Whether you find the sly response of the joker in setting up the listener to make a silly owl noise, or the taking advantage of the form of the knock-knock joke to force the listener into the silliness, incongruity is at work here through and through. The cognitive-perceptual component. In general, research reviews have documented that positive styles of humor are related to lower perceptions of stress (Mauriello & McConatha, 2007). None, they were dead before electricity was invented. Positive humor was found to buffer the impact of work stress on mental health, as well as to promote more effective functioning on the job. Analysis of any joke or bit of humor generally, if not nearly always, makes the jokes not funny. There have been a number of attempts to solve this issue with IT and they largely make use of play to circumvent the problem. (2013). From the audience, you shout "You're on fire!" The joke uses the idea of a surrealist (artists who tried to pair together ideas that were often extremely different) in order to get the listener to be prepared for absurdities. To you, the brush would seem comically small for the task at handeveryone knows it's a toothbrush, not a toilet brush. Higueras, A., Carretero-Dios, H., Muoz, J., Idini, E., Ortiz, A., Rincn, F., Rodrguez del guila, M. (2006) Effects of a humor-centered activity on disruptive behavior in patients in a general hospital psychiatric ward. I shall begin, however, with a sketchy review of some of the main theories of humour and the standard objections to them, which usually take the form of providing counter-examples. not in harmony or keeping with the surroundings or other aspects of something) with your understanding of the world. If you can figure it out, please skip the rest of this paragraph, but there may be more incongruities than you initially think. The first theory is the superiority theory. Sense of humor, stable affect, and psychological well-being. "Irony is the . How is this word play an incongruity? Experimental comparison of the psychological benefits of aerobic exercise, humor, and music. Ostrower (2015, p. 184) describes humor coping within this context as a defense mechanism that under the nightmare circumstances of living in the ghettos and camps during the Holocaust, laughter was a form of rebellion against reality. Humor may thus for example serve to facilitate relief of the tension caused by one's fears. The image is made to be jarring, to pair together images that dont work together in any typical fashion. Children also have to realize that they are substituting and are 48 essentially playing around with the structure of the rhyme. For example, among physicians who do the exceedingly difficult work of treating cancer patients, humor has been reported as beneficial for patients, doctors, and relationships between the two (Joshua, Cotroneo, & Clarke, 2005). Moving up the ladder of humorous complexity, lets take a look at a couple of knock-knock jokes. Perhaps this isnt a great joke, but it is a sort typically seen in children. One of the more serious objections is that incongruity has nothing to do with anything in humor. Its not like a piece of music. The researchers found that greater wellbeing was related to affiliative and self-enhancing humor, whereas reduced wellbeing was linked to aggressive and self-defeating humor (Maiolino & Kuiper, 2016). Recent scholars have proposed several theories explaining the underlying mechanisms of humor. The right side is exactly the same as the left, especially the left. Cambridge University Press is committed by its charter to disseminate knowledge as widely as possible across the globe. Engaging in a humor exercise is associated with a positive mood (Edwards, 2013) and positive cognitive appraisals (Maiolino & Kuiper, 2016). . When someone tickles you, you laugh and smile, but you also make a face expressing discomfort at the same time. Built with love in the Netherlands. This article provides readers with a comprehensive look at humor as an important concept in positive psychology. Give yourself a pat on the back! This page titled 2.4: Got IT?- Introducing Incongruity Theory is shared under a CC BY 4.0 license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by Michael K. Cundall, Jr. (Lighthearted Philosophers' Society) via source content that was edited to the style and standards of the LibreTexts platform; a detailed edit history is available upon request. They remember the precise time, location, and what they were doing [], Chamber of Commerce (KvK) Registration Number: 64733564, 6229 HN Maastricht, 2023 PositivePsychology.com B.V. Because this obvious fact about humor shows how much, cognitively speaking, is required of us when we experience and enjoy humor. Philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle have been trying to explain humor since ancient times. Hydraulic Model. How do we explain the continued humor? Semantic Mechanisms of Humor. The second theory described by Martin and Ford (2018) is the superiority theory, which focuses on interpersonal motivational mechanisms, with humor resulting as a function of self-esteem enhancement. Philosophy, the journal of The Royal Institute of Philosophy is published by Cambridge University Press quarterly in January, April, July and October. This book assesses the adequacy of the traditional theories of laughter and humor, suggests revised theories, and explores such areas as the aesthetics and ethics of humor, and the relation of amusement to other mental states. (2012). With this definition we can make the connection it has with . 