We have a 4 bedroom house with 3 living rooms and its a split level house so 3 sets of stairs and most of our house is carpeted how much DE would you recommend that i buy? Is this gonna hurt them? Diatomaceous Earth can also be fed to dogs for the purpose of eliminating intestinal parasites. Is safe for her, I mean, she loves to play on the floor. HELP. I will be spending a whole day doing all this and giving 12 cats baths. Fleas can live on humans but its not their preferred target. I wont be able to handle months of this, my stress will likely kill me and I cant afford costly options. Drat. If an extremely large amount is inhaled, people may cough and have shortness of breath. I have been dusting my cat so that when he lays down, it might deter fleas. Enjoy your trip! Hi we live in south of England, very close to forest area how often would we need to repeat treatment as a preventative? Im hoping that getting her dusted isnt going to be a big fight. I have bought DE, and have scattered it around the bedroom, but as I understand it, the fleas are just waiting for a body to hatch from larval stage and then leaping on me! Does anyone know if salt and baking soda work as well as using DE when combating fleas in the carpet? Let our authors & experts know what you think. Bought a 10lb bag on amazon for 25 bucks, think i was ripped off but if it works ill be happy. I purchased Red Lake Earth DE from my local feed supply store. While it does kill fleas, there are some important things to be aware of before using it. Thanks! We poofed the house and yard. Diatomaceous earth is extremely effective for killing fleas that are hiding in carpets, either in your home or even outside where your pets might enjoy taking a rest. hi and thanks for all the info. Well, it gives you the confidence that you can use it for flea control without stressing about potential complications with health. Does giving DE to the cats in their food help? If your pet is coughing or sneezing, take them to clear air, make sure their bed is up off the ground for a while. In other words, if you have a decent model, it will be fine . I then tried DE a week ago, left it down for 3 days before vacuuming and it seemed to kill a lot of fleas. Hopefully, this will work. $9.97 for a bag at Home depot 100% diatomaceous earth. So many great insights shared by yourself and your many commenters! To be fair, I capstard the cat that had been frontlined. Minerals. Just how much do I sprinkle on my three pound and eight pound dogs dont want to use to much please help thank u, Hi Kathy! 2 questions: 1. is there any value in adding DE to my dogs food? Omg. However, if you do it infrequently, feel free to do it. They came off an Amish farm. Hi Dotti! I sprayed their curtains. When preparing it for consumption I mix half a teaspoon DE per cat with a little of the dry cat food that I have soaked for a few minutes in a little water to make a paste. For applying the DE, use a broom to brush it into the carpet, that works the best. Apologies for the delay in my response, just catching up on commments atm. To get to the point, Boo has brought fleas into the basement. Have a good one! Should I look specifically for food grade on the package next time I purchase this product? As temperature warm, they get busy. I recommend that you give it a couple days before following the steps outlined in this guide as there may still be residue chemicals that may take effect after the house was treated by that exterminator. Ive sent my husband to the local farm supply to by DE. To scout for larval damage, check the roots of a few plants or the tubers of potato plants to look for the whitish larvae munching away, or furrowing grooves in your tubers. What I bought is only 78% DE, 22% Other. Hope that helps! A couple times I must have been standing in an old deer bed because Id come home after leaving the woods and would find fleas all over my clothes. We just found some fleas on our cat. Hello! While the product I recommend is usually white, this definitely doesnt mean that you have the wrong stuff. See the table below to identify some common cruciferous feeders (cole crops like cabbage, kale, and Brussels sprouts) versus solanaceous feeders (nightshade family including tomatoes, potatoes, and eggplant). I dont want to hire an exterminator, because Im wondering how much that is going to help if the fleas are all over my cats? Hi R Trail! She said yes. The one room I saw fleas and flea dirt though the fleas were dead, the other childs room we just found flea dirt where the cat laid in one spot. If I can help in any other way, please let me know! But the lady told me it was safe to use for flea control. You can but its not really the best choice of action, rather use a couple of the other natural flea control methods for your cat. Hey EF! I will be writing about roaches in the next couple months and I will definitely include something about this. DE does help