Two classic Star Trek villains return, but maybe theyre not the baddies we once thought they were? These rules were later published as The Ferengi Rules of Acquisition, by Quark as told to Ira Steven Behr (.mw-parser-output cite.citation{font-style:inherit;word-wrap:break-word}.mw-parser-output .citation q{quotes:"\"""\"""'""'"}.mw-parser-output .citation:target{background-color:rgba(0,127,255,0.133)}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-free a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-free a{background:url("//")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-limited a,.mw-parser-output .id-lock-registration a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-limited a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-registration a{background:url("//")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-subscription a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-subscription a{background:url("//")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .cs1-ws-icon a{background:url("//")right 0.1em center/12px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .cs1-code{color:inherit;background:inherit;border:none;padding:inherit}.mw-parser-output .cs1-hidden-error{display:none;color:#d33}.mw-parser-output .cs1-visible-error{color:#d33}.mw-parser-output .cs1-maint{display:none;color:#3a3;margin-left:0.3em}.mw-parser-output .cs1-format{font-size:95%}.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-left{padding-left:0.2em}.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-right{padding-right:0.2em}.mw-parser-output .citation .mw-selflink{font-weight:inherit}ISBN0-671-52936-6). Related Topics: Documentary, Ira Steven Behr, Sci-Fi, Star Trek. Says Lyle: She trusts Claire and shes also probably quite flattered that Claire would trust her.. Good article. "Part of the subtext of why I did this doc, and why the film is as long as it is, is that it was repairing my relationship and feelings towards the fans," he says. ' Behr was rejuvenated after producingHarry Dean Stantons final film, and he was eager to redirect that artistic zeal into What We Left Behind. A new beginning. Its not Sisko who comes back onto the station. Ren Echevarria created the series The 4400 (20042007) which Behr joined as a writer and took over as executive producer. I will be excited not to wear a wig and a cap, he says. Neither of them worked on Season 3 as far as I know. I love a well written, in depth analysis that helps me comprehend why I like something so much. Do you have a spare $25 million? he says. While the Outlander world may be Ron Moores sandbox that is generally filled out by his staff of writers, its the small details each writer brings to the table, such as pouring out Claret, that defines the fabric of that worlds reality. (Speaking about DS9 in the, What We Left Behind: Looking Back at Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. I thoroughly enjoyed the opulence and depravity of the French. We decided that Jamie could not put on the red coat, that Jamie had to be forced to put on the red coat, says EP Roberts. No, no, no, no, no way. Ira Steven Behr is an American television producer and screenwriter, most known for his work on Star Trek, especially Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, on which he served as showrunner and executive producer. Everything is perfect. [8][9], Behr left Star Trek following the completion of Deep Space Nine's seven season run in 1999. The following contains plot spoilers - read at your own risk. Ira says this of The Garrison Commander: I was originally going to write as my first script episode three, and episode six was broken by the staff. Life in Paris is not without its trials as Jamie struggles to triumph over the traumas of his past. A year ago, in fairly early 2018, Behr recalls, I woke up one day and I raced to Paramount and said, Okay guys, heres how we should have ended episode one! Unlike the original Star Trek or Star Trek: The Next Generation, DS9 embraced a form of serialized storytelling that, while commonplace on television today, was something unexplored on Star Trek when the new series launched in 1993. After that, it was just easy.. How she said Frank lost his temper? "What You Leave Behind" Written by Ira Steven Behr & Hans Beimler Directed by Allan Kroeker Season 7, Episode 25 Production episode 40510-575 Original air date: June 2, 1999 Stardate: unknown S Now, after all these years, Benjamin Sisko returns in true DS9 fashion. Ira Steven Behr, the showrunner and executive producer on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, was utterly done with toiling around the final frontier. That it made an impact on her? It totally did remind me of a one act play. Her work on the show is good (youre right about the amount of days between christmas and christmas eve but thats more of a technical error that I can overlook). Usually ships within 4 to 5 days. The smoke has not totally cleared yet, he says. It was a special episode and also they let us throw money at it with reckless abandon.. I literally cant think of anything to the same degree as BJR from The Garrison Commander.. It drove me crazy. Totally agree. to have seen that scene before they killed off Frank. I LOVE that descriptor. Hi Whitney! The show was always about the 20th century. I just have to disagree with you on this. Discover Ira Steven Behr's Biography, Age, Height, Physical Stats, Dating/Affairs, Family and career updates. I thought it undercut all the dramatic tension that was built in the premiere. The writers have captured some, but reading the books had me in stitches over and over. It was Charlie Brill and it was the most ridiculous thing that ever happened to me.. The first line is: BJR: The crowd had to look away. He is responsible for some of the most memorable moments in the entirety of