Drive about 17 miles north of Seattle on I-5 and you can catch the Edmonds ferry, which offers the shortest crossing and excellent access to the Olympic Peninsula. lazysizes - v5.1.2 */ With Asian cuisine and seafood available everywhere you turn, you may also want to check out Paseo for some delicious, authentic Cuban fare. Finally, the tours lingers at the Scandinavian-style town of Poulsbo in Kitapp County, known as Washington's Little Norway. Located on the Olympic Peninsula within Olympic National Park, the Lodge is owned by the National Park Service and operated by Aramark. Some of the trees that live here are over 1000 years old. It takes approximately 3h 20m to drive from Seattle, WA to Olympic National Park. This 12-hour excursion is incredibly comprehensive, making it one of the top choices for many. Terminals: The Seattle Terminal is at the Port of Seattle and the Bainbridge terminal is located at 270 Olympic Drive SE on Bainbridge Island, Times: Ferries run throughout the day in intervals of 40-60 minutes depending on the time of day. From Seattle, you have two choices to get to the Olympic Peninsula. The shortest route from the Seattle area to Olympic National Park requires taking a boat from Washington State Ferries. Your driver will take you and your group to some of the prettiest spots in the park, including scenic Hurricane Ridge and ancient Lake Crescent. From there, it takes about 90 minutes to reach the boundaries of Olympic National Park. Find all the transport options for your trip from Seattle to Olympic National Park right here. Find all the transport options for your trip from Seattle, WA to Olympic National Park right here. Traveling by Air Other unique hotels in the area include Hotel Max, which is infamous for strangely erotic artwork and a vibe to match. Despite raining for the better part of the year, these are almost always visible and sometimes even have snow! Several public bus lines run the entirety of Highway 101, making it easy to get around once you've made it to the Olympic Peninsula. Most people are guilty of planning their Seattle trip based on what they know, or think they know, about the city. Terminals: The Seattle Terminal is at the Port of Seattle and the Bremerton terminal is at 211 First Street, Bremerton, Times: There are fewer ferries to Bremerton than to Bainbridge Island. /* ]]> */ The Dungeness Bus line provides service from Seattle-Tacoma International Airport to Kingston, Edmonds, Discovery Bay, Sequim and Port Angeles. For an exact schedule, consult the Washington Ferries website. SThe ride there is also quite pretty most of it is freeway, but you can expect both sides to be lined with Evergreens (must be where the state gets its nickname, huh?). From there, it takes about 90 minutes to reach the boundaries of Olympic National Park. The social distance requirement in Olympic National Park is 2 metres. If you are from a non-North American country and wish to fly into the Vancouver International Airport, you will need your passport to land there and then your passport and ESTA authorization to drive across the US-Canadian border. The best way to get from Seattle to Olympic National Park without a car is to bus which takes 5h 31m and costs 25-110. If you are a Canadian citizen, you will need to have an enhanced drivers license or ID. Get access to more than 30 brands, premium video, exclusive content, events, mapping, and more. ",t);return false}if(l.exec(r)===null){c.logOther("Link Not Prefetchable: Different domain. The ferry is the faster, and more exciting route, but it does cost $28.60 per standard car, as well as $8.50 per person. Enjoy the scenery on the way to your first stop, which is really such an enjoyable experience. (x-B)/7+1:0)}))},H=function(){return o?k:performance.interactionCount||0},N=function(){"interactionCount"in performance||o||(o=d("event",R,{type:"event",buffered:!0,durationThreshold:0}))},O=0,_=function(){return H()-O},j=[],q={},V=function(e){var n=j[j.length-1],t=q[e.interactionId];if(t||j.length<10||e.duration>n.latency){if(t)t.entries.push(e),t.latency=Math.max(t.latency,e.duration);else{var r={id:e.interactionId,latency:e.duration,entries:[e]};q[]=r,j.push(r)}j.sort((function(e,n){return n.latency-e.latency})),j.splice(10).forEach((function(e){delete q[]}))}},z=function(e,n){n=n||{},L((function(){var t=[200,500];N();var r,i=s("INP"),o=function(e){e.forEach((function(e){(e.interactionId&&V(e),"first-input"===e.entryType)&&(!j.some((function(n){return n.entries.some((function(n){return e.duration===n.duration&&e.startTime===n.startTime}))}))&&V(e))}));var n,t=(n=Math.min(j.length-1,Math.floor(_()/50)),j[n]);t&&t.latency!