if your dog has worms. My dog cant walk 5 steps without scratching. Any brush with stiff bristles . This is a valuable cultural control. Its pretty bad to say the least. It should mention it on the label. LOL, Am I forgetting anything? I tried Borax again, it seems a lot better the second time around. I personally used it on my rabbits and in their litter box and on my dog. I do think the powder does damage. All Rights Reserved 2022. Are they safe for my pets? What color should it be? I used the online chat to ask safer brand if it was food grade, they assured me its safe for kids and pets. She is frantic about how to clean it all up. Please note, as an introduction to this section, let me just make one thing crystal clear. We have hardwood floors, how is the best way to get rid of fleas on these types of floors, using DE? My poor cat is losing her fur because of these damn fleas. Thanks for your kind words That sounds like a fail safe plan, I love it! Yea, Im that sick of them!! Katrina. As long as you make sure its quality stuff, it doesnt really matter where you get it, as long as its going to do the job without risking anyones health. Thank you for this great website!! I was under the impression that I could put DE on the kitties when and if the fleas returned in a month. Thanks! I live on a farm, so its ok that the music is blasting. That combination should sort you out quickly. Hi Natasha Your article was so very informative. I just treated the whole main floor of the house and plan to do the upstairs. I also read that you mentioned to someone if they leave the DE on for 3 days after vacuuming there is no need to reapply, but earlier you had mentioned that it takes a bout a week for the eggs to hatch.. wouldnt it be better to either reapply or leave on the carpet longer? Or should I say they are finding me since I am the only blood in the house that isnt treated. I also use this for flea control and for personal use. I recommend that you just keep an eye on the situation and vacuum everything really well. How long should I let it sit for? I am glad to hear that you have had such good results and thank you for your kind words. The rest of the dogs caught them and we have been having a hard time getting rid of them. Hope that helps! Ive dusted my entire house with food grade DE (may have used a bit much, lol) and plan to leave it over the weekend. I sprinkled this rather liberally throughout the house. Some people have mentioned that they eat a teaspoon a day to rid themselves of parasites. I have a 3-month flea problem, first had pest control company spray all floors with toxic chemicals guaranteed to work for 7 months, did not even work for less than 5 weeks. I have cotton bedspread that I am afraid to wash and dry in heat. After reading your blog I ordered food grade D-Earth from Amazon and put it down today. This will push the tiny granules into the carpet, without causing a dust cloud. Natasha, thanks for the great info. In conclusion, using this simple and natural powder can do wonders for household flea problems. I purchased DE yesterday, and in a hurry to slove the problem, POURED the DE powder everywhere; baseboards, carpets, couches, etc. Hi Mandy! For about a year now I have been using this Earth I place 1/2 tsp on their breakfast every morning. Like boric acid, it kills fleas by dehydration [10]. Hi Natasha, I was just curious I was looking to use DE on my carpets and rugs upstairs where my cat was until i found fleas. I bathed my cat with Dawn dish soap too. that can be affected by it. I do leave Boo go outside to roam around during the day, and he mainly comes in at night to eat/sleep. Also, I live in 80-90% humidity right now so dry climates for preventing a sticky mess are impossible. And I know they have fleas. However, she sleeps on my bed; she has for 10 years and there is no changing that. But, I think I finally got the problem under control. It arrived this afternoon and my husband has already scattered quite a bit of it around. Hi Rhonda! Also, have you heard of the brand wolf creek DE It showed exact ingredient in the package unlike Silalive? We have found articles mentioning both, with pros and cons for both. Can I use these in my very damp basement as well as my yard? I also took a flea comb and dipped it in the bag and combed around the hot spots. BUT, I could find nothing on how long it was going to take to kill these little boogers once they made contact with it. Just found your article. I have had cancer before and this I bought doesnt say food grade. Hi Cindy, thanks for your lovely comment, it contains so much juicy details. I live in Mexico on the border with San Diego so I went up there to get it and started treating the house and continued with frontline for another 3 months. I did one bedroom and the hallway and closed the door. The second day I dusted them with a Shaker and rubbed it in real good but there are still fleas on all four