At around 6:30 PM, Dr. Clifton Rayfield and his 16-year-old son David parked their car north of Park Headquarters "in the general area of the crime scene." At its full capacity, the lake has a surface area of roughly 80 square kilometers. Not thinking much of it Bryan noticed Cecelia kept looking . Deep Real Estate Ad (Could this have been the rope?) June 2014 Suddenly he appeared wearing a bizarre, hooded costume that had a white crossed-circle stitched onto the front. Some people swear that he looks exactly like the face in the sketch. April 2014 Lake Berryessa is the largest lake in Napa County, California. suggests to me they didn't cross check the bootprints from one location to another. You can set your cookie preferences below. TLDR: The Lake Berryessa Zodiac killer likely had previous knowledge of the area and was specifically targeting a couple at that location. They were in a white Volkswagen Kharmann Ghia. Slaight waited for the man to continue, but the declaration was followed by silence. The R/Os who interviewed Dr. Rayfield and his son thought it was unlikely that the male suspect could have walked from this area to the crime scene on foot, as there were 4 coves of water between the scene of the crime, and the place where the subject was seen. There were several sketches in among the many that looked exactly like Peter Sutcliffe. November 2013 Furthermore, I would make a logical leap that the perpetrator was motivated by the lack of coverage of his previous crimes. ASSAILANT: Now take it easy all I wants your money. Not wearing glasses. September 2014 Ive always wondered. Somewhere along the way he washed blood off his hands- it's why there was no blood on the car. October 2013 B: (Reaching into pockets, then patting first front then back pockets) I guess in all the excitement I dont remember where I put them. Det. I could also use it in search engines like Google Images. The following will be a detailed analysis of the Lake Berryessa sighting of Dr Rayfield & Son and the three young girls - the latter of whom provided a possible sketch of the Zodiac Killer to police. Hartnell said that he and Shepard were "good friends," and that they used to go out two years previously. Lake Berryessa in Napa County This lake in Napa County is the largest in the county, the lake provides hydroelectric product ion as well as a variety of recreational pursuits. Dark trousers, and a "dark shirt with red in it." They are asking for family members to come forward with DNA and photographs. The location where the "Bliss" wallpaper for Windows was taken. I am a sociology major and maybe I can even offer you more help than you think you need. Lake Berryessa stores and distributes water to surrounding cities and nearby farmlands . This site is a 48 minute drive south of the murder site, driving in a direction towards Vallejo. For a young man, lakes would have been a great place to take a girl for a picnic if you wanted some peace and solitude, "far from the madding crowds". Anyone who consciously decides to watch Zodiac understands that. Ted Kaczynski's Salt Lake City bombing location., Described the knife as a long bread knife, 12 blade, wide, hardwood handle, 2 brass rivets holding handle in place, knifes case possibly made of wood. He picked out Allen as being there that day. The man pointed a gun and Bryan said, Your hands are shaking, Are you nervous? The man laughed and replied, Yes, I guess so. The man was nervous because he knew what was going to happen next. - True Crime and Chill, Zodiac Killer Code Cracked After 51 Years | GEEK-SCENE.COM, Hobbyist Cryptographers Seemingly Solve Infamous Zodiac Killer Cipher | Presa Press, Hobbyist Cryptographers Seemingly Solve Tainted Zodiac Killer Cipher CELEBRITY NET WORTH. Headlights were long rather than round. Personally I see no resemblance between the sketches and Lawrence Kane, but each to their own. Perhaps the Zodiac had this kind of metabolism, or an illness that tended to bloat him at times, then make his face look gaunt at other times? May 2022 I am guessing that Kane, if he was still alive, may have even got off on the incredible idea that some people think he was the Zodiac. Since the early 1960s, this reservoir has provided water and hydroelectricity to the North Bay region of the San Francisco Bay Area.. Cecilia and Bryan had nominated a particularly narrow headland,as a beach spot to settle.Presumably,to feel surrounded by water [?]