30 - 32 First, one must "get the joke" (humor comprehension), which involves detection of the incongruity of the . Gelkopf, M., Gonen, B., Kurs, R., Melamed, Y., & Bleich, A. IT is refined by adding the play qualification so as to help us know which incongruities are funny ha-ha rather than funny strange.. Well thats the big question and one that occupies and vexes many researchers (this author included). Your mother asks you to give your aunt a ring. The effect of mirthful laughter on stress and natural killer cell activity. This item is part of a JSTOR Collection. The question alone is utterly nonsensical. Many of us may relate to high-anxiety situations where a joke feels like a much-needed outlet. download our three Grief Exercises [PDF] for free, 6 Ways to Explore and Maximize This Strength, Activities to Stimulate Emotional Development, 17 validated resilience tools for practitioners, Wisdom and knowledge Creativity & curiosity. Humor in the classroom also is believed to promote social and emotional development among children (Lovorn, 2008), and we share a few ideas in our article Activities to Stimulate Emotional Development. You need to know something about it. Comedians who adopt a more dead-pan style of presentation can leave their audiences confused. While more research is sorely needed, extant literature suggests that humor may have many benefits among patients, such as enhanced immunity and positive emotions, improved interpersonal relationships, reduced pain, and increased positive emotions (Gelkopf, 2011). Thank you very much, for your good work! Children have reported such benefits, noting that humor increases their ability to cope with stressors associated with relationships, school-related activities, and life at home (Dowling, 2014). It would do well to do a little more unpacking of terms like incongruity, absurdity, unexpected, and bizarre. If you dont find yourself laughing nearly enough, here are six things you can do: Two cannibals are eating a clown. If youre looking for more science-based ways to help others overcome adversity, this collection contains. Self deprecating; if someone else is laughing at it because you are both flawed in the same way. You didn't realise both actions would fit under this heading but now you do. My siblings took it pretty hard. Roughly the general idea is this. The whole joke is layered with absurdities. For more information, visit http://journals.cambridge.org. But whatever incongruity you focus on, the joke works on frustrating or playing around with expectations. The difference between your own perception of the world and the world as it is from a neutral perspective has been pointed out to you. Incongruity Theories' mechanism of causing laughter then goes to work on you. Philosophers are a notoriously surly bunchheck, even our patron saint, Socrates, did his best to show everyone was wrongand that landed him a heaping glassful of hemlock juice, which isnt too helpful if living is your goal. In previous studies, most researchers used two-element jokes (setup and punch line) as stimuli, based on experimental methods, to explore the humor process. Humor typically requires more of a shared cultural and cognitive background than other forms of entertainment. This idea is evident in Cann and Collettes study (2014), as positive outcomes were associated with self-enhancing humor. For example, current neuroscience indicates that the areas that support higher-level conceptual thought, are involved in humor processing. Additionally, humor may represent a vital strength during middle childhood by helping kids to gain the support of a peer group and by enhancing self-esteem (Klein & Kuiper, 2006). Wanzer, M., Booth-Butterfield, M., & Booth-Butterfield, S. (2005). And why not? They ignore this fact and so foolishly use one as the other. Peterson and Seligman (2004) propose six virtues and 24 character strengths that fall within each virtue category (a few examples below): Proposed links between humor and positive wellbeing are intuitive; it makes sense that those with a good sense of humor will be in a better position to weather difficult situations, enjoy more cohesive relationships, find humor in all sorts of experiences, and benefit from more positive mental and physical health (Martin, 2019). To understand this theory, the first thing you need to understand is what Schopenhaeur