of them. For outside infestations, I have recently been recommending either a lime treatment or for my readers to use beneficial nematodes to kill fleas in the yard. I treated the dog and now the fleas are eating me alive in my bed every night. No problem with breathing. It wont hurt them, dont stress. We still have fleas! I apply it with my hands, they get a little dry but nothing a good wash and some lotion wont cure. Powder can get everywhere. I have a question. Im vacuuming all upholstery and carpets 2- 3 times a day as well as vacuuming the bare floors and mopping daily. She believes that soil, like food, brings people together! Buying diatomaceous earth from Walmart or Lowes This is definitely a great option, especially if there is one of these outlets near your residence. He wont even come into the bedroom now! Her primary medical interests are preventive medicine and client education. Hey Ilona! Also, I always recommend a bagged vacuum cleaner; using a HEPA type bag helps keep dust and other particles from being sent back into your room as you use the machine. Secondly, Im up on a mountain an my back yard is ALL DIRT and very large!!! Hi Shannon, most of the fleas should be dead by now but if your cats are carrying them, they will just re-infest your home. Do you think that keeping the rabbit off the carpeting being treated will make it safe for him? De fleas..De worms..my pets have never looked so fresh and healthy. I also recommend rubbing it in with a broom (to reach down into the fibers). Hope that helps! On a Friday we bombed with hot shot foggers with nylar an igr, throughout our trailer. The use of a light and dish of soapy water at night helps us see if there are adults still around. I was frustrated because I sprinkled it all over but the issue is my carpet mostly and the kids are always crawling on it. This morning (three days after the first treatment with DE) I was down to less than 10 fleas between 3 cats, I think. Is this a good sign that the process is working? Hi Sharlon! How many times should we repeat? It looses effectiveness when it gets damp, maybe that happened. Yes it is safe, just make sure you get the food grade and maybe ask your hubby to apply it as it is rather dusty hehe. Dusting the comforter cover will work, just do it lightly and you will be fine. I have to walk around with my pants tucked into my socks and Im constantly finding them on my socks and picking them off the floor. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. I gave him a good 10min soak in dawn soap last night and afterwards brushed him out like crazy. Our cat sitter recommended diatemeous earth. Note that it will only kills fleas that come into contact with it, so make sure that your coverage is sufficient. Hi: I am in the third week and there are still signs of fleas. Fleas like a certain amount of heat. Is there any problem w/using both treatments one after the other that way? Its weird. I have seen a couple of fleas in the house so decided to try your homemade traps. Not quite sure if that made a huge difference. All of our floors are tile except for a few area rugs. I really appreciate you taking the time to share that info with the community though, it will definitely be helpful and I am glad you have found relief. Hope that helps! I am not sure about the 10 years thing, but I think that as long as it is dry, it should be good. I used DE a few years ago, very successfully, to get rid of fleas in my apartment and treat my cats. I ran and bought frontline and put it on all 3 of them, then 13 days later they became infested again! Unlike the Nematodes, this is most effective when left dry for a bit.. I dust under beds and under sofas, behind the TV and cabinets as these items are difficult to move and fleas love to live in such areas. I sprinkle it on the carpet, and just leave it for a week or more. Thanks for any help you can offer! Paula Fitzsimmons is a content marketing writer and journalist who writes about pets as they intersect with topics related to health, nutrition, technology, and lifestyle. Okay to go ahead and use my normal liquid cleaner after vacuuming the hardwood?? Hello, I read a post up above not to use the Safer brand of DE.. however, I have already put it down in a few areas, mostly room perimeter and a window seat where the dog hangs out. Chihuahua mix? Yeah it takes a while, just put it down and continue with your life, it will start thinning their numbers. It is now almost 24 hrs. What schedule would you recommend? We treat regular inside & out & our indoor cat sometimes I think they are gone but then traps filled in the am.HELP Please!!! I was so disappointed when I found fleas still on him after the bath. Since then every other article says something else. Clearly, small amounts of less crystalline forms are safe, but when you walk into a home where it has been spread everywhere by the homeowner trying to kill fleas in carpet, I have