. Each time I would add a new photo, it would recognize the person's face and asked me to confirm, yes, that's them, their name. age 28, 6 to 6 2. This was mentioned by several detectives. Was he waiting near the girls earlier because he'd overheard Hartnell and Shepard talking about going to their favorite spot at the Lake (they changed their plan). And so I saw him put away his gun, and I was turning to say something to Celia, and all of a sudden I felt my backjustno, I dont think I saw him pull it out I dont remember I think I saw him whip it out his knife and just start stabbing me in the back CHOMP, CHOMP, CHOMP, CHOMP! They simply comply with his orders, allowing themselves to be tied up and . long bread knife, 12 blade, wide, hardwood handle, 2 brass rivets holding handle in place, knifes case possibly made of wood. and our Give you a check or get some more? Saw this person from a distance of about 100 yards. I'm convinced that both sightings at Lake Berryessa that day were Zodiac and that the tire tracks by Hartnell's car (thought to belong to a low income owner because the tires were different I believe) were not from the killer. Looks like your bottom two maps are rotated 180 degrees. Pines Card 35 latent prints were lifted from the phone, including a still wet palm print. Because Bryan wasn't wearing any glasses, he asked Cecelia to look over and see what was happening. July 2021 The hooded man claimed to be an escaped convict from a jail with a two-word name, in either Colorado or Montana (a police officer later inferred that the man had been referring to a jail in Deer Lodge, Montana), where he had killed a guard and subsequently stolen a car, explaining that he now needed their car and money to travel to Mexico because the vehicle that he had been driving was "too hot". To find the exact island, you will need to use the GPS coordinates above. I wonder why someone hasnt thought of this before. Napa is to the south of the LB and the attack occurred on the west side of the lake. Sadly, the 22-year-old fell into a coma and died two days later. B: Come on we could be out here for a long time and it could get cold at night. I guess we see this all the time when a baby arrives and other family members say things like "Oh look, he has his mother's nose and Grandpa Arthur's chin!". Melvin Belli Letter Also the close proximity to water is intriguing. CECELIA: Bryan do what he says! Thanks for the Saturday correction,Richard. BRYAN: Listen, I didnt complain when you tied our hands, but this is ridiculous October 2018 Do you want us to come up with our hands up or down? October 2016 Cecelia did see him with out the mask though and she didnt recognize him. April 2019 Other than a significant height discrepancy the description fits very well with Mageau's description of the Blue Rock Springs killer and his car, and there are decent reasons to believe the SF killer of Paul Stine (who also matches well with all descriptions) wore his glasses as a disguise. The killer had brought precut lengths of plastic clothesline and told Shepard to tie up Hartnell before he tied her up. Hartnell survived eight stab wounds to the back, but Shepard died as a result of her injuries on September 29, 1969. Sketches are highly subjective. One more thing I want your car keys. Always with Zodiac the words he wrote and his crimes were inextricably linked. November 2012 At 7:40 pm, the Napa County Police Department received a call that had been placed from a telephone booth located a few blocks away. Larry Kane The Zodiac Killer may have given us the answer almost word-for-word when he wrote PS. He knew with certainty which car belonged to the victims so he must have seen them arrive- there is what seems a great deal of premeditation- again a sign he may have been after Cecelia- like he was looking for a particular car to show. Do you want us to come up with our hands up or down? His ears were small.He stood at around 6.1/2 ft. All this is at odds with the two officers who sat with police artist Gonzales. The words made him psychologically committed to carrying out the misdeed. Click image for color version, My Interview on the Zodiac Killer Channel, Red Phantom Letter/American Greetings Card. Michael Butterfield isa writer anda recognizedexpert on the unsolved Zodiac crimes. Bryan Hartnell seems to have been worried that his girlfriend who lived in Portland might have been jealous that he was out with his previous girlfriend. January 2013 His ability to reach the payphone in Napa within an hour of the attack suggests his car was close to the crime scene and within a route he felt confident taking relatively quickly. My car is hot. whatever you say, I want you to know that I will cooperate so you dont have to worry whatever you say well do. Footprints were observed leading from a wooden foot stile over the fence to the passenger side of he car. trousers, and a "dark shirt with red in it." I do not have a suspect, not a "pet" one or otherwise!, Summary of the Lake Berryessa murder in the California Department of Justice summary on the Zodiac case (3 pages), Police Interview with Brian Hartnell, September 28.1969. Monday, February 24, 2014 KGO SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) -- It is the symbol most associated with the Zodiac Killer - the cross hairs. Every time I have gone there, there have been many members of the public wondering about. They walked down towards the beach where they saw a man walking in the area. October 2019 The location where the Zodiac Killer reported the Lake Berryessa attack. Having been taken there first by my suspect. There was a crossed-circle on the part of the hood that draped down over his