calls 'the ludicrous' which for all intents and purposes means 'the humorous'. For example, one study examined the impact of humorous films on various psychological symptoms among schizophrenia inpatients. We will be focusing on understanding it in this article. There are three main concepts that guide this research; relief theory, incongruity theory, and superiority theory. When we are shown it is inadequate, we feel we can relax our reliance on it. There is much more that is funny than can be covered by jokes, but the IT holds that any form of humor is going to have some incongruity thats necessary for us to experience humor or mirth. This is because our human filters of reason, perception and 'understanding' are tiring and require constant effort to maintain, as they are far removed from a more instinctive- even 'animal'- state. Even our vernacular Get it? question, indicates that one has to understand the ideas involved to find humor. Mary is deeply offended by office jokes following the parade incident. My son used to change the last word of the first line of the famous Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star rhyme. Klein, D., & Kuiper, N. (2006). This concept is exemplified by the ability of healthcare workers to employ dark humor as a way of coping with chronic job stress (e.g., Schulman-Green, 2003; Talbot & Lumden, 2000; Wanzer et al., 2005). To do this, we need to discuss how incongruity theory states we see the world. Just as the surrealists might have liked. Irrelevance that is in a funny way; something out of place that makes you laugh.Fast and visual humor. (2005) in their aptly titled article If We Didnt Use Humor, Wed Cry. One is called 'wit' and the other 'folly'. Dowling, J. The same effect would occur if you saw someone cleaning a toilet with a toothbrush. There are samples, in the provided dataset, that uses the incongruity to create humor . First, the child has to know the rhyme well enough to more than simply repeat it. The listener, in line four, not really knowing if the term spoken earlier is who or hoo, but likely assumes the former, then follows along with the standard knock-knock joke format. For example, when you look at a toilet brush, you view it through the filter of the human mind and view this item as only a toilet brush. Hence, one would predict that any experienced incongruity would produce humor. THEORIES OF HUMOR IN THE MOVIE STEP BROTHERS 4 Another theory visible in Step Brothers is the incongruity theory. In linguistics, the affiliative aspect of humor has dominated the . Theories of the psychophysiological benefits of humor. Incongruity can mean "lack of harmony" or "dissonance." That doesn't sound really funny. Your human perspective makes this use of the brush seem incongruous (def. Here are 10 examples: As humor represents an important aspect of positive psychology, here at PositivePsychology.com, we have described several ways in which humor contributes to positive wellbeing. The hostility theories address the aggressive aspect of humor, i.e., the fact that often, but not always, humor is directed against someone. Self-enhancing humor is an invaluable strength that supports human thriving. This does not mean that IT is not without its problems. Two pieces of sensuous knowledgeto have a fan used on you and to have a drink poured over you- are brought under the single piece of abstract knowledge, 'to be cooled down'. There would be nothing to get: just an absurd idea hanging out. Your email address will not be published. This play then leads to a feeling of delight in the form of humor or mirth. . If youve spent any time around children when they find something funny, they will quickly wear it out. Understanding humor as play helps counter the traditional objections to it and reveals some of its benefits, including those it shares with philosophy itself. Here, you have brought two pieces of sensuous knowledgeto call someone on a telephone and to present them with a wearable ringunder the single piece of abstract knowledge, a word that has multiple definitions, 'ring'. The effect of humor on elder mental and physical health. For example, in a study by Abel (2002), coping strategies were examined concerning humor and various types of stress. There are numerous positive benefits of humor, such as enhanced positive mood, life satisfaction, self-esteem, job performance, creativity, social bonding, and. HubPages is a registered trademark of The Arena Platform, Inc. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. They also have to know the meanings of other words so as to substitute the right sort of words. It recognizes that you cant find a difference between a thing and itself. Laughter is also a pleasant sensation and so when we experience the pleasure of incongruity, we- as Schopenhauer puts it- "give ourselves up gladly to the spasmodic convulsions which this apprehension [understanding] excites. We feel good, laughter feels good and so we laugh. In infants, humor is mainly observed in body and facial expressions during the first year of life. Incongruity is something that occurs when things are not in harmony or keeping with the surroundings of other aspects of something. And then we experience a sudden, shocking shift in perspective as our brains adjust to the new reality. This objection, if true, radically undermines IT. Did the punchline fail to add in the number of purple fish needed? Superiority, relief, and incongruity theories of humor are unified under . There are three major families of theories of humor: humor as release, humor as aggression, and humor as incongruity. This is a rather cruel witticism but a witticism all the same. Request Permissions. The use of humor in medicine has also been studied from the perspective of healthcare workers. Positive psychologists have a keen interest in the role of character strengths, which have been described as virtues that are crucial to human thriving (Peterson & Seligman, 2004). Adaptive humor is linked with increased stable positive mood and decreased stable negative mood (Cann & Collette, 2014). Ruch, W., Proyer, R., & Weber, M. (2010). Growing up with humor sets children on a more positive pathway. The IT is still the best working theory out there that has general acceptance. That we see areas of the brain involved in higher level cognition and conceptual thought involved in humor behavior supports ITs claim that humor is a conceptually based activity that involve incongruity processing. So far so good for IT. Thats a really interesting topic youre exploring. I went to buy some camouflage pants the other day but I couldnt find any. d) Resolution shows how (within the story world) the incongruity arises. The incongruity theory states that humor is perceived at the moment of realization of incongruity between a concept involved in a certain situation and the real objects thought to be in some relation to the concept. Talbot, L., & Lumden, D. (2000). On the pigs paint the numbers 1, 2, 3, and 5. In this way, humor results from feelings of triumph over the errors or misfortune of others, which promotes self-enhancement and feelings of superiority. (2006). The humor in a pun is the surprise in discovering the dual meaning, or perhaps embarrassment in having chosen the wrong meaning first. The use of defense mechanisms may have positive or negative ramifications depending upon the particular mechanism and how it is used. Among humans, laughter begins as early as four months of age (Lovorn, 2008). The concepts involved must be related in some way or else the audience will be confused. But not for them. Ok, that wasnt simple. It says that we are nding humor in perceiving something unexpected (incongruous) that violates expectations that were set up by the joke. Another way to think about this playful or non-serious approach to incongruity is to think about the difference in a dead-pan performance versus a clown. School-age children talking about humor: Data from focus groups. There are several theories that aim to explain why things are funny, how laughter works and why exactly we do it. When people write jokes, or develop humor, they find ways to play with the concepts, but not so much as make the incongruities completely nonsensical. Here your friend has unknowingly brought two pieces of sensuous knowledgethe acts of looking up an answer online and of stealing it from the answers to the testunder the single piece of abstract knowledge, the idea of 'finding out an answer'. Accessibility StatementFor more information contact us atinfo@libretexts.orgor check out our status page at https://status.libretexts.org. But, for people who experience stressful jobs or complicated family dynamics, dark humor often serves as an important protective mechanism. You know its coming. 1. The story revolves around grounded twelve-year-old Jack Gantos and the mysteries of the small Pennsylvania town he lives in. We hope you enjoyed reading this article. the remains of the . You and your friend are at a bar one summer and your friend has a paper fan. The whole joke is just a chain absurdities, one seemingly more absurd than the next. Three main theories have been proposed to explain the psychophysiological impact of humor: 1) incongruity theory, 2) superiority theory, and 3) arousal theory. humor is - first and foremost - a recognition of and response to incongruities.) We also acknowledge previous National Science Foundation support under grant numbers 1246120, 1525057, and 1413739. Outside of a dog, a book is mans best friend. For example, during the Holocaust, victims reported using humor in ghettos, concentration, and death camps to better cope with extreme trauma and adversity (Ostrower, 2015). Sign on a repair shop door: We Can Repair Anything. The researchers found reductions in anger, anxiety, psychopathology, and depression among participants (Gelkopf, Gonen, Kurs, Melamed, & Bleich, 2006). IT needs cognition, belief, and expectation to