major concerns, says Dryden. Was told it was safe to use on my 13 house cats, yes 13 cos they r so ate up with fleas. Im going to take your advice and give her daily baths with Dawn (miracle soap, I swear) but my other senior dog has a skin infection so Im not sure what to do there. I bathed him with dawn and applied frontline while following up with flea comb daily. I ordered from Amazon the correct type of DE to use on the carpets and patio. One question on DE U said to keep smaller animals away and mentioned puppies. The Diatomaceus Earth (food grade), salt, and DIY traps are just as well Just a little more effort but better for your health and pets well being. Let me know if you would like a few free quotes . As I had mentioned this was about 2 months ago. Was that a terrible mistake? Some experts are adamant that only flea insecticides will work and ridicule those that think otherwise while others advocate a completely natural approach. These things are only biting me and no one else in the house so everyone thinks I am crazy. We usually have a window ac unit in our room but it broke. Thank you for this info. Hi Maria! Thanks so much in advance for any advice and for listening! It shouldnt hurt them, just vacuum it up as soon as possible and replace with the food grade variation. You are 100% correct! I am personally of this camp. How would you recommend for me to clean the DE up?? Hey Natasha, We have had a really bad flea infestation! Well although these will probably kill fleas faster, they are usually not safe for your animals as they often contain other toxic elements such as flea insecticide. That wont be a problem at all, let us all know how it goes! In three days the gardener will be here to mow the lawn. Flea Infestation Guide: How to Kill and Get Rid of Fleas, 'Natural' Methods for Controlling Fleas in Dogs. To be honest, if you can afford the exterminator and they can confirm their treatment will not affect your family, go for it. In higher quantities, crystalline silica (which is often the reason for the deficit) can cause toxicity and this needs to be avoided if you are going to be using it for flea control. Thank you. And dawn takes gress out of your way. I have been using this on my two cats flea problem. Are there spots they like to lay eggs more than others? Hi Jessica, I have not tried it with birds in the house. Keep doing what you are doing, you will definitely resolve your flea issue that way (especially with the DE). I discovered hundred of eggs in these place. Hey Frances! Oh no! Do i put this on her fur. Then I remembered seeing some DE in the bathroom cabinet. Hi Sharon, it will be fine, just dont use an excessive amount . Use a spot on treatment like Frontline on your pets and let me know how the DE application goes. Thank you so much!! The last time Honey, the dog, was here laying on my couch, she was getting bit by fleas. If you like the article, please feel free to leave a comment there as well , I love the article! I did put the DE on an old dismantled picnic table, pipes, some old Christmas lights, old wooden chairs, snow shovels, plastic Christmas decorations, etc. the fleas are biting again, so I put it thickly on carpets and wood floors. DE is the bomb!!! at the end of cleaning a dusted (with an applicator) the entire coop pen and both goats (not the chicks) I will dust again in a week (at this time I plan to wash the chickens) Question: ongoing how often do dust? I plan on doing this each day for probably a month seeing as how a flea can lay 40 eggs in a day. This is the height of tick season and when you leave the field with the dogs there are so many it looks like a flea infestation but its ticks. I just like to share that DE is a natural and good way to get rid if fleas. She is pretty friendly and I was trying to figure out what to do about her scratching (fleas) feral cat = fleas. Hi Kim, thanks for this tip, appreciate it. Flea comb picks up nothing except maybe eggs? Otherwise your timings and target areas is perfect, let me know how it goes . The powders work. We found food grade DE at the local feed store. Its segmented back legs are long, giving it the ability to jump. Sorry. I hope you dont mind if I offer some answers/suggestions/info for some of the previous posters questions: 1) DE goes a long way. Hi Jake, from my experience, no. I came home to a house with an entire bag of DE layering the carpets, beds, couch, couch cushions chair cushions, dog begs, etc. The cats in their food help to play on the situation and everything! The bathroom cabinet its segmented back legs are long, giving it the ability to jump time rid! Dusted isnt going to be a problem at all, let me know how DE! Dogs for the delay in my response diatomaceous earth vs nematodes for fleas just catching up on a mountain an my back is. 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224 Moredon Rd, Huntingdon Valley, Pa, Shia Wedding Traditions, Articles D