chest. April 2018 8-10), A police sketch was made from Linda's description of the suspect seen that day (not Linda Lee). A fire on a dock at Lake Berryessa destroyed the dock and between 10 to 20 boats, houseboats and jet skis on Friday night. B: But we dont have any money all I have is 75. BRYAN: This is really strange. Thomas Horan Brian Hartnell parked his 1956 Karmann Ghia 7/10 of a mile north of the Lake Berryessa Park Headquarters. Coordinates: 383348.29N 1221354.43W This location belongs to the following categories: Follow us on Facebook or Twitter to see future locations. Domingos/Edwards Murders Police interview with Bryan Hartnell, Sep 28, 1969., It is a recreational area as you say. US Topo Map Quadrants . November 2015 Stine was of course killed in Presidio Heights, the "heights" being perhaps an inference to the other Classical element "Air". According to Hartnell, he wore a hood, sunglasses, and gloves. If he spends a week doing intense physical work he loses a lot of weight and his face actually appears to be longer. It would not surprise me if he in fact thought of himself as a Zodiac-esque figure during his earlier life when he was committing minor acts of larceny. They sometimes are useful. Exorcist Letter I have doubts that he looked exactly like any of the sketches. March 2019 At Lake Berryessa the Zodiac enacted death by rope and knife. No doubt there., Brian Hartnell parked his 1956 Karmann Ghia 7/10 of a mile north of the Lake Berryessa Park Headquarters. This reservoir is formed by the Monticello Dam, which provides water and hydroelectricity to the North Bay region of the San Francisco Bay Area. Button Letter ), (SEE:, After they were tied up the assailant said "I'm going to have to stab you." The 3 girls saw their suspect for a fairly long period of time in broad daylight and they did not have a gun or knife pointed at them at the time. On the day that I loaded in the composite sketch from Presidio Heights my computer asked, "Peter?". He would lie to them and keep them calm with the promise that he meant no harm. Hair styles can obviously be changed but the hairline would be a lot harder. Bu I can't stand to see her stabbed first." Judging by Google Maps, it would have taken him roughly 45 minutes to travel between the two locations. B: Well, I suppose that Id be nervous, too. Im just curious. ASSAILANT: Yes, I guess so. Lake Herman Road Murders November 2016 Internal note: KPIX 100312 was originally stored in Box A087 (V63843). July 2015 So all very subjective. Gilbert And Sullivan Judith Hakari After assuring his victims that he was only there to rob them, the killer ordered Cecelia to tie up Bryan with some clothesline that he had brought. November 2017 There are very few serial killers behind bars who look identical to the earlier suspect sketches. January 2019 General News Articles July 2018 Slaight asked the man to provide his location, but the voice only grew more distant as the caller replied, "I'm the one who did it.". Days later, another letter arrived, but this time the writer coined a phrase which would become infamous in true crime history, This is the Zodiac speaking. The evidence indicated that Bryan and Cecelia were the next victims in the Zodiacs deadly fantasy. May 2014 Photos of the site and other related images. October 2017 The Lake Berryessa area is vast, and committing a crime of that magnitude without an escape route would have been foolish. Napa County Sheriff's deputies Dave Collins and Ray Land were the first law enforcement officers to arrive at the crime scene. Shepard was conscious when Collins arrived, providing him with a detailed description of the attacker. Edwards and Domingos were identified as possible Zodiac victims because of specific similarities between their attack and the Zodiac's attack at Lake Berryessa six years later. August 2021 March 2015 Not that he was but that he looked much like him Betsy Aardsma It stands to reason that if the killer were to encounter any unexpected hold-ups or be forced to cover a long distance on foot, it would have been next to impossible for him to make it to the phone booth in Napa within the given timeframe. BRYAN: What? It is a lovely oak woodland descending from the road to the lake. Forecast For Cancer Its a sketch that isnt as famous as the Paul Stine attack yet it seems pretty likely it was Zodiac. Im just curious. "This girl came out from school, I used to go with her two years ago, and she's now going to another school, and she came up to visit some friends and we were having dinner at the school cafeteria and I said 'Well, are you doing anything special this afternoon?' d sex before going out to Lake Berryessa. They saw him from above and then across as they went downstairs. Give you a check or get some more? June 2017 (This is a 46 min drive south from Lake Berryessa, on the way to Vallejo.). ( There must have been some dialogue at this point but I cant remember any until we are both tied up. ) (This witness got the best look at the suspect, and was the source for the police sketch.). December 2019 