Outlanders run so far. Anna Foersters name also came up. We had them keep looking and pulling boxes with reels of film and send them to us, but every box is like ten reels. Nope, cant use that because thats her role in the show. I kinda wish she would have kept that bolt so she could have used it to give . He fielded complaints regarding the shows supposedly darker tone, its handling of religion through the Bajoran faith, and narrative arcs that extend throughout multiple seasons rather than the typical one-and-done plots. A wedding, two deaths, two futile attempts to change the future, and many masterful moments. Thank you for this great in-depth analysis. I would interview the actors. And that was the point of this article Diana may have created the characters, but they were given more life and texture by the screenwriters because thats what television demands. Since then he moved on to produce a wide range of programs in a variety of genres, including Bob Patterson, Dark Angel, Alphas, and Outlander. My involvement will continue on both those avenues going forward. I wish each book was given given 16 episodes like the first season told in two eight part editions. "Avery had made this big deal about [the documentary]," says Ira Steven Behr, DS9 showrunner and, alongside David Zappone, director of "What We Left Behind". I actually appreciate that you disagree with me. Shescrazy? He saw it as an opportunity as that they would be more open and willing to do things differently than if it had been a more successful show. Its one thing to make a word-for-word faithful adaption of Outlander. I got a call from Avery Brooks, who was very excited about what he was witnessing, says Behr. We talked about starting an Indiegogo campaign to kind of force the network to say, Hey, look at all the money theyre raising But its just not going to happen. Its a comforting thought to imagine that, after all these years and far beyond all those distant stars, Benny Russell is still dreaming of us. It would work.. I know thats a frightening thing. Behr did his tour in. Finally a lot of action, moving right along. I went back and listened to our podcast interview with Ira before writing this piece, and I was once again surprised at how close the two were on a professional level. We dont want to do it. But then we sat around talking and it just developed into this really cool episode.. Just a minor change, the residents of Georgia helping Claire and Jamie and inviting them to rest at their home would have been logical and b bit more like the book. Thats when I started to realize, Gee, you got to get serious about this thing. Posts about Ira Steven Behr written by Your friendly neighbourhood ABOotlanders. With that episode it was the first time I saw Mary as somebody who could fight for what she wanted and react in a assertive, aggressive even cold manner (shades of Frank). Not only did DS9 offer growth for its diverse cast of specific characters, it managed to expand fictional cultures and bring depth to alien races that had appeared as one note on TNG. Impeccably trained and disciplined given his tutoring with his accent. Perhaps he could do no wrong in her eyes, but he did act that way and she forgave him. Who are your favorite Outlander writers? I enjoy the writers interpretations and it is giving many the opportunities of writing for a Great Show. But hopefully, by the time we were deep in, wed come up with something better.. Piller persuaded him to join the new series Star Trek: Deep Space Nine as a supervising producer. I was not a fan of the Ferengi, laughs Behr. But, she did not write the bits that were on the television screen that I highlighted. Blind fools. Knowing there was very little description in the book except for the punch, Ira jumped into The Garrison Commanderwith the idea to create a descriptive one act play between Claire and BJR that made Black Jack a far more viable character than the book had ever imagined. What We Left Behind boasts some impressive footage, restored to HD for the documentary. When I look at the homeless problem that were currently dealing with in Los Angeles and probably all over the country, yes, its kind of weird that we did Past Tense and said it was five years away. [17], From 2014 to 2016 Behr served as writer and co-executive producer on Outlander, alongside fellow Deep Space 9 contributor Ronald D. I went to Ron and I told him, Look if you want me to do it, Ill switch episodes. The audience as well as Claire knew that in their first meeting BJR tried to rape her. Agree.still quite good, just not absolutely excellent. [10] The show hasn't been renewed beyond season six yet. Behr returned to Star Trek in 1993 as a supervising producer for the pilot of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (1993) and became a co-executive producer in the second season . Yes, Anne wrote one episode for season three, but youre right about the show missing her too. Those were details that were fleshed out by Ira. Stacks of racks and rows of chapeaus! (season 3 Galis to me was ruined. The scene comes to a head with the infamous punch to Claires stomach. I love others views on the characters, story and appreciate your writing, too. I felt like the new writers were lacking some of the passion and energy of S1 and S2. The power of two is invoked to provide structure and flow to the storytelling. I never felt the lack of this in the books, perhaps because in the books, we are WAY more in Claires head than we could possibly have been in the show? Star Trek is all about the technology, but if you have aliens with incredible abilities, suddenly youre okay with magic.. While my love for Outlander knows no bounds, I must admit something felt off in Season 3. So it cant be wedded. Ira continued: And thats when I really got into the character and started to come up with all of