==i.value&&(i.value=t.latency,i.entries=t.entries,r())},a=d("event",o,{durationThreshold:n.durationThreshold||40});r=l(e,i,t,n.reportAllChanges),a&&(a.observe({type:"first-input",buffered:!0}),p((function(){o(a.takeRecords()),i.value<0&&_()>0&&(i.value=0,i.entries=[]),r(!0)})),c((function(){j=[],O=H(),i=s("INP"),r=l(e,i,t,n.reportAllChanges)})))}))},G={},J=function(e,n){n=n||{},L((function(){var t,r=[2500,4e3],i=C(),o=s("LCP"),a=function(e){var n=e[e.length-1];if(n){var r=Math.max(n.startTime-f(),0);;r.value=Math.max(a-f(),0),r.entries=[o],i(!0),c((function(){r=s("TTFB",0),(i=l(e,r,t,n.reportAllChanges))(!0)}))}}))};return e.getCLS=w,e.getFCP=b,e.getFID=D,e.getINP=z,e.getLCP=J,e.getTTFB=Q,e.onCLS=w,e.onFCP=b,e.onFID=D,e.onINP=z,e.onLCP=J,e.onTTFB=Q,Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e}({}); The park was previously Camp Hayden, a World War II military camp built 1942-1945. Tourists have several options for boarding a bus to Olympic National Park, and several bus options upon making it to the Peninsula. You can reach Olympic National Park via the I-5 corridor or by any one of the quieter state roadways. Vehicle fares are only charged when traveling west. Here, youll see the impressive Madison Falls and the crystal-clear Crescent Lake. (o+=e.value,a.push(e)):(o=e.value,a=[e])}})),o>i.value&&(i.value=o,i.entries=a,t())},f=d("layout-shift",u);f&&(t=l(e,i,r,n.reportAllChanges),p((function(){u(f.takeRecords()),t(!0)})),c((function(){o=0,i=s("CLS",0),t=l(e,i,r,n.reportAllChanges),v((function(){return t()}))})),setTimeout(t,0))})))},S={passive:!0,capture:!0},P=new Date,I=function(e,i){n||(n=i,t=e,r=new Date,M(removeEventListener),A())},A=function(){if(t>=0&&t1e12?new;"pointerdown"==e.type?function(e,n){var t=function(){I(e,n),i()},r=function(){i()},i=function(){removeEventListener("pointerup",t,S),removeEventListener("pointercancel",r,S)};addEventListener("pointerup",t,S),addEventListener("pointercancel",r,S)}(n,e):I(n,e)}},M=function(e){["mousedown","keydown","touchstart","pointerdown"].forEach((function(n){return e(n,F,S)}))},D=function(e,r){r=r||{},L((function(){var o,a=[100,300],u=C(),f=s("FID"),v=function(e){e.startTime=0&&(a||r)&&((o=n.value-(i||0))||void 0===i)&&(i=n.value,,n.rating=function(e,n){return e>n[1]?"poor":e>n[0]? These medium and long distance intercity services operate at speeds of up to 240km/h, to more than 500 destinations. WebOverview. There are 33+ hotels available in Olympic National Park. Rome2rios travel guides to the US tell you the best ways to explore the country, from Amtrak to Greyhound to the New York Subway. Your driver will take you and your group to some of the prettiest spots in the park, including scenic Hurricane Ridge and ancient Lake Crescent. WebThe Washington State Ferries system has a number of routes which access the Olympic Peninsula via Puget Sound. Youre sure to enjoy the view, sound of the water ebbing and flowing, and your food! var cnArgs = {"ajaxUrl":"https:\/\/\/wp-admin\/admin-ajax.php","nonce":"ace4a256b7","hideEffect":"fade","position":"bottom","onScroll":"1","onScrollOffset":"100","onClick":"1","cookieName":"cookie_notice_accepted","cookieTime":"2592000","cookieTimeRejected":"2592000","globalCookie":"0","redirection":"0","cache":"1","refuse":"0","revokeCookies":"0","revokeCookiesOpt":"automatic","secure":"1"}; 1. If there are restaurants you know you will want to experience, the best bet is to call well ahead of your trip. Edmonds to Kingston Copyright 2023 PlanetWare Inc. All rights reserved. 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