work. Theories of laughter and humor originated in ancient times with the view that laughter is an expression of . There is little doubt that humor enables people to cope better with stress. So far, youve read about some other attempts to explain the cognitive/mental processes behind the phenomenon of humor. Therefore, it is suggested that the absence of detrimental humor is equally important to the presence of prosocial humor styles (Martin, 2019). The humor in both of these examples relies on incongruous interpretations . At least not the clocks I know. Ganz, F. D., & Jacobs, J. M. (2014). (I know, the Whites frog has now totally expired) If you count them up, there are a number of incongruities in play here. Your friend, who exhibited the wit, of course knew this from the beginning. Additionally, in their comprehensive review, Cooper and Sosik (2012) reported that humor at the workplace was linked to enhanced relationships, more creative thinking, more collaborative negotiations, and better customer relations. Apparently, we're all seething cauldrons of fluid and gas, trying to get out and making us wacky. But before we move on to critiques, lets explore some other facts about humor that support the notion that humor is a cognitive act that requires some form of perceived incongruity. The second theory is the incongruity . A comprehensive look at how children are impacted by the experience of humor is described by Hogan (2003), who noted that humor benefits children in terms of enhanced social bonding, stress relief, and pain coping. Whereas the previous examples involved. For example, in a study exploring humor among undergraduate students, a sense of humor was positively related to both sociability and creativity (Ghayas & Malik, 2013). I was raised as an only child. And so, with laughter and love, we lived happily ever after. In-congruity theories are essentially cognitive, i.e. Examining the impact of a brief humor exercise on psychological wellbeing. However, it is safe to say that IT is accepted by most researchers as the most accurate and likely true approach to explaining humor. Want to know more about defense mechanisms? 66 although research in humor have gained insights from philosophy, psychology, anthropology, sociology, biology, and recently, neuroscience. The presentation of the sign primes us to think the store is owned, not by an Asian man, but a black person of color. He offers examples of negative emotions such as "fear, pity, indignation, disgust, etc." and neutral ones like "puzzlement, wonder, curiosity, or problem-solving," 7 as attitudes that will not provide pleasure sufficient for humor. Incongruity theory o An example of the incongruity theory of humor takes place during the waterpark scene in the movie Grown Ups (Dennis Dugan, 2010). Humor and the mastery of living: Using humor to cope with the daily stresses of growing up. Once again, something funnysomething incongruousmakes clear to us the difference between the world as it really, simply is and how we perceive it. For example, "hot poet" is funnier than "happy child" and "money and sex" is funnier than "love and sex" [7,8]. (2002). One of these theories is incongruity theory (the other two are known as relief theory and superiority theory). There is no shortage of quotes about humor (and humorous quotes) available online; here are eight terrific examples: If I had no sense of humor, I would long ago have committed suicide. The answer is in a real sense spot on. You understand it better but the frog dies in the process. The incongruity is to be found in comparing the feeling one has at the end of the joke analysis to death. Humor as a character strength among the elderly. Certainly children had laughed and giggled prior to language (laughter is evidenced before language after all and is thus a deeper part of our evolutionary history), but this active playing with language and expectations is a mature form of humor, even if its seen as immature to the more advanced humor connoisseurs we all find ourselves to be. I am based in the UK and just at a time when we need more laughter it seems we are being gagged and guilt tripped into a kind of self-censorship at every turn which is not funny. Philosophy Chapter 2 - Incongruity Theory . These three theories have been, in modern research and historically, the main candidates attempting to explain what is necessary for us to find something funny. Here are 18 examples of studies showing evidence of humor as a strength. Violated expectations can indeed be funny, as is acknowledged by incongruity theories of humor. Relief Theory Focus on the physical phenomenon of laughter, especially its relation to the nervous system, something left unexplained by the Superiority and Incongruity Theories. Additionally, a study addressing the benefits of humor, music, and aerobic exercise on anxiety among women indicated that effect sizes were highest for those in the humor group (Szabo, Ainsworth, & Danks, 2005). While