck. Im a Cancer Sun, Gem Moon, Sag. Virgo, you cant separate the two of you from a higher authority, power or guide. Thank you. Teal women independent candidates will finish off the Liberal Party in New South Wales in March 2023 as Sydney votes. Thank you for the COVID advice, of which I am certain has saved lives. That is why millions of Americans own guns as a way of life. I feel somehow stuck. All the polls are saying Labour will lose And yes, I have a property dream but its quite quirky, so I hope you are right. Elvis Costello, August 25th This prediction about Vladimir Putin was printed in 1685 in London. You will feel far more grounded in 2023! His Holiness The Dalai Lama, 6th July I always love to see when you have new blogs posted! I first discovered you by recommendation just after Putin invaded Ukraine and it has been so insightful and has made the world that bit less scary! Do you see a good outcome? This resulted in Climate Change. I cant see a chart here, so can only read for you as a Sun Taurus. Thank you. You can watch my predictions for your sign on YouTube here. Pluto goes into Aquarius. David Attenborough, May 8th By that, I mean your home town or homeland. Trouble logging in? Thank you. My sun sign on my birth chart is saying I am a Pisces, although on your sign dates on the website, I am a Aquarius (Im born February 19th). I appreciate these words, it has ignited and validated me. Because you spend so much time pondering and preparing. They started using condoms; having safe sex; probably gave up smoking when the class action lawsuits against cigarette companies exposed the cancer and heart disease risks. You may be a student, scriptwriter, teacher, librarian, website author, publisher, academic and so on or just temporarily drawn into the world of worlds and ideas. Just as they saw during the last cycle of Uranus and the North Node in Taurus, in 1350-1353 prices are rising. I dont know which country you live in, but Philips are selling HEPA filters with UVC light inside with excellent results in laboratory tests of Covid elimination. Cant wait for the uv-c lights for the home. In the years 2020, 2021 and 2022, as the South Node in Sagittarius brings back the year 1983, youll notice something. Just be aware that from March, the financial side of a new house or apartment will put you on new, heavy rules. Youve been here before! Love your site and your predictions are spot on! Hope you had a wonderful festive period and New Year and I look forward to seeing your predictions unfold! Many Aries people have moved home and/or workplace more than once since 2008 when this Pluto cycle began, because its been so difficult to get the location for work or home right. A fortune teller who predicts the future using asparagus has revealed her tips for 2022 and they include some Royal scandals as well as Boris Johnson continuing as Prime Minister . The 2024 elections in India, America, the United Kingdom are all about a radical new world economy. They have to be contacted for the price, so at this point it may be most suitable for businesses. If you are watching Australian politics, the election will involve a Pisces, Labor leader Anthony Albanese. Climate change and plague. Beatrix Potter, 28th July 1996-2023 Jessica Adams Proprietary Limited. Pluto will oppose my rising sign and then my North Node and Saturn will oppose a stellium in Virgo. Milton is renowned for his uncanny and accurate forecasts on world politics and economics. Once lit it never stops. Thank you. For the recent election in the us, you had mentioned a coverup because of the eclipse, the news has recently come out about a congressman and the lies that helped him get elected. Thank you very much Chris and Happy New Year. It shows Venus at 9 Cancer. This is a signal for growth on the outside, so not just a new approach to your clothes and accessories, but also your shape and even your body language. Forget the trivia and sheer speed of the worldwide web; this is a year to turn to those who have deeper vaults of information to mine. Thank you AJ. Anthony Kiedis, November 1st The solutions are already here for children. So you may be on a restricted raw vegan diet, for example, or discover that your work house have to be limited, because you start working from home, to protect yourself against becoming infected with Covid at the office. 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