ABOUT THIS SITE / SOURCES & LINKS * FORUM * GALLERY * BLOG * UPDATES * MAIN MENU. It is concerning that there may have been a victim who was burnt to death, perhaps a missing person or a murder that has never been attributed to the Zodiac. January 2018 2001 Happy New Year Card All of these actions indicated that the Zodiac planned this crime. July 2016 The Zodiac's Message: The Car Door * Photographs of the car door * Video of the car door. February 2021 They are two miles north of park headquarters. Nor so infamous. A: I killed a couple of guards getting out of prison. Lake Tahoe Disappearance The brutal stabbing is dramatized during a memorable scene in the film Zodiac (2007). I wonder why someone hasnt thought of this before. The 340 Cipher Santa Claus Card NOTE: It is unclear to me exactly where the girls were parked, and where the suspect was seen. A: (pointing gun directly at me at point blank range) I told you to get down! BRYAN: Your hands are shaking? B: This is really strange. Click image for details. It's also why he donned the mask- so Cecelia wouldn't recognize him. The location was described as being "approximately 8/10 of a mile from the scene of the victim's vehicle." Gareth Penn The killer checked, and tightened Hartnell's bonds after discovering that Shepard had bound Hartnell's hands loosely. People are often few and far between and one can, in fact, feel very isolated. My hypothesis is that the killer had likely visited Lake Berryessa before and was familiar with the area of the attack. B: I want to get in contact with you. Whether for irrigation or recreation, water from the enormous reservoir helped to shape Solano County. His description was very August 2019 On my old laptop computer I had a program for my photographs that had facial recognition software. February 2020 The hike was the "difficult"-rated Homestead-Blue Ridge Trail and the lake was Lake Berryessa, located in the Stebbins Cold Canyon Natural Reserve in California's Napa County. Joanne ___: Observed male in late model (66-67), light blue Chevrolet. The 408 Cipher We only have an idea of what his various facial features "might" have looked like. Firefighters from the Cal Fire Sonoma-Lake-Napa Unit along with Napa . (This witness got the best look at the suspect, and was the source for the police sketch. TLDR: The Lake Berryessa Zodiac killer likely had previous knowledge of the area and had planned to attack at that location - any couple who had arrived at that shoreline in particular was the target. We could go out and either go for a walk, go to San Francisco, or, you know, just', cause we used to be good friends. Nobody ever questioned me after that day." LB sketch has a little bit longer hair with a part to the side PH has a very receding hairline. It is possible that Zodiac,waited for a suitably quiet day,at Berryessa,before going ahead,with his ''theatrical'' project. It seems possible that Hartnell and Shepard had sex before going out to Lake Berryessa. ASSAILANT: Yes. The crime took place on a small island that is connected to Twin Oak Ridge by a sand spit. A hair cut, or perhaps hair loss, plus the loss or gaining of weight, can all occur over a relatively short space of time. The latitude and longitude coordinates for the site are: To view directions on how to get there, you can use the Google Maps shortcut below: Zodiac IslandKnoxville RdNapaCaliforniaCA 94558United States. They were in a white Volkswagen Karman Ghia." About a half hour later, they witnessed the same man standing at the. April 2013 Molina/Rodriguez Murders Ross Sullivan Some, for instance, claim that the Zodiac was inspired by Nordic and Celtic mythology and symbolism. And Im not afraid to kill again. I can't stand to see her stabbed first." A Public Use Plan (PUP) was developed by the National Park Service in 1959 to guide Reclamation and the . 200/225 lbs. Here is the problem with the Lake Berryessa sketch. aw a white male adult, 5 10, heavy build. The characters do not behave like movie characters. On September 27th, 1969, the two university students were relaxing on the island and reminiscing about old times when they heard a rustling sound coming from a nearby tree. The location where Ennis Cosby was murdered. The killer then hiked 500 yards back up to Knoxville Road, drew the cross-circle symbol on Hartnell's car door with a black felt-tip pen, and wrote beneath it: "Vallejo/12-20-68/7-4-69/Sept 27696:30/by knife". I need some money to get there. Bryans account provided the only look at the Zodiac in action, and his storyremains a crucial tool inall efforts to understand the unsolved mystery. Many sketches were drawn up regarding the hunt for the Yorkshire Ripper. The killers interaction with Bryan and Cecelia demonstrated his ability to improvise and remain calm while deceiving the victims. Would you answer a question for me? Debut Of Zodiac Letter Below, you will find the address and the GPS coordinates for this location. Donna Lass Drawn on letters, the side of one of the victim's cars and on the. He would no doubt have found it a