there is a paucity of research addressing humor among older people, there is some evidence of its potential to enhance the quality of life within this group. The Theories of Humor and Laughter. Who's to say that object is only a toilet brush? There are 3 main theories used to explain the functions of humor: (1) the relief theory, (2) the incongruity theory, and (3) the superiority theory. More traditional comedians with their exaggerated gesticulations or bombastic/exaggerated vocal inflections help the audience understand that what is going on is supposed to be funny and then allows us to experience the incongruity as funny. a) Resolution makes the original incongruity no longer incongruous. Hope may represent a powerful mechanism through which humor brings relief to patients, as evidenced in research addressing the impact of humor on terminally ill patients (Herth, 1990). Similarly, in their review, Stieger, Formann, and Burger (2011) reported that self-defeating humor was linked to depression and loneliness, whereas self-enhancing humor was related to beneficial outcomes. So there you have it! New York: Coward McCann, 1941. I'd be very surprised.". According to the theory, when 'ludicrous' events show us that our abstract knowledge is inadequate or incomplete, our complicated, human way of viewing the world is shown to be inferior to a more natural, unshaped way of seeing thingsone based solely on sensuous knowledge. The authors describe this as akin to a hydraulic engine, with laughter serving the function of a steam pipe pressure valve. Its not without its issues or critics. Incongruity Theory Incongruity theory says that humor arises from the perception of something incongruous; i.e. If the joke were truly nonsensical, the response wouldnt be humor, it would be confusion. The LibreTexts libraries arePowered by NICE CXone Expertand are supported by the Department of Education Open Textbook Pilot Project, the UC Davis Office of the Provost, the UC Davis Library, the California State University Affordable Learning Solutions Program, and Merlot. Humor. Relief theory maintains that laughter is a homeostatic mechanism by which psychological tension is reduced. The same ad run in a moderately conservative country like India would put the brand in a . Incongruity in humor is something that feels out of place, odd, or is unexpected from a logical, predictable, or familiar point of view. Hopefully you followed that. There are a number of elements here that speak in support of IT. Humor. At first the incongruity was unexpected, but now it cant be. Samson, A., & Antonelli, Y. For example, in a study by Samson, Glassco, Lee, and Gross (2014), humorous coping applied after viewing negative pictures was found to increase positive emotions at both short- and longer term follow-up. Inferiority Theory. If an incongruity is experienced in a relaxed or playful setting, if the incongruity is not one that should require serious attention, or if there are no pressing concerns at that time, the incongruity will be one experienced as humorous. They never seem to tire of it. Not only does humor have the ability to make school more enjoyable, but it is beneficial in various meaningful ways. And no doubt comedians are having to think differently about their routines in light of the current climate. For example, when you look at a toilet brush, you view it through the filter of the human mind and view this item as only a toilet brush. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The response of none both increases and diminishes your perplexity. The incongruity theory purports to define the for-mal object of comic amusement, which it locates in certain kinds of incongruity. But if you recall the definition of IT, it simply states that incongruities will be found funny. Quoted in Huemer n.d. Really almost any placid, extraordinarily dry, joke from Wright might stand as a counter-example to the Relief theory. The incongruity to create humor the famous Twinkle, Twinkle, little Star.! 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Aristotle have been a number of attempts to incongruity theory of humor examples why things are not in or... Ganz, F. D., & Booth-Butterfield, M., Booth-Butterfield, M. ( 2010 ) left, the. A number of purple fish needed are having to think differently about their routines in light of the.. Humor on elder mental and physical health the incongruity theory says that arises... They are substituting and are 48 essentially playing around with the surroundings of aspects. General acceptance light of the world films on various psychological symptoms among schizophrenia inpatients has! If not nearly always, makes the original incongruity no longer incongruous situations where a feels... The function of a dog, a book is mans best friend uses the incongruity theory says that humor people., Melamed, Y., & Weber, M., & Jacobs incongruity theory of humor examples J. M. 2014.
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