these little pieces that interested me It was the small details: the pouring of the wine out the window, the line the truth bears the weight that no lie can counterfeit. I mean there were things that I just discovered along the way that made it these little things that started to fascinate me and I realized just what a complicatedI never really thought about Black Jack much or that he was a complicated character, except for that he had a wicked dark side to him. He was on The Ed Sullivan Show the night the Beatles premiered and he spent the rest of his career, him and his wife, claiming that that destroyed their career because the Beatles just took all the publicity. Graduate of Lehman College in New York City, Behr studied Mass We still have a month before the Blu-ray comes out and then therell be this, that, and the other thing, that Ill still have in the front of my brainor at least, in my brain. Behr is not out of the past; hes still actively treading upon it. Our first example of this tool would be right after we see the beating of Jaime via flashback and BJR discusses why he did what he did to him. Surviving being hanged last season has changed Roger (Richard Rankin, with Heughan, in the premiere, Echoes). We know where we want to go. We were finally really moving and, suddenly, it was, Whoa! Instead, Behr elected to move to Los Angeles and pursue a career in writing comedies for television and film. As a result, we see the special relationship between BJR and Jamie, BJRs depravity, Claires fragility, and undeserved confidence in her ability to navigate the 18th century. Each central character manages to grow organically, becoming someone very different than they were when the series began. . Why? (season 3 Galis to me was ruined. Every idea we had got blown out of the water and it took us a year to get back to where we wanted it to go. Outlander has had its share of writer turnover. Corporal Hawkins comes by, gives her a good kick to the stomach at BJRs insistence, Dougal bursts in for the rescue and Black Jack demands that he bring Claire back or else the will hunt them all down to death for harboring a fugitive of the King, regardless of title or where they are. We just went with it. The only thing I can come up with is that she likes bathing in blood? The scene then funnels down to a single point, with the most important word or line of dialogue stated last. In other words, lets think of it like an upside down triangle starting off with a broad line that forms the framework of the scene, and it becomes more pointed as the scene goes along to allow the whole thrust of the scene to be pierced by one line. All true. Additionally in watching BJR, it made me afraid for Frank being involved in Intelligence and interrogations in WW2 as Claire mentioned. I find myself doing such things garish work until I no longer recognize the man Ive become. As far as 2.02 I was not a huge fan. But then it hit me the change was not the result of an added facet. Wish there was a chance Ira Stephen Behr could get another shot at writing for Outlander again! Not to say that it was bad, or that it needed an overhaul it just felt different. I agree that Outlander has probably become a little more lightweight than normal. But with the possible exception of Lord John, I just didnt really care all that much about any of the minor characters this season. Star Trek remains due to the voracious appetite of its enthusiastic fanbase and the franchises ability to morph its core concept without betraying its original ideology. Well, lets do a little exercise in what I mean by character work.. Theres always truth to what he says.. Behrs writing credits on Outlander include the following episodes: The Garrison Commander, By The Pricking Of My Thumbs, Wentworth Prison, To Ransom A Mans Soul, Not In Scotland Anymore, Prestonpansand The Hail Mary.. On Monday, May 13, Shout! One of my favorite techniques that Ira uses is to make the whole point of the scene funnel down to the absolute last line of that scene. The most obvious answer is Lord John Grey considering Diana Gabaldons separate novels about that character. And I have. But, I looked it up on the interwebs and couldnt find anything like you said. As for Dougal well, he is menacing, in control and even a little wild as he charges down the hill before the battle of Prestonpans. Yes, I totally agree: Outlander Season 4 definitely felt different than the show that hooked me, and yes, I miss Ira too. I mean, look, I get it. But theres just something special about a guy who just writes good television for the sake of it because it interests him. Do you think Sam Heughan and Caitriona Balfe will continue with the series if it continues? Some actors turn to their phones or head to their trailers once cameras stop rolling Heughan and Balfe horse around! Despite himself, however, Behr does not half-ass anything. Behr was involved with most of the early Ferengi-related episodes, and introduced the concept of the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition and wrote most of the rules which appeared on the show. This is where Claire becomes trapped in BJRs game. Never before have I fought someone with the fitness of Sam Heughan, says stuntmanactor Flint Eagle, who played exiled Cherokee Tskili Yona. Ill do six, and he said, Yes, yes, thank you. How do you get there? Now, pretend youre having a conversation with someone whos never seen Outlander, and describe BJR or Dougal (using examples from those episodes alone) WITHOUT saying what they look like, what they wore, what their profession is, or their role in the show. It was an amazing catalyst for so much. To Ransom A Mans Soul do I even have to say the words on this one? Using the parameters I set up earlier in this article, describe Geillis in The Bakra.. 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