handy gimmick to impress his petty criminal cronies and make any potential lady friends go weak at the knees while he was busy rifling through their underwear drawer or handbag. At around 3:30 PM on September 27, 1969, three college girls parked their car in a lot about 2 miles north of the A&W Root beer stand on Knoxville Road at Lake Berryessa. The military had their area, the Italians had North Beach etc, Those sketches are not the original sketches, except for the first one. I am a sociology major and maybe I can even offer you more help than you think you need. [A]: (reaches for rope that he pulls from back pocket) Hartnell initially believed this event to be a bizarre robbery, but the man drew a knife and stabbed them both repeatedly, Hartnell suffering six and Shepard ten wounds in the process. Because Berryessa was a relatively new resevior, it took a few years to fill, I would think the signage was for the trees and shrubs that were just below the surface. Are they in my shirt, in the ignition, on the blanket Say! The smaller the sample of eyewitnesses the less reliable it is. November 2014 They are two miles north of park headquarters. (Hartnell was heavily sedated at the time). The Zodiac Killer is the pseudonym of an unidentified serial killer who operated in Northern California in the late 1960s. Some turn out to be sketches based on other people of course, but the subjectivity is always evident even when sketches have been composed that are based on the actual suspect. Cecelia Shepard died, but Bryan Hartnell survived. January 2021 There should be a lot of theoretical "weight" given to the time he arrives at the Napa payphone. When the savage attack was over, the stranger simply walked away and left his victims in agony. SEE: (pgs. * Photographs of the Phone Used By The Zodiac to Call The Napa Police Department, * Sketches of the Zodiac in costume and a man seen at the lake. BRYAN: Come on we could be out here for a long time and it could get cold at night. He tends to collect a lot of fluid during his less active periods. About a half hour later, they witnessed the same man standing at the edge of some trees, observing them from a distance of about 50 feet. The phone was found, still off the hook, minutes later at the Napa Car Wash on Main Street in Napa by KVON radio reporter Pat Stanley, only a few blocks from the sheriff's office, yet 27 miles (43 km) from the crime scene. Bryan and Cecelia stared at the man with a gun in his hand. Bryan described the costume and the crossed-circle symbol, and the message on the car door also included a crossed-circle. June 2016 Police traced the call but the man was gone. Rear window glass was tinted dark. This island becomes inaccessible between December and February when the level of the lake rises due to increased rainfall. Slaight asked the man to provide his location, but the voice only grew more distant as the caller replied, "I'm the one who did it." Bryan Hartnell 20 and Cecelia Ann Shepard 22 both Students were having a relaxing picnic at the shore of Lake Berryessa, 30 miles north of Napa when a man started to approach the young couple. Lake Berryessa Recreation Area is covered by the Lake Berryessa, CA US Topo Map quadrant Free US Topo Map PDF Order Waterproof Printed Topo Map Water Land Man-made. Zodiac Letters Poll Location: Lake Berryessa, Napa, CA ( Google map) Investigated by: Napa County Sheriff's Department Summary Timeline Facts Witness Descriptions Physical Evidence Sources Maps When the story of a couple's murder at a picnic ran on the front page instead of the Zodiac Killer case, it is possible that this crime became his "Now can I get the front page?" On Nov. 7, 1957, the Monticello Dam was completed. Cecelia and Bryan dismissed the man as harmless and did not notice as he donned a dark hood featuring the symbol of a white crossed-circle. detailed recessed temple line creating a "widows peak" Film shrinkage was measured in January 2023 at 0.45%. Lake Berryessa was created as part of the Solano Project with the completion of Monticello Dam in 1957. March 2018 C: (reaches for rope that he pulls from back pocket). They were approached by a man wearing a black executioner style hood and carrying a gun. Police identikit composite made based on the description of a suspect seen by the 3 college girls at Lake Berryessa. Of course all of this is sheer speculation. You can't drive all the way around Berryessa like most lakes. Halloween Card (upside down) They require a little bit of physical endurance as you are going up and down Hills, not straight along on a walking path. Park Headquarters '' given to the side PH has a little bit longer hair a... Black executioner style hood and carrying a gun in his hand south of hood! Debut of Zodiac Letter Below, you will find the exact island, you will find the exact island you. Crime scene been many members of the victim & # x27 ; s cars on... His chest evidence indicated that the Zodiac killer likely had previous